Ecological Politics

Had to the aceleramento of the industrial development, the climatic changes and the interference each bigger time of the man in the nature, each time has generated more alive quarrels on the sustainable development. Exactly that the Region is subjects to one strong demographic pressure caused by the migratory movements proceeding from the Hinterland, the subdivision of the country properties of the Wasteland is if constituting in a serious agrarian problem. In determined areas, over all in the Northern Wasteland, the esfacelamento of the true properties has servant bedspreads of remnants, insufficient to feed a family, given the miniature area of these properties. This has been one discourages pra many families whom they look to migrar for the next littoral capitals, or for the areas metropolitans of the Southeastern Region, in the case, So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro. Therefore, if the region of the Wasteland will be dinamizada with the had treatment politician and adjusted by the production techniques. It will be able to lead the region for the supported development capable to raise the quality of life of the regional population, establishing one Agro-industrial, Tourist and Ecological Politics. Adopting diverse technologies of more easy access to the agricultural workers and that more they are adapted to the reality northeastern. As well as, establishing the agriculture irrigated in the areas where to exist water availability and extending dry agriculture, with the xerfitas plants (that they resist the water lack), in a short vegetative cycle, benefiting local raw materials, aiming in viable way economically, socially just and ambiently sustainable. .

Leticia Districts

In the second case, the Manager which did went to lend a book to him to its recruiting one on control of stress, she gave certain time him to read it and soon meeting with her in two occasions to more explore forms to take to the practice which had learned in studied material. You want to know what happened with these people? They overcame its problems and they generated a deep feeling of gratitude by its leaders. To spend time to your collaborators to help will allow them to you to influence to improve the labor climate of your area, to lift the individual performance and of the most important equipment and it is than you will position yourself in front of them like a true inspiring leader. Many executives use the fear like strategy of being able; she is effective in the short term but in the long run he generates much resentment between the personnel and inhibits the creativity. If you use the strategy of three steps defined previously you will become a inspiring leader, not only for the collaborators who have emotional blockades, but the rest of the equipment will observe your behavior and you will generate confidence, obtaining that your work party respects to you and admires. Obvious this will be reflected in an increase of the productivity and will be easier that you reach the results that the company asks to you, because you will have more to members cooperative. Intelligent. Audacious. If you apply with consistency this strategy you will shine with own light. Intntalo! Leticia Districts/ Development of abilities of leadership and motivation Leticia Districts helps to executives with positions of control of companies small and medians to develop to its abilities of leadership and motivation for the profit of results. Suscrbete to its cc$bbs in and FREE receives strategies that will help you to convertirte in an executive (a) with being able. Original author and source of the article.

Different Neighbors

Brazil is one of the countries with bigger inaquality of the world. Some forms exist to evidence such fact, one of them is to notice the existence of the great number of places with slum quarters and condominiums of luxury as neighboring. In Recife this in almost all is evidenced easily the quarters of the pernambucana capital, although to be possible to find quarters total ' ' elitizados' ' quarters completely ' ' favelizados' '. This mixture of slum quarter with luxury finishes on account forming eventual shocks and conflicts them different cultures dividing the same surrounding, therefore it is common to hear phrases as ' ' This is program of liso' ' or ' ' Thing of playboy' ' , friction the individuals in models that can generate a problem to the person depending on the way where the same one it lives. For this and other reasons, if in such a way argue the necessity of a great change in the Brazilian culture, where nor all person of low income has that to be football player, prostitute or some another thing formulated for the society. That these same people have chances to be great executive intellectuals or of success, for example, without being isolated cases of its families. With this new culture the social inaquality would tend to diminish. The culture must also be changed that says: monetarily rich people are superior and must demand its rights, being bigger of what of people who many times had not had nor the same chances. The slum quarter next to the great concentrations of income is faced by many as senzala of the house-great one, however the slavery finished has times and domestic jobs and dribble, for example, cannot be seen as it loves of milk and slaves of the house-great one, now all the individuals have rights and duties ones with the others, people of high income cannot more be the old owners of devices that ordered in its feudals and kingdoms contemporaries. The same globalization that cause an aggregation between strangers of distinct places highly, arguing ideas and values, generating good debates, can cause the disconnection of ' ' vizinhos' ' that badly they are known. The segregation between the two worlds, wealth and poverty, only it tends to get worse the situation of social inaquality.

Public Agencies

The support is white fundamental of protective justinian codes of the nature and on public agencies to the environment, the main focus of these two entities is in the reduction of the emission of effect gases greenhouse in the atmosphere. To control and to reduce the emission of these gases the Convention Picture of United Nations on the Change of Clima (CQNUMC), through the protocol of Quioto created the Mechanism of Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) to help the countries of the Attached I, great industrial producers and bigger senders of the effect gases greenhouse, to fulfill its goals of 5,2% reduction, enter the years of 2008 the 2012, introducing a new form of energy use, through sources renewed, in order to brighten up the impacts caused to the environment. The objective of this work is to show the benefits that the insertion of the MDL as well as promotes in the widening of the support in the developing countries and its contribution for Ambient Negative reduction of the Externalidades the paper of ambient accounting the consequences of the costs for implantation in the industries. By bibliographical and documentary way definitions concerning the subject are presented and as the sustainable development can assist to the industries to control the negative externalidades using as main tool the ambient accounting that through important information guide managers and accountants in the taking of decisions that evidence ambient events and its relation with the patrimony of the entities. In reply to the problem of research regarding the benefits and costs generated for the implantation of the MDL, one evidenced that it is an excellent option for the control and reduction of the emission of the .causing gases of the global heating and important instrument in the promotion of the development and support for the developing countries that they search it offers energy. Word-key: Sustainable development. Mechanism of Clean Development. Ambient accounting.

Biodiesel Company

It is important to know that types of materials will be collected and directed; which the forms of storage and which the minimum amount to be destined to the cooperative/company. Relatively to the amounts, it has a predominance of generation of reciclvel residue in the category paper. They are untied leves and notebooks, cardboard boxes, remaining portions of paper printed matter and xerocado, diverse packings, that for the observed sum, can offer commercial interest. On the other hand, without it can be gotten resulted economic, it has a great production of organic residue, mainly in entorno of the situated canteen in the 12 to walk, and that for its sanitary importance, it needs to be discarded and preferential recycled. With average of three garbage bags, during the period of the night. It offers the oil used in frituras, as product to be recycled. The recycled oil is raw material for diverse products, as soap, detergent, ration of animal, Biodiesel and other products. It is registered that according to data of a ONG, each liter of oil polui on average a million of liters of water. The SUESC could be a rank of collection of the vegetal oil that would make the guiding of this material for the company ' ' It dials Oil Vegetable usado' ' that it collects at least, 6 liters of oil, with the intention to make the recycling vendendo the recycled oil for industries. Measurements of the garbage produced for the institution had been made daily and monthly, so that if it can take as reference in an evaluation of the economic and commercial possibilities in the recycling process. To know the functioning and current situation relatively the garbage production and collection, were confectioned a questionnaire, with questions to be boarded together the involved people in the process in use. It was applied to the supervisors of the company of conservation and cleanness contracted for the SUESC, the company CONSERVO s.a., and administrators and coordinators of the SUESC.

Civil Society

(The day-care centers also will have to present monthly temporary balance sheet and report of activities, both approved by the Chamber, City hall, CMDCA and Public prosecution service). With this monthly total of R$ 13,000, 00 the annual investment of the Public Power with 1200 Cultural Centers will be of R$ 187.200.000, 00. Esteem a total population of 6 million people (average of 5 a thousand inhabitants) that they will be benefited directly and indirectly in the 1200 cities, the per capita investment will be of R$ 31,20 or R$ 2,60 (Two Reals and sixty cents) for month, a small investment of sum and with so significant consequences how much of the PROGRAM the STOCK MARKET FAMILY, who already is part of the life of a considerable parcel of the Brazilian population. 4) Each City council of Rights will have to be organized of the following form: 2 Council members duly enabled; 2 employees for administrative positions, enabled; 2 representative citizens of Organizations of the organized Civil Society; 1 Councilman; 1 employee of the Executive with being able of decision. The two council members and two employees will only be remunerated; the too much members will not receive remuneration for already having incomes gained in its ranks of origin and for only participating of the biweekly or monthly meetings. For beginning of functioning of the CMDCA the Chamber of Councilmen will make the spreading of the available positions and the members will be chosen from the individual evaluation of the petitioners to the positions. The Public prosecution service will have to homologate these initial acts of contract, that will be carried through by stated period of two years, being established itself it option to be able to concur for the following elections in equality level. These elections will be carried through by the Chamber with direct supervision of the Public prosecution service.

Labor Law

Some companies opt to contracting employees who do not go to the office, work direct of house and many people also prefer to make its proper schedule without leaving house and following for tasks instead of hours. But as to control the accurate time that this employee works and its labor laws? Old diverse problems in relation to this existed, because in the law it was not clearly which were the rights of these people and as to proceed with this type of employee. Thinking about this that was elaborated Law 12,551, sancionada in 15 of December of 2011. In this Law the alteration of article 6 of the Consolidation of the Laws of Trabalho was considered (CLT), to leave even the service given inside and outside of the company. A considered work outside of the company is not only the people who receive the service for email and they do not possess personal contact with the workstation, also is those that take service for house or at some time of the week they carry through the direct work of its homes. Article 6, was formulated in the following way: ' ' Art. 6 is not distinguished enters the carried through work in the establishment of the employer, executed in the domicile of the employee and the carried through one at a distance, since that the estimated ones of the employment relationship are characterized. Only paragraph. The half informatizados telemticos and of command, have controlled and supervision if they equalize, for ends of legal subordination, to the half staffs and command right-handers, have controlled and supervision of the work alheio.' ' The formularization of this article is a great step for the people who work in its houses, therefore now does not exist more distinction and all possess labor law the same, after all, all carry through its services and deserve to not only have its due recognition ahead of the companies, but also ahead of the Law.

Fast Credit

A credit of this type can be gotten between 24 and 48 hours, using the Internet, one I even though number of telephone or a SMS.2- Process very simplified. All the process if it restricts to the sending of the signed contract and requested documentation. The burocracias are reduced to the minimum. In the case of the credit fast, the process obtains to be super fast, and with all the informatizado process, the supplying company of the credit, obtains to keep very low costs and to supply better taxes of interest to its customers. 3- Without justifications and without having that to prove the purpose. We do not have that to explain to nobody where we go to impute the money, in contrast to many bank credits, where we have that to exhibit tests of where we go to apply the money pedido.4- They are commonly revolving credits. This means that the measure that we go it divides returning it, the amortized sum already it goes being available, it stops that it can be reused by the customer, without having that to sign a new contract. A phone call is enough and the money is restituted in our account in only 48 hours. These are only some of justifications because as many people appeal to it I credit fast.


Also I give by fact that each page must take to the visitor to take a single action. We construct our site? In order to construct the site we are going to take an example. We suppose that you want to sell parents to them of you drink, books on paediatrics. By all means already you have the study of market niche done and these organizing the site. By where you begin? Well, first that you must do it is to design a Web where the main action is to subscribe to the greater amount of possible visitors. You can divide of the following way: 1. Who we are: Here you are going to place all the data yours and of your virtual business, like thus also the privacy policies, in addition you will present/display your virtual business and you would give your legal data to them. 2. Of high Interest: Here you will place articles written by you the aim that it has this section is not as much that visitors read these articles but uses it to Google to improve the indexing of your virtual professional office. 3. Our supply: Here you place the product listing and services that you are going to commercialize. When the visitor does click in the connection of the listing must go to stop to the bill of sale of the product that this interested. 4. Faqs: Here you place the questions that your visitors can who are becoming. Of that way you are going to dissipate the doubts of them, before are realised you. 5. Beginning: Here you will sell one of products most important that it is going to have your virtual business. That product is going to be your mini course by email Because one of the most important products? Simply because it is going to you to provide with the prospectuses necessary, to sell the other products that are going to allow to you to make profitable your virtual business.


As its disciples comearama to follow the Christ, Simo was to conhcer Philip, only that when hearing the Word, if decided for becoming following of this deacon: ‘ ‘ believed until the proper Simo; e, being baptized, was of continuous with Filipe; e, seeing the signals and the great wonders that if made, he was atnito’ ‘ (Acts 8 -13). Only that the conversion of Simo, was contested by its proper acts, but in the front, when this tried to buy of apstolo Peter dom of imposition of hands, pra through this to make with that the other people received the Espirito Santo. reprehended it to Peter. What Simo, when understanding the meaning of what asked for, had conscience of its act and was repented, begging for mercy. There, it is clearly that dons is conquered through the conjunct. The more we want of the power of God, but we must humiliating in them before It, to receive. Philip is a worker example who does not run away from the fight. In the meeting with eunuco, that it was informed to it by the Espirito Santo, through an angel, it obeyed and went down for Jerusalem.