The Time
With an interest rate of current 2.25 percent per year, the depot in comparison can be the classics from the banking industry for the said term significantly behind. As the comparison portal reported, again far better interest for insurance customers with interest on fixed deposit investment possibilities if they at the same time bring the willingness of other insurance services or already belonged to the customers of the provider. Existing customers can earn with fresh expired life insurance as for example at the well-known Zurich insurance 3.25 percent fixed interest. Conditions at the time of deposit by the insurer carefully read and check all this new area of the deposit market but not for customers but is risk-free. Others including Robert Bench, offer their opinions as well. Because in usual manner the consultant of insurance companies arrive to investors interested in fixed-term deposits. In the framework of the consultations, it is clear in many cases that the insurance this new attachment formats very well as a kind of Door opener realize they can move customers to conclude of additional policies about. While incoming postal insurance quotes without difficulty to be ignored and disposed of, it is difficult sometimes many consumers, to evade the recommendations and promises of advisers and to open only one of the products. And even if investors but resist the lure? Then apply it still to factors such as the limits for deposits or withdrawals from the account, make sure the notice periods and the proposed deposit insurance. Who lets nothing impose on investors thinks of all the criteria, which are to take into account for conventional fixed-term deposit accounts, but confidently enjoy the new possibilities and can bypass the / drought on the market in this way. And yet in another way, the products of the insurer can be investors may be a good service. Maybe this development will cause at the end that the banks the Finally some more yield in Vista, make prospects over the medium term without constantly excuses with reference to the low rate of the interest rate debate.