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1. Selling to pay 'in stock after receiving the seller' At this time, there has been an interesting trend in the market, lumber buyers are afraid to advance, and manufacturers do not want to cut any money. This happens on a number of reasons. Buyers often bitter experience, or after reading horror stories about unscrupulous sellers on the Internet, do not want to risk money, and manufacturers are also on their own experience know the volatility buyers do not take risks. Often I hear from potential buyers of the issue, their parties reasonable – than the risk of the seller?. After all, if the contract is registered under the principle of "commodity-money" at the time of shipment the seller at the station, then even if for some reason they do not take away the goods, it's all the same remains with the seller. I agree, the goods from the seller. And who thinks his loss? After all, so to saw a board, you must first purchase a timber, deliver it to the sawmill, sawing, sort, pack, etc. Output from roundwood edging board is not more than 40%, so to saw-cut cubes of 75 boards (wagon) should buy and bring 180 cubic meters of roundwood. This is a fairly serious money. Further, the salary is usually paid to workers in sawmill obemu entering the forest, ie transaction. Again, the buyer did not buy boards from the seller, and paid for roundwood, the workers paid, electricity payment, etc. To do that we must quickly realize not purchased lumber.