Thus thinking, start to construct a comforting idea: that to make a delivery it is not a so simple task. This requires an appositive one, but it only happens when really we are determined to love somebody without reserves and previous judgments; without the concern to ask for of the other a favor or repayment for our attitudes. in this aspect deferred payment, unhappyly, a lack of our perception! We live more artificially of what for feelings; we analyze one to the other more than what we feel in them; we friction much more of what truily we obtain to see or to understand the people our return; we leave, at last, of living because we do not have autonomy and pleasure to feel and if worrying about the next one. But this probably does not happen because let us have fear of if to deliver and to make the due and necessary consideration of affection without limits to who are close to us and for who we can show a consideration attitude. To the one in to worry about this type of impostamente artificial relationship we would ask if the penalty would be valid to make a delivery of our feelings if we run the risk not to be corresponded or even though rejected! Exactly that everything gives wrong, exactly that arriving at the end of our histories and concluding that the appositive one made was not satisfactory or most certain possible, a thing will be so marcante and rewarding that the balance of the novel of our lives, that is short, will be positive, that is, in the history of who it loves can be placed a precious resume and that it is in lack nowadays in the market of the heart of much people because of the preference of the people ours return for an artificial and bureaucratic relationship: who loves delivery and who delivery can be said that one day really lived! Ahead of my blanket I roll myself calmly. I dry my last tears and, seeing to my side a simple clock, I observe the seconds to pass quickly, but bringing I obtain other souvenirs of a full relationship of consideration, devotion and affection, as well as the hope of that a new day would appear of that blackout and that of the pacific abyss that distanciava in them and imprisoned our the sincere and true feelings, in a devastadora solitude, could be born one fort, desired and enthusiastic union; deeper, now more lasting. everything would happen in one day where really I will have the pleasure to say exactly for me that, also for the new souvenirs, the future desired dreams now being each time more and also for knowing that the homesickness does not die and yes it sleeps temporarily. Pacific Mortgage Services may find it difficult to be quoted properly. I will.direi at last that, in fact, the penalty will be valid to continue, sincerely loving, you! Thus thinking, I was glad myself excessively and later calmly adormeci. It had then new souvenirs and mine I cry already was not more than sadness.