In that day one very ventosoprava of insistent form against the gigantic pines, that seerguiam valley the rejection, trying half that to observe what it happened to its redor. For all the valley, a calmness could be observed muitoestranha and for times appalling, in that day no bird sang, the sun seretirou and the moon more early nor if it atreveu to shine. The owl ran for seuninho, the eagle if removed of mansinho and the sea decided to be been silent. in the way of as much silence had a house, with bemcampeira style, half-opened window and a man of knees glue to the soil and the facebanhada one in tear. It did not produce sound, was only with the glue face aosolo, as somebody that gives a reverence, or that it asks for to pardon with grandeinsistncia and fervor. He was immovable for hours and hours, later, vagarosamente he selevantou, I obtain nothing led, only if after walking. walked for hours and hours, until finally cliff arrived umimenso. In this instant, it kneel itself again, its face in solonovamente glue, as one somebody that does not want, but very needs to make something. He raised if, it looked at everything to its redor with air of who if it fires, with air deadeus. It came back again if toward itself and it started if to undress in a geste where it selivrava all of its sin. For a few seconds it reflected above all what it passes in the world, it hesitated per some instants, it took breath and it jumped. while it jumped felt the wind to touch its body all, it not if it felt deceased, in contrast felt each more alive time. For poucosinstantes it felt that it could fly and it saw butterflies to bailar of its side. Equase that acting for instinct freed a great shout, the sun that was ocultosaiu per one minute, and with pretty rays it greeted to it. It also came rain, with its muddy fisionomia, to perhaps paraproporcionar the melancholy that lacked and it falls each faster time, as sefosse a bird that finishes to lose the wings. It had a great noise when its body if shocked against osolo. The boom also had much silence after that if gave. It still had force to open its eyes and to sketch umrascunho of smile. For the entire world that man died, but in its coraofoi the only instant in that living creature was felt