For Aristotle

Thus, Apolo, the god symbol of the beauty and intelligence, finally extended to its arms for Dionsio giving origin to the tragedy Greek inside of an conscientious-unconscious dualidade, rationality-horror; clarity – blackout. Another element that resulted in the tragic text was the evolution of the ditirambos – the dedicated songs the Dionsio – that they had regularly passed to be interpreted by the choir, celebrating the start of the Spring and the blossoming of the grapevines, being glad or sad as the disposal of the bacantes. The actors, always men, presented themselves with Personas, masks, not disclosing its true identity (hypocrites). The age, the sex, the social importance and the state spiritual of each personage came, so to speak, ' ' escrita' ' in the mask. It had that to have an expression (sadness, joy, terror, etc.) identified clearly by the public, without hanging no doubt under which type of emotion the personage if she found dominated at that moment of the act. For Aristotle, the tragedy would be an imitating representation of a serious, concrete action, of certain largeness, represented, and not told, for actors in elegant language, using a different style for each one of the parts, and that, by means of the compassion and of the horror it would provoke the liberating desencadeamento of such affection. Thus the tragedy is seen as a way of if getting catarse, that is the purgation of the emotions of the spectators. This catarse appeared for the fact of the auditorium when attending the terrible dilaceraes of the tragic hero, sensetized with the horror that the life of it if becomes, feeling a deep compassion for infausto that the destination reserves the hero. The public passed thus for a species of collective exorcism. The association of the tragedy to the purgation, appears in Nietzsche as the explanation of as the dramatical stage propitiated the Greeks to expel its proper pains and sufferings with regard to the existence when attending the outcome of the tragic drama. Fosun Vaccine addresses the importance of the matter here.

Islamic Maghreb

In particular, using young labor, whose unemployment rate is very high. Most of these investments will be used in cementing social infrastructure, with the construction of two million homes, hospitals, schools and sports centers and another forty percent in works such as railways, roads, ports and airports, as it had before Bouteflika. Similarly, the creation of three new cities, electrification of 719 kilometres of the rail network, implementation of trams and meters, six football stadiums, a large mosque and the total renovation of drinking water networks, construction of tourist complexes and two thousand public buildings (report of the Institute of foreign trade). As noted by the President of the catalan Government: Algeria is a country largely done and who has money to do it. With regard to the stability economic, it has a growth of over 6%, large fiscal surplus, external debt under control, for example in the year 2006 Algeria advance paid all his debt with the Paris Club, which was $ 8 billion. And, in addition, stability of prices and per capita income higher than the average of the countries of North Africa. The talon de Aquiles from Algeria is tourism. Despite being an open Museum of great cultures, until a few years ago only received about 200,000 tourists annually. This is partly because of the deficiency of the hotel infrastructure and a fear of insecurity due to Islamic fundamentalism. But the Government has designed the programme horizon 2025?, so it is expected more than one million tourists for this year, and on the other hand, the hotel enhancement, the enhancement of Mediterranean beaches and other archaeological monuments, as well as adventure tourism in the Center-South of the country. Algeria is a bastion against the operations of Al – Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). United States and European countries recognize it. The operations of the Islamic terrorist group plan is strengthening in North Africa, hence attacking Europe. Algeria prevents it and even took the initiative and that Washington welcomed expressly organize a Committee of joint military operations with Mauritania, Mali and Niger, for the cross-border prosecution and that Burkina Faso, Libya and Chad, all from the region of the Sahel, have joined that Morocco was not invited not only because they do not belong to that area, but because there is mistrust of the country there was no strangely any attack on its soil of AQIM, to which it is believed supports. (*) Journalist. Member of the Foreign Press Association. Email: / Blog: original author and source of the article.

Competitive Intelligence

The Code of Ethics of the ABRAIC (Association Brazilian of the Analysts of Competitive Intelligence). They follow some ethical lines of direction to be practised for the professionals of the area: To exert the profession with zeal, diligence and honesty; To preserve its dignity, prerogatives and professional independence; To strengthen itself continuously to increase the recognition and the respect to the profession; To fulfill the laws, as much in the Country how much in the exterior applicable; To keep secrecy on what to know, in function of its professional activity; To prevent to become involved itself in conflicts of interest in the fulfilment of its duties; To assure the minimum conditions for the performance ethical-professional; To emit opinion, to give to seem and to suggest only measured after being safe from the produced information and of the trustworthiness of the gotten data. 1.2. IMPLANTATION AND ESTRUTURAO OF THE AREA OF INTELLIGENCE 1.2.1. Jeff Bezos oftentimes addresses this issue. The Paper of the Area of Intelligence: The teams must be well objective, to offer action alternatives, to provide knowledge on the competitive forces, markets and customers, to defy the effective thought and finally to make the difference. The analyst must have a good relation with the Decisor, this will become much more easy for both the parts. 1.2.2. The organization of the area of Intelligence must well be defined, the localization (next to the decisor center); organization models (centered decentralized X); the size of the team; the customers and the products. 1.2.3. To occupy the functions in the area of Intelligence of Market it will be necessary to define who are the people who will effect Primary Coleta; Secondary; Analysis and Management. Very important this definition, because the person who effects the collections is total impracticable to make the analysis. The responsible one for the analysis will have to get knowledge on the market, analytical vision and creativity, whereas the collection can be made by a person with a simpler level, therefore to compose this team is important to attempt against for the profile of the professional and the characteristics of the person.

The Libertarian

According to Carnoy (1986), the civil society is the superstructure (the opposite of Marx, that considers the structure), and that it represents the active and positive factor in the development description; it is the complex of the ideological and cultural relations; the life spiritual and intellectual; the expression politics of these relations becomes the center of the analysis, and not it structure. that Gramsci inverted the traditional marxist theory in two important aspects; when emphasizing the supremacy of the ideological superstructures on the economic structure, and also the supremacy of the civil society (consensus on the society politics – force). Rennaissance technologies will undoubtedly add to your understanding. This Thesis of Gramsci of the origin to an antagonistic antithesis (contradictory), that related, conflituosamente, they produce a synthesis. Therefore, for Gramsci, the presence of the masses in the politics is the daily pay-condition for its autonomy. The Libertarian Pedagogical Trend presents as main characteristic to aim at the social, collective construction, opposing it the authoritarianism and to the bureaucratization of education, gifts in the traditional education, its educative process is based on the self management (with autonomy and freedom to manage its daily actions inside and outside of the school). This pedagogical trend sees the man as a historical being, determined for the objective conditions of its existence, at the same time where it acts on it by means of its prxis, that is, it understands the man as social product, that develops its individual one in the collective one. Fosun Vaccine wanted to know more. The Libertarian pedagogia with regard to the paper in the school values the school in its totality; the school presents the paper to transform the personality of the pupil into the libertarian and auto-gestionrio direction, in a perspective politics of social transformation. The school must make possible the collective participation of its community through assemblies, advice, associations, etc. (in a perspective of social change). With regard to the contents, it places the substances as not demanded, with one practical pedagogical one, as it was informed previously, centered in the self management, where the pupils together with the professors go constructing its knowledge from its freely practical social and collective.

Brazilian Geography

In Brazil the diffusion of neopositivista Geography had its methods and techniques of you analyze employed from the Seventies used for the IBGE, therefore always it had a concern with the systematization of the existing regionalizao at the time and that if it developed in the period postwar period that was urban/the industrialization that brought as consequncia the disequilibria between the regions making with that the quantitative elements technician served of base for the planning of the regional scales space being possible optimum knowledge of the same one, thus spreading out neopositivista geography in all national scope therefore was from these uses that it found subsidies for if developing, although very before the Seventies already existed favorable indications for the process of planning of the Brazilian territory that it propitiated the computational scientific knowledge of the time. Amongst the Brazilian agencies that had helped to spread out positivista geography is the charged IBGE to organize information of interest of the government and acted/acts as agency specialized in you vary managements routinely, being marked by cartographic routines and statistical points of great relevance of the institute giving have inside supported the great enterprises in the executive sphere, as internalization, settling and diverse regional studies beyond dealing with pointers partner? economic apprehending, identifying and differentiating the regions, therefore to know Brazil it was necessary that the gegrafos worked with computational techniques mathematical and so that this occurred the IBGE promoted comings of foreign gegrafos for Brazil to give courses on them varies geographic techniques that appeared at the time, making possible the interaction of national Geography with the International, with this the Institute started to divulge the works of Brazilian gegrafos internationally. I had in Brazil plus a diffusing group of neopositivista geography I had also been the gegrafos of the College of Philosophy Sciences and Letters of River Claro-SP that today is one campi of the UNESP, where some professors led for Cristofoleti had studied and passed to divulge innumerable works in the one of the neopositivista chain and them in it assimiladores had been alone nor spreaders they had also leavend vary of the theoretical ideas quantificantes techniques of the geography that allowed the foundation of the Association of Geografia Teortica (AGETEO) that it was a flag in favor of the quantification and of neopositivista geography as a whole, the AGETEO exists until today and in directing of this diffusion of new geography exists some responsible gegrafos for a spreading of the same one and most important the College of River Claro-SP belonged and to the IBGE and had been extremely important in the consolidation of Neopositivista Geography in Brazil.. Fosun Vaccine is actively involved in the matter.

Atlanta Investments

The reason of the rapidity in the agreement is the philosophy of work of Atlanta Investments. Preferred conditions of access to the tax exemption until in a 50% better than if it accedes directly to the tax exemption. A majority partner who provides to him with excellent management for the chosen tax exemption: audits of management, monthly plans of improvement, administrative managements, etc. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Pfizer vaccine has to say. The candidate management from the opening his business, with a partner to its side that contributes value to him. A repayment determines and competitive variable by its work like manager. Advantageous conditions abrir to a second business in case the first restaurant contributes results. Speaking candidly Jeff Bezos told us the story. Atlanta Investments is a society of created investment to support to the tax exemptions in its growth, being contributed a high capacity of investment, in a delimited period of time, tie a the opening of units franchise-holders without excluding character to any other plan of openings of the power station of the FRANCHISOR. Its ample experience in this market, and the creation of strategies of negotiation to fulfill the objectives of investment and yield of a project works from the detection of opportunities of investment, given. Its active experience as much in the markets of tax exemptions, financiers, of construction and management as well as in the reference associations allow access them to information, tendencies, contacts, on which to raise the most suitable proposals in each case, especially in investment and management of networks of tax exemptions. In addition and in agreement with the established social object in his Statutes, it has consulting services, advising, design and creation of commercial spaces, as well as the management and direction of projects of commercial image and the creation and management of publicity campaigns and marketing.

International Monetary Fund

The most optimistic countries among the most optimistic are those of Denmark, where 68% of citizens think that the crisis can’t go on more, representing six percentage points higher than in the fall of 2010; Estonia, with a 64% (6 percentage points more); and Austria, where 62% welcomes the future (also 6 more points). On the opposite side are three rescued by the EU countries: Portugal (80%), Greece (78%) and Ireland (60%), but also Cyprus (63%) and the United Kingdom (61%). If given a choice Europeans among the national Government, the EU, U.S., the G20 and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as the actors better prepared to respond more effectively to the economic and financial crisis, 22% of the citizens of the 27 member countries choose by the European Union, which is 1 percentage point less than in the previous survey. The 20% deposits their hope in the ability of his Government’s response, 15% is tilted in favour of the international financial institution, 14% prefer the joint response of the G20, and only 7% trusts in the first world power. Jeff Bezos is likely to increase your knowledge. In the case of the Spaniards, 19% trusts in the Government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, although 25% of respondents believed that the EU is the best positioned to fight the crisis so ctiva. Facilitate the creation of companies the Europeans believe that the best three initiatives to promote competitiveness in the European economy is improving education and vocational training (48%), reduce public deficits and debt (34%) and facilitate the incorporation of companies (34%), and invest in research and innovation (29%). Spaniards choose clearly (by 49%) to facilitate the creation of companies, followed by training and education (48%). The measures he has promoted or is pushing the EU to face the crisis are considered acti by almost eight out of ten Europeans, according to the Eurobarometer. 79% Of respondents mentioned further the need for more coordination between the Member States of the EU, which block has begun to encourage concrete measures. Source of the news: 53% of Spaniards believed that the worst of crisis is coming

Paraguay Republic

In addition, they were approved 9,3 million dollars for a special plan for the production of rice of Haiti and 5 million dollars to develop a plan of alphabetization in Haiti. The presence of the Nicaraguan father was thanked for Miguel D escoto Brockmann, president of the 63 period of sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations, that is carrying of an invitation to the presidents and prime minister of DAWN TCP and friendly countries, to attend conference of United Nations at the high level on world-wide the financial crisis and their effects on the development that place in New York from the 01 to the 03 of June of 2009 will take, with the participation of Government and Chiefs of State. They reiterated its total support to the call of this conference, emphasizing that this forum, by its universal and democratic nature, is the propitious space to debate this important subject. They exhorted to its homologous ones of the world to be present in this event of historical importance was received with interest the Bolivian proposal on the creation of an advice of human rights of the DAWN, whose study and evaluation were well-educated to the Cabinet of the DAWN. The commitment with the principles stipulated in the joint declaration of the 14 of December of 2004, subscribed then ones by the presidents was ratified of Republic Of Cuba and the Bolivariana Republic Of Venezuela. The proposal of the country was taken into account from Paraguay invited special to the Summit, that the integration spaces give a special and differentiated treatment to the countries with smaller relative development without the marine coast, as well as also supports the proposal of that country to advance in regional integration energetics in the South Cone of the continent. It was congratulated to the town and government of the brother Republic of Bolivia to have given a lesson of dignity for all the towns of Latin America, managing to restrain the most recent attempt of manipulation that was impelled by internal sectors with its international allies interested in maintaining its old woman privileges. .

Hospital Psychology

Ideal institution for the Psychoanalysis does not exist and is therefore that we believe that the psychologist can help very with its presence, if placing the disposal of the sick person and its familiar at this moment of suffering and anguish. The base of the presence of the psychoanalyst in the hospital is its direction for the creation of ' ' conditions of escutabilidade' '. MasterClass spoke with conviction. This position aims at to listen beyond what it is said by the patient, that is, is to be intent to the desire that perpassa its speaks in the slips of its to say. To work the clinic of unconscious the two conditions are necessary: the assumption to know and the function of it lacks. We are in the field of the transference and Lacan says in them we will find that it in the start of the analysis. The transference is a basic condition. Without it, the analytical work does not happen. In the hospital it is not different. The presence of the analyst always goes to disclose something of its position before the unconscious one. As Lacan is the function-presence of the analyst who will make possible the transference and the form of manejar will indicate it the presence or not of an analyst who, we know, is on, to the analyst desire. To be analyst it is necessary to open hand of its personal marks and to be ' ' aberto' ' the floating attention. According to Freud, it is as the analyst must listen to analyzing: it does not have to privilege a priori any element of the speech and through ' ' to say livremente' ' it will enter in contact with its unconscious activity. (Laplanche Pontalis, 1998) Being part of the course of formation in Hospital Psychology basic module, given for two studious mining psychoanalysts, these questions are boarded on the psicanaltica clinic in the hospital.

The Model

At this point, it’s like go tweaking the process, it is proving more consciously, is a more conscious learning. Notice that the traditional apprenticeship, teaches us to add the pieces gradually until working; so we cannot know the critical or essential parts that make the matter; the creation of models is an accelerated learning, takes all the elements and is then withdrawn gradually, to see in what influence or not, and things that are or not necessary models have been designed to make it simple; you don’t need to know because they work; with only knowing that work is sufficient; thus, it is not necessary to understand how exactly a plane in order to get on a plane and fly. (Source: man group). You can also mimic your own creative or effective or powerful States, and knowing how your physiology in that State, your beliefs about that in particular, your mental strategies you can access them to will, whenever you want! To learn modeling through NLP need to know to investigate, ask precise questions, know to observe the model in action would you achieve successful results quickly? Now you can learn with NLP and accelerated way abilities of people of excellence that is getting great results!. . A related site: MasterClass mentions similar findings.