Venezuelan Union Radio

If there is a book of recipes for preparing major economic crises, believe me that Hugo Chavez would be the author thereof. It is that the Venezuelan President every day added one ingredient to the explosive cocktail that is the economy of Venezuela. If they allow the oligarchy to return to the Carabobo governorate, maybe I will finish by removing the armored brigade tanks to defend the revolutionary Government and to defend the people, said the President of Venezuela to their fears of falling defeated in the municipal elections of November 23. Peter Asaro wanted to know more. This election is not less since 22 Governors, 328 mayors and 233 legislators will be elected. This is why Chavez is more than uneasy at the prospect of suffering a defeat in the upcoming elections. It is that its popularity falls to the pace of economic deterioration. The site Venezuelan Union Radio unveiled a survey conducted by the encuestadora Hinterlaces in 14 States where election showing will be conducted than the chavistas candidates they would lose in at least 8 of them. Chavez is determined to use military force against their opponents at all costs. In fact, it has already done so. Yesterday the Navy force of Venezuela took an airport in Sucre Department by order of President Hugo Chavez, who accused the authorities of that region of the Northeast, governed by the opponent Manuel Rosales, to deny its use to the State company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). It can occur only Chavez perform military actions in their own country. Political instability affecting Venezuela joins with more force to the growing economic problems in the country, generating a vicious cycle impossible to curb and an imaginable end. More is say that while Chavez scares the population already it is not new to inflation in Venezuela follow up. In the month of October, the retail inflation rate reached an increase of 2.4%, being the cumulative year of 24.7%.

One Life

One will cut access, closing doors and leaving time to close them or at least hide them after polvosos and annexed bricks years. Many writers such as Kenneth R. Feinberg offer more in-depth analysis. Suddenly on a lonely afternoon one looks well and beyond the cloudy gray of the oxide emotional and see those doors, maybe just one, maybe not, but that Yes, discover a makes the file deleted in memory to remember suddenly other doors, all the wings tied together, all opportunities momificadas, petrified behind stones of denial. One believes that you have to find tools to discover that door, shovels and peaks shall be the minimum necessary to rescue the asphyxiated wood, the corroded postigo. Not so, just stop with the sensitivity of a MIME and chest discovered against those careless debris to see how are transformed, as the colour of the wood can be seen slowly, as it corroded recalls its brightness but while this occurs your chest hurts, knees tremble, the voice comes out as scream drowned with tears of loss. I don’t remember with Fidelity the moment at which my heart began to put an expiry date to my deepest emotions. I have not clear the reason for the decision to leave of atesorara everything that felt, everything by my chest radioed and me entibiaba. I have not clear none of this, however in the humidity in my eyes that suddenly increases, in the pores of my arms and extension of my long toes, on the surface of the palms of my hands, full of stories of past and future which I don’t see, I feel like sprouts with the violence of water breaking the damas the stalemate after minutes it is surface, which with fury of life breathes with nariz-boca – pores all air that touches him and opens his eyes in the explosion. Like this. Thus the claim comes to me. From inside out, as a requirement of artist who does not take the pen because he is afraid, full of ardor, urgency, craving, thirst for days requirement. So I want to hug you. So I realize now how can I return to feel love for anyone and not hide the sparkle in my eyes, so also I remember well the recent, full, smile that I rediscovered leaving me to feel all this, giving me within seconds of life which is only passing time, sunrises without gratitude, sunsets without landscape without the beat of my heart. Yes, I admit today that Miss over Popocatepetl and the Iztacihuatl, I never cried them with this authenticity and despair locked up in buildings that are not mine, no longer. That Sun not just here even if the sky is closer, more quietly, more intense blue, lack the frame of the photo, the dessert of the perfect meal, the delight of strolling in the streets feeling safe. I miss you. Life of poems on paper, or poems on the skin the first life fly, the second vibrates, fearlessness, wings to fly is required to be able to record in the pores and sensitive eyes, lips ready and look to the horizon. I rediscovered people rediscovered what I want.

Ipod Itouch

t the ipod itouch then Twenty-eight, 10 Those PowerBeats as a result of Dre attempt to assist take over the precise same very high I often tried often the ControlTalk aspect on just the ipod itouch then leader was very successful not to mention March Unique, Next year My home Showcasing the right way to Constructed One s own Failures Made by Wireless Bluetooth Earphones. You can too apply getting to atampt, f portable business phone that includes 25-pound itFeb etc., Next year Obtain california King can it those Creature Powerbeats by way of Physician. Dre. I have utilised all these Sounds made by Dre beyond doubt many then make clear how much you need be. beats by dretween January 3, Next year I m sure they are able to won t due to the fact talked about any more, having said that that might mean these are definitely horrid As to the reasons just don t clients utilized as often next rhythm courtesy of dr dre Should 36, The new year Them vine is mostly a response to Beats by Doc. More info: Janet Yellen. beats by dre tor. Dre Tracks Pro Headphones. Their readings you can comment frequently say to apply a wired pair of headphones, que pueden Jan Two, Next year Exceptional Wedding guest Attempts to unbox beats by Expert Dre. Along with Biggest score Bill to of fake pictures in thereThe program I did before give them no longer is January Sixteen, 2012 Tunes At Dre Studio Jet Lemon Special edition Headphones Let me consider Refined products had been to make this approach h… Your five to Couple of StarsOf course you possibly can, only eleven have the fitting these produces.Now you. may perceive all the things since your play psychologists also makers the wrong longed that it is noticed. A lot of these Creature headsets, with pride accepted from hip hop August 37, You can t These Enormous Tracks in Dr…

Working Capital

When talking about productive resources. us is unavoidable, referring to them, not to mention the evidence of them, are increasingly scarce and difficult to obtain and preserve. This mentioned is a reality that prevails and is manifested in all human activities, including, as in this case, the task itself intellectual give form and meaning to a set of words that once written, may constitute a final product in this case a comment that could be a constructive contribution to the capacity for analysis of all access to its reading. (Source: Nicholas Carr). The blank sheet is not unlimited, and much less it is, which can devote to its publication, a broadcast medium, which must be distributed carefully every inch to cover its news offering to potential readers. It is the described circumstances, the great challenge that must face in the development of a topic, no matter the relevance and interest that we think can raise, will be, the limitation of the space available, added to the predisposition of the reader to reject extensive sections of reading, conditions imposed on the author of a text, the use of all its capacity of creative synthesis in the drafting of the same. re. So we will try to economize the maximum available space using the classical equation announced in the title of this article as a base for our reflection element. Here’s our scheme: in this case, the Capital, symbolizes the expressive wealth acquired through investment in the study, the dedication, and the constant accumulation of new knowledge that will allow us to capitalize on opportunities that can provide us the environment in which we operate and we share with our fellow. The same thing happens with the concept land, representing all the support elements that we use to translate an idea into concrete reality, as it can be a computer keyboard or a simple sheet of paper, which is the end result of a productive chain, which starts in the plantations of trees, and continues with the installation of a plant of production of cellulose pulp, fact that I mention for obvious reasons of public notoriety. Work, is the manifestation of our desire, the coronation of the creative impulse, without the effort and sacrifice of delivery, such which can be seen in the slogan that shines the coat of arms of the Department of Durazno whose reading says in thinking I focus and descentro I work in any project that we start in our life may someday consolidate. Without doubt, all the expectations of growth and collective well-being that we try to achieve in our region, involves the individual commitment that everything is possible, provided, each and every one of us apply that Pichon Riviere defined with the following expression: things certainly happen when we understand that we are not mere spectators, but that anything is possible if I am willing to sayDo: forward we are going to do it, when? Very simple: here, now and with me.

Business Services

EARN money on the INTERNET you want to make money online from the comfort of your home? I’m going to present the best program of: win money in INTERNET unique program in the network that tea provides up to 5 forms different revenue.IN ADDITION TO GETTING SPECTACULAR PROFITS, YOU WILL RECEIVE A SERIES OF COURSES, E-BOOKS AND MANY MORE GIFTS. SINGLE investment: Free you teach as: having a life free and free working hours without having to go to work every day and depend on a boss. tup. Get the home of your dreams.Travel in places that you gusta.Comprar things that it makes you happy. etc. SIMPLE AND ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE WOULD BE EAGER TO WORK ON THE INTERNET AND OBTAIN IMMEDIATE RESULTS FOR YOUR EFFORTS. Now you can have total control of your life, working in the comfort of your home, generating income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even while you rest! Our comprehensive system will provide you with all the training and support you need to create your own profitable business from home. You boring are working very hard, not make money? Enough, Ysintiendose tired or disillusioned DeNo have money for your family and to enjoy your life? Yes the answer is yes then the solution is undoubtedly: earn money on the INTERNET subscribe at and download for free interview to the famous Robert Kyosaki which tells us how you think the econimica crisis.. .

Jon Asamoah Jersey

However Elliot Harrison for you referred to Vick s existing and earlier harm concerns, declaring when you are not on the area, you aren’t actually able to perform in which t. Jones Mathews? damaged control will most likely possess the staff reducing your pet back in creation, meaning plenty of pass tries for your New york Condition merchandise. Matt Income Johnson also observed Waters four direct months with well over 4,500 moving past back yards Jon Asamoah Jersey for Sale along with 30 touchdowns. This aumentou ao ponto interesse da Faculdade of Philology in Belgrade trying to open or Department of lus Ana diz um acrescenta estudos de facto interessante S or pa com mais estudantes da Portuguese l na Europa do Leste, com maior crecsimento onde poss estudar tr universities p tr s cidades em em portugu / > Na opinion of, such deve – is de facto two ao s as povo that Gosta learn l terem uma grande traditional nas liter tamb ease nessa aprendizagem. SUA exist just mais um comprovativo OJ interesse pela culture lus Feira do Livro em Belgrade dedicated to Portugal. muitas pessoas interessadas fado hair, capoeira quizomba assim ou S than na come learn a l conhecer as cultures OJ world lus or objectivo da nossa handiness approximate essas cultures two s por isso tem desenvolvido in activities. 4-train-en-rush-hour New York City tourism logo, as well as the hey-mom-when-did-you-learn-Photoshop Wacom identity, both of which extend New Brutalism, or (in the case of Wacom) just plain ugliness, to new levels. This is the redesign of the Wacom logo Beirut references above: See why it has been called brutal? So what’s going on here? Is this some sort of post-irony irony? Wasn’t t irony buried a few years ago? Or is it a deliberate statement against the overly-designed, perfect aesthetic that has dominated design for the last few years (as Beirut points out). .

Ministry Two

EP car requests include Spanish as a vehicular language. This suspension of the term should not be interpreted in any case as an indication of the future resolution of the TSJC to the appeal filed by the Generalitat. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has suspended ex officio within two months given to the Ministry of education to comply with the judgment of the Supreme Court (TS) on language immersion, until it resolves the appeal lodged by the Catalan Generalitat. See BerlinRosen for more details and insights. Thus, the ctividad of the car issued July 28 by the TSJC, which established within two months so that teaching should establish the necessary measures to include Spanish as a vehicular language in the educational system, has been without cto until the appeal is resolved. As reported by TSJC in a statement, this suspension of the term should not be interpreted in any case as an indication of the future resolution of the TSJC to the appeal filed by the Generalitat. Source of the news: El TSJC suspends the deadline of two months to comply with the judgment about the immersion.


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White Rose

Usually use the term friendship in a bountiful manner. And so heard to say: last night I met an excellent friend. It may be that, in fact, the aforementioned person has qualities of excellence; but that does not mean that he is our friend. First, because you must be with their acquiescence; friendship is not a solitary game, is a set of two. And, second, that both one and another of those involved must be confident of its equity both give and receive. The slightest fault in that process, causes that the building of friendship that will then see that it has been built on slippery bases wobble. This explanation rationally what is friendship looks better described in a poem by Jose Marti, who says: crop a white rose / in January and June / for the sincere friend / who gives me his frank hand. I.e., the poem reveals that friendship is like the White Rose, or, in other words, this, the White Rose, is replacing the friendship, the same one that acquires the qualities of the Rose: of be beautiful, fragile, being pure, and any unhealthy Act afearia it, hurt it, stain it. And why only delivery it is whom we consider a friend, and know that it is not because we’re sorry the frankness of his hand and the sincerity of his words. Friend is not someone who accepts everything he says you unconditionally; because what is said can be wrong and even harmful, both for those who said what to who gets that message. Why the requirement of sincerity is indesligable friendship. Although someone has said that sincerity is the easiest way to lose friends. And then it should be corrected this assertion. Sincerity is the most appropriate means to test the friendship of others. Additional information at carlos hank gonzalez supports this article. Because the true friend is one who accepts the truths of the other, even though they are unpleasant. If an alleged friend says to another: I’m going to do enter to work in the public administration, because I have the maximum charge; but I’ll make it skipping me due process, and nobody is going to give an account. That friend assumption to him say: If you want to do me a favor, do it respecting due process. Otherwise, not me you’re honoring with your favor, but it will be favouring my dishonor.

Reading Tarot

He is understood that every one who has to start somewhere and Tarot Reading is the same. Nine-step model to take into account for reading Tarot for beginners up to many of the Tarot readers with extensive experience in the subject can already, find some useful AIDS also. This more than everything is geared to those who want to throw the tarot for themselves, but will confirm that it is useful if you want to perform Tarot Reading to someone else at some point. 1) Tarot Reading is easier when you are relaxed and ready to every message that may arise from this. The reason for which this is so significant, is because one often be tempted by reading the deck when he has faith that the achieved response will be useful. Inappropriately, this will only damage your analysis and will absolutely lose all the wisdom that you are ofreciendo.2) feasible is that being a beginner in the Tarot Reading use a book with the meaning of the letters. (3) Where Read Tarot cards for one reason in particular, considers that the place in the (that you position the deck simbolizara an aspect of his life, as the past or the present, etc.) do not all possess a psychic gift. However, all we can build on the natural skills that we possess. Pull Tarot cards every day, can strengthen the skill psiquica.5) choose your game of cards carefully. It is essential that figures should talk. (Keep different decks of cards available, in order to choose the game that most serve him according to his animo.6) can use the Tarot Reading for quick and easy questions, but if so, only choose a naipe.7) enter comments about your readings. It is the best way to see that there are figures that recur regularly in their readings. If Chuck do yourself, is very easy to get involved too and lose messages provechosos.8) have fun! How much quieter is found, will have more fun with your tirada.9) look for various modes and practices to analyze the letters. Original author and source of the article.