SUS Financial Resource4s
Based in the EC n.29 that it guides the expenses with the public health. Also it enunciates the main objectives of the financial management of the SUS, that came to facilitate the financial transfer. Word-key: management, financier, SUS, resources. ABSTRACT This to paper presents briefly the financial management of the SUS which is passed by each level of government seeking the public’ s right and duty of the state. Based on Amendment N.29 that guides the spending on public health. Financial It alsosets out the main objectives of management of the SUS, whichhas facilitated the financial transfer. Key words: management, to financier, SUS, resources. *Estudo developed as component curricular of disciplines Collective Health I of the Course of Nursing of the College of Technology and Sciences? FSA, in the year of 2008. ** Academics of Nursing of the College of Technology and Sciences of Fair of Santana. INTRODUCTION the financial management of the Only System of Health? SUS is about intergovernamentais transferences of financial resources in the area of the health. The health is a right of all as to foresee in the Federal Constitution of 1988, and to guarantee this right the state is the supplier, but, for this the government is divided in three spheres that if politics and financiers make responsible for definitive abilities. These spheres are a way of organization to delimit the financial resources of each, are: Federal, constituted of the Health department – MS, State, consisting of the State Secretariat of Health – SES and Municipal theatre consisting of the City department of Health? SMS, which guarantee the actions and services of health all.