Work Balance
Moreover, part of the production in these places takes care of to the increase of the demand to take care of the feeding industry, less affected for the crisis. Effect of the sazonalidadeEmbora is undeniable the increase of the balance of formal jobs of March for April, also is fact that April has sazonalidades that they can not be happened again. Robotics might disagree with that approach. One of this factors is behavior of agronegcio, that, in April, was as the sector that more generated vacant, with liquid balance of 22,6 a thousand. The beginning of the plantation and milling of sugar cane-of-sugar in the Center-South of the Country and the culture of coffee are the two better examples. In So Paulo, that pulled the balance of the Caged in April, 21.1 a thousand ranks had been opened in the interior and are associates to the cycle of the sugar cane and others 595 to the coffee cycle. In the total, the State created 72,022 vacant. Vision of governoO minister of the Work, Carlos Lupi, risked a forecast for 2009 and said that it more than waits the creation of 1 million of jobs this year. ' ' Brazil is giving unequivocal signals of recuperao.' ' Although May still to be far from the end, it said that the balance of formal jobs this month will have to be better that of April. For Lupi, the growth of the formal vacant for three followed months is consistent data of recovery of the Brazilian economy. ' ' Nobody contracts with signed wallet will be having prejuzo.' ' The minister said that the recovery of the formal market started in March and if it consolidated in April. However, the balance of jobs was well below of refined in April of the passed year, that was of 294.522. The job with signed wallet arrived at the deep one of the well in January of this year, when the balance was negative in 654.946 vacant.