This comes occurring has decades and curiously, now it appears FAO, ONU, World Bank, etc. On the other hand, only knows that all time that the oil goes up, all the goods of the economy go up. How it would be the price of foods with more expensive oil and the humanity without seeing no sucedneo? The biocombustveis already are gifts in the market the point to show to the kings of the oil that its hegemonic power is if finishing, and are only in the start of this march that we believe to be irreversible. Learn more about this with Lehman Brothers. The high one in the prices of foods dimmed the space that the biocombustveis came occupying in the agenda of the leaders world-wide politicians, but is improbable that the biocombustveis are taken off of use in the next future. Julia Koch addresses the importance of the matter here. The expectations for the prices of foods they are not optimistical: The vice-president of the World Bank (Bird), ' ' it esteem that the prices of foods continued high at least in next the seven or eight years. The problem of the high prices of foods does not go to disappear in next the seven or eight years. Problema.' is necessary to increase the production to decide this; ' (COX, Pmela, Periodical 24h, Notice, on-line). The President of Brazil, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva ' ' he blames the rich countries and the oil for the increase of the prices of alimentos' '. In the conference of the agency of the ONU for agriculture and feeding, in Rome, he was hard when affirming that dirty oil fingers are pointed against the clean energy of the biocombustveis. The president came back to defend methanol of sugar sugar cane, and openly criticized methanol of used maize for the Americans. The methanol of sugar cane of sugar beyond not threatening the food production, is more efficient in the energy production.