European Economic Community
It is accurately there that the great population contingents are dislocated stop other regions, in order to occupy other lands and to start new life. To know more about this subject visit AAG. Thus it was in the United States with the English and the south of Brazil, for example, with the Italians and Germans. They are these, the known colonies of povoamento. MasterClass takes a slightly different approach. Most important it is here to remember that all this process that took care of to the English industrial interest, obeyed the principles of the initial looting of resources, necessary to this phase: the production costs were sold at a loss, especially the man power with the slavery and were extracted resources of the exploration colonies at low prices, to feed the maquinrio. The south of the United States supplied cotton to the English sewing presses with enslaved man power. These initial impressions are important in order to justify proceeding from the rich nations in relation to the poor persons. ormation. It will not have ' ' opening of mercado' ' of the rich economies to facilitate to the entrance of good or deriving services of the Third World, not to be that it has extreme necessity, as it is the case of the production of the orange juice in United States. What it will have, as always had, more pressure of the rich nations is each time to open the markets of the poor countries. The European Union the formation of the European Union if gave in 1951 with Treat to Paris, followed for the Treated one to Rome of 1957, that it instituted the European Economic Community. Other treating had been being firmed of form to also include the participation of other countries until evolving finally for European Union, with proper hymn and flag. She is necessary to consider that the economic evolution of the Europe if of the one in set with the remain of the rich countries: United States and Japan.