Renda Versus Population Growth

Comoo world is being each time more developed the tax of natalidadeest decaying in alarming levels. Already in the underdeveloped countries ataxa of natality increases at every moment, but what this has the verdistribuio of income versus population growth? Everything, therefore in underdeveloped countries the income distribution is maisconcentrada at the hands of the people with high income, these for its vezpagam the taxes right-handers, that are that one that falls again on the sales ousobre the property of the citizens. If you have read about carlos hank gonzalez already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Already the sofremmais people of income low, therefore will be being victims of the indirect tax that if summarizes ainflao, that is, increasing the inflation the layers of low will rendatero difficulties to keep the standard of living, therefore the dosalimentos or derived prices will go to increase and the wage of the worker noacompanha the prices of the consumption goods. But where enters the population growth? As increase of prices in the market, the low income individuals terodificuldades to be informed, therefore the same ones will not have access the people estodeixando to go for the school and trying to enter more early in the market of trabalhocada time, causing an increase in the baixaescolaridade indices and future> . Hear other arguments on the topic with Federal Reserve Bank. For that to conseguiramentrar in the market of work still without professional, osalrio qualification will be without a doubt low in case that they do not search the qualification and educational and professional oaprimoramento, future runs the risk deem unemployment case to be part of the army of man power of remunerated reservamal, therefore the companies are demanding each time more doscolaboradores complete average education and thus generating true snow ball

Regina Arajo

This treating foresaw gradual establishment of a common market, prepared for the constitution of a zone of free commerce. Peter Asaro may also support this cause. Initially it counted on seven integrant ones that they are: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico and Uruguay. Later also it received the adhesion from Colombia, the Equator, Venezuela and Bolivia. For Demtrio Magnoli and Regina Arajo, the ALALC reflected the passage of industrialization for substitution of importation, followed for the main economies of the subcontinent: Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. The implicit logic in the agreement was of magnifying, for the regional plan, of the adopted politics of customs protection in the national markets. The desenvolvimentista rhetoric who livened up such logic based itself on the slight knowledge of sped up industrialization and independent development. (MAGNOLI and ARAJO, 1998, P. 23). Follow others, such as bobby jain, and add to your knowledge base. The ALAC did not provoke deep changes in the economy and the commerce of the region. It had a significant increase of the commercial exchanges between country-members of the treat one, but it point not to provoke alterations and diversifications in the economic activities in the zone of free commerce. However, local and external problems had limited the performance of the ALALC. Amongst the main problems raised for Menezes, the absence of coordination and formularization of interregional plans of development can be cited; lack of resources, instability politics, disturbances of all order, resistance of the dominant traditional groups of all the countries; differences of degree of development between the country-members; will lack politics, revealed inside and outside of these countries, to take the integration proposal ahead. (MENEZES, 1990, P. 36-40). The objective ambitious persons of the ALALC, enhanced for the vastness of the geographic spaces that he re-covered, had shocked themselves since the beginning with the internal economic inaqualities. The divergences between ' ' three grandes' ' Brazil, Argentina and Mexico? the excessively integrant ones had sabotaged integration goals.


In more we perceive that the characteristics do not differ very from the remain of the country, where has a predominance of the very poor population, one high one I number of unemployeds and a minimum of detainers of a worthy income. ' ' Joo Person Velha&#039 City; ': Its Tracing and its Functions ' ' Joo Person Velha&#039 City; ': Its Tracing and its Functions To think the old city, pass for having that to follow its ruelas, alleys and slopes, beyond its warehouses, sobrados and casarios that give to all a originalidade to the place. This portion of the City of Joo Person, still brings marked in the landscape a tracing with deep espontaneidade, exactly having suffered strong interventions from the Twenties (20), with administrators as B. Rohan31, that was one of the first and main interventors in the modernization of the city of Joo Person. Add to your understanding with Ryan Tolkin. The city left the West For East, in function of the river Sanhau, having its first crooked streets and finishing in small farms with some prominent houses them important families. B. Bobby jain is actively involved in the matter. Rohan, while city planning, provides significant changes for the city in the direction to more guide the direction of the streets and avenues, giving to the place an organized tracing. The elements that had more marked the organization of Joo Person, had been in the start of this century, the changes in the system of transports, who before was predominantly donkeys and wagons, passing to the tram the donkey and later the electric tram. This system of transport asks for the widening of some ways, hollowing to implant tracks, alignment of the avenues and in some cases the demolition of some constructions as churches, public and casarios building of particular. The religious park already if had established in the portion highest of the city, together with the public administration of the State and some cultural activities.

Brazilian Geography

In Brazil the diffusion of neopositivista Geography had its methods and techniques of you analyze employed from the Seventies used for the IBGE, therefore always it had a concern with the systematization of the existing regionalizao at the time and that if it developed in the period postwar period that was urban/the industrialization that brought as consequncia the disequilibria between the regions making with that the quantitative elements technician served of base for the planning of the regional scales space being possible optimum knowledge of the same one, thus spreading out neopositivista geography in all national scope therefore was from these uses that it found subsidies for if developing, although very before the Seventies already existed favorable indications for the process of planning of the Brazilian territory that it propitiated the computational scientific knowledge of the time. Amongst the Brazilian agencies that had helped to spread out positivista geography is the charged IBGE to organize information of interest of the government and acted/acts as agency specialized in you vary managements routinely, being marked by cartographic routines and statistical points of great relevance of the institute giving have inside supported the great enterprises in the executive sphere, as internalization, settling and diverse regional studies beyond dealing with pointers partner? economic apprehending, identifying and differentiating the regions, therefore to know Brazil it was necessary that the gegrafos worked with computational techniques mathematical and so that this occurred the IBGE promoted comings of foreign gegrafos for Brazil to give courses on them varies geographic techniques that appeared at the time, making possible the interaction of national Geography with the International, with this the Institute started to divulge the works of Brazilian gegrafos internationally. I had in Brazil plus a diffusing group of neopositivista geography I had also been the gegrafos of the College of Philosophy Sciences and Letters of River Claro-SP that today is one campi of the UNESP, where some professors led for Cristofoleti had studied and passed to divulge innumerable works in the one of the neopositivista chain and them in it assimiladores had been alone nor spreaders they had also leavend vary of the theoretical ideas quantificantes techniques of the geography that allowed the foundation of the Association of Geografia Teortica (AGETEO) that it was a flag in favor of the quantification and of neopositivista geography as a whole, the AGETEO exists until today and in directing of this diffusion of new geography exists some responsible gegrafos for a spreading of the same one and most important the College of River Claro-SP belonged and to the IBGE and had been extremely important in the consolidation of Neopositivista Geography in Brazil.. Fosun Vaccine is actively involved in the matter.

National Integration

The basic question of this work is to present as the tracing of the net of transports influences for the National development. For such, this patent in the content of the same, the main objectivos that had dictated the tracing of this net. On the other hand, the development of one determined nation essentially depends on the quality and amount of infrastructures and the territorial distribution (this distribution must in the possible measure do allow the National integration) of this net of transports, however that the national level is not verified. Without shades of doubts, the tracing of the net of transports in Moambique, was influenced by the discovery or to serve the English colnias of hinterland, resulting in this way, the weak National Integration. On the other hand, no type of enough independent transport and, therefore, any activity requires of certain forms the complement of the other. This reality is not verified in the national net. 1,1 Methodology As boarding methodology, the group will go to carry through the revision bibliographical that it will consist of the research and reading of materials, specifically, magazines, reports, teses, consult to the Internet and the use of workmanships that if lean over on the subject. In them we will look to concepts keys, that turn on the subject, without however, to exclude its respective clarification. The type of didctico material will also be read all that if leans over on the subject. Taking care of that the retraction of course was made by all the members of the work group, it was figured essential to promote its organization, of form to assure the easy access the identified references already. The elaboration of the work was based on the quarrel between elements of the group and use of data of the ANE (2004), CFM, ISUTEC, Ministry of the Transports and Communications that served as the base of the elaboration of the work.

Union Social

He can yourself be said that in the current days geography technique is in evidence in the work market, and the professionals who if had specialized in remote sensoriamento associate to the geoprocessamento are scarce. The professionals of geography are enabled to deal with questions that say respect to the understanding of the reality that if establish in one definitive space, either this professional a professor, a bachelor or a researcher. According to Callai (2003), it has to give account to interpret the reality, making the analysis of the space, because the problems of the territory are more than simply problems of the space, them is social matters and, that they need to be understood. Therefore, as the problems of the society are materialized in the space, fit to the gegrafo its performance. However, a specific and continued formation is demanded, so that its social function is exerted with ability. Being thus, it fits to the gegrafos in such a way to analyze and to understand its paper in the academic scene, as in the field of the research. Beyond having ability to exert activities and functions in charge of the Union, of the states, the territories and the cities, coexisting with its social function. This demonstrates that this professional will have to develop the geographic analysis, that requires great understanding when making studies, descriptions and comments. Therefore, it fits to have the epistemolgico knowledge of this disciplines, either in the distribution and localization of the phenomena or in the delimitation and characterization of regions geographic sub-regions. This demonstrates the importance of the knowledge regarding region, place, territory, city and landscape, therefore, these physicist-geographic concepts are the base of great part of the studies of geographic interest. This research has as objective main, to prove the value of geography in the current world since its sprouting, being evidenced the capacity of the gegrafo professor, bachelor and researcher.


Bari is considered the second more important city of the south and is situated in ' ' calcanhar' ' of the country in boot form that is Italy.E' celebrity for its beaches, the old city, and the fantastic culinria.E' the commercial and administrative capital of Puglia and also a vibrant university city. Bari In the province of Bari has some enteressantes places as: Alberobello, the capital of the Trulli, only in the world with these characteristic architectural. Trulli: they are old constructions of rock, with conical, common roofs in a part in the region of Puglia, south of Italy, its lived examples more estam in the city of Alberobello. Alberobello is a situated city in the south of Italy, where the Trulli, had been declared Patrimonies of the Humanity for UNESCO, in 1996. Where this characteristic architecture, coexists well in the current times. Its small houses in send to other uses and customs to them of passed centuries, where a clear and concrete definition of the areas of a house did not exist. The houses next it forms a small city, leaving small spaces for the streets. Trulli in Alberobello Polignano the Tide is colorful cidadezinha littoral in the coast of the Adriatic one. The city, located in the high one of a cliff, if presents with a limpid and blue sea, narrow small streets and houses of rock, a charm! But taking a walk for the city of pra not to imagine the fantastic world created by the interminable one to occur of underground grottos. Most famous of them it is, without a doubt, the Grotta Palazzese, that it attracts by the imponncia and the incredible blue color of the sea. The Grotta Palazzese already served of scene for noble parties since 1700 and today it shelters the restaurant of same name suggested for the guide. The restaurant in the grotto only functions in the summer and is one of the places most romantic of all Italy. Polignano is the place that I more adore of mine loved city; BARI Polignano the MareGrotta palazzese

Northeast Population

According to data of the IBGE (STATES & CITIES, 1978), the population of the city of Stream of Santana enters the decades of 1950 and 1970, passed for a process of 38,47% growth, since in the decade of 1950, the population of this city was around 21.301 and arrives the 29,496 distributed inhabitants in 1970 in 3.873 a territorial extension of Km2. These data make possible estimates of the Center of Research and Estudos (CPE), in 1978 for occasion of the centenarian of emancipation politics of the city, of that the population would have reached of 32.639. However, what it is observed, as given of the Center of Statisticians and Informaes (CEI), she is that it had a stagnation during the decade of 1970, when the population only arrives the 29,719 inhabitants in 1980, presenting a growth of little more than 200 inhabitants in relation to the reached number ten years behind. As all the Northeast region of the country, the city suffered a long period from emigration for the states of the Southeastern South and of the country, for where the people if dislocated to the search of job and better conditions of life. This process of agricultural exodus if strong discloses more in the population dynamics of the city from the decade of 1970, when it is initiated already mentioned crisis of the culture of the cotton. In this period the vegetative growth, badly obtains to on account surpass the losses of population of the emigration. During the decade of 1980 the total population of the city it arrives to suffer a considerable reduction in absolute numbers, falling of the 29,719 inhabitants in 1980 for 23.578 inhabitants in 1990. It can have intervened with this process, the territorial reduction that Stream of Santana suffered in 1989 with the dismemberment from ' ' distrito' ' of Matina. However, the CEI considers the intense migratory process as the main factor that contributed for this decrease.

Raymond Williams

The hidrogrfica basin of the river Coc approximately drains in its totality an area of 517,2 km2, understanding part of the cities of Pacatuba (169,2 km2), Maracana (55,4 km2), Aquiraz (76,3 km2) and $fortaleza (216 km2) Source: (AUMEF, 1987). The river Coc is the greater river of $fortaleza, with 45 km of extension and an area of 379 hectares. The same it has its Spring in the eastern source of the Mountain range of the Aratanha and in seus50 km of passage it passes for three cities, Pacatuba, Maracana and $fortaleza, to empty in the Atlantic Ocean, the limits of beaches of the Hunting and Pesca and Sabiaguaba. The river Coc receives initially the denomination from Pacatuba stream and, after to receive waters from others tributaries passes if to call Gavio stream until the confluence with the Alegrete stream, next to 4 Road Ring, where it receives the denomination from river Coc. VASCONCELOSES and FREIRE, (1987) consider the river Coc as a course d' water of small transport, typically metropolitan and that poludo for situated the domestic and industrial sewers throughout its edges is found. IN IT SEARCHS OF A CULTURAL IDENTITY: A case study the fen of the Coc. In a general way we can affirm that the culture concept has varies definitions, and if we looked for finds a definition for culture, we would have that to search its initially gnese. In accordance with English sociologist Raymond Williams, the word culture comes of Latin ' ' colere' ' defines initially the culture of the plants, the care with the animals and also with the land, therefore it means agriculture. The same one still has for definition the care with the children and its education, the care with deuses (its cults); the care with ancestral and its monuments (its memory), and finally in the direction most popular of the term, culture means the man who is ' ' culto' ' , he is that one that ' ' cultiva' ' in feeling to develop practical of intelligences and the art of the knowledge gifts in books.

Holland Industry

After World War II, the route traced for Switzerland or Sweden assured its expansion following. The Italian industry is based on foreign, over all American credits and in a potential of work, favored for the initiative of the state. Industrial Italy is Italy of the North, especially the urban regions of Milan, Turim, of Genoa, and guirlanda of industrial cities that border the Alps. The main one of Central Italy is the Toscana where the textile industry of high tradition is associated with the mechanical and chemical industries. Italy of the South, the Mezzogiono, disfavored for its distanciamento of the great European industrial nuclei and for the absence of industrial tradition, has received all saw a strong impulse of the part of the government and ' ' It annuls Del Mazzogiorno' ' destined to attenuate the economic and social disparidades between the north and the south of Italy. Already central Italy has as main industrial region the Toscana. Of the colonial exploration to the industrial reconversions. In Holland it was before everything a state of agricultural economy, guaranteed for a long and solid commercial tradition. However it decided to a large extent its problem developing specialized industries. At the same time, Belgium, that was an industrial state penosamente looks the forms of its reconversion, therefore was, conscientious of the aging of its industries. At the beginning of the decade of 60, the French industry is found ahead of some imperious requirements. It needs to combine itself in Common Market e, therefore to line up its conditions of production with the other countries of the Europe. Therefore everything concurs to request or to provoke at the same time the modernization and the expansion of the French industrial economy. The indices of the industrial production show that this expansion has been continues, the least until the gift. Three types of evolution can be distinguished in the French industry, the two first ones correspond to an almost estagnada regressive evolution or, the irregular evolution that holds the advances and jibs for the saturation of the market.