The hidrogrfica basin of the river Coc approximately drains in its totality an area of 517,2 km2, understanding part of the cities of Pacatuba (169,2 km2), Maracana (55,4 km2), Aquiraz (76,3 km2) and $fortaleza (216 km2) Source: (AUMEF, 1987). The river Coc is the greater river of $fortaleza, with 45 km of extension and an area of 379 hectares. The same it has its Spring in the eastern source of the Mountain range of the Aratanha and in seus50 km of passage it passes for three cities, Pacatuba, Maracana and $fortaleza, to empty in the Atlantic Ocean, the limits of beaches of the Hunting and Pesca and Sabiaguaba. The river Coc receives initially the denomination from Pacatuba stream and, after to receive waters from others tributaries passes if to call Gavio stream until the confluence with the Alegrete stream, next to 4 Road Ring, where it receives the denomination from river Coc. VASCONCELOSES and FREIRE, (1987) consider the river Coc as a course d' water of small transport, typically metropolitan and that poludo for situated the domestic and industrial sewers throughout its edges is found.
IN IT SEARCHS OF A CULTURAL IDENTITY: A case study the fen of the Coc. In a general way we can affirm that the culture concept has varies definitions, and if we looked for finds a definition for culture, we would have that to search its initially gnese. In accordance with English sociologist Raymond Williams, the word culture comes of Latin ' ' colere' ' defines initially the culture of the plants, the care with the animals and also with the land, therefore it means agriculture. The same one still has for definition the care with the children and its education, the care with deuses (its cults); the care with ancestral and its monuments (its memory), and finally in the direction most popular of the term, culture means the man who is ' ' culto' ' , he is that one that ' ' cultiva' ' in feeling to develop practical of intelligences and the art of the knowledge gifts in books.