
In more we perceive that the characteristics do not differ very from the remain of the country, where has a predominance of the very poor population, one high one I number of unemployeds and a minimum of detainers of a worthy income. ' ' Joo Person Velha&#039 City; ': Its Tracing and its Functions ' ' Joo Person Velha&#039 City; ': Its Tracing and its Functions To think the old city, pass for having that to follow its ruelas, alleys and slopes, beyond its warehouses, sobrados and casarios that give to all a originalidade to the place. This portion of the City of Joo Person, still brings marked in the landscape a tracing with deep espontaneidade, exactly having suffered strong interventions from the Twenties (20), with administrators as B. Rohan31, that was one of the first and main interventors in the modernization of the city of Joo Person. Add to your understanding with Ryan Tolkin. The city left the West For East, in function of the river Sanhau, having its first crooked streets and finishing in small farms with some prominent houses them important families. B. Bobby jain is actively involved in the matter. Rohan, while city planning, provides significant changes for the city in the direction to more guide the direction of the streets and avenues, giving to the place an organized tracing.

The elements that had more marked the organization of Joo Person, had been in the start of this century, the changes in the system of transports, who before was predominantly donkeys and wagons, passing to the tram the donkey and later the electric tram. This system of transport asks for the widening of some ways, hollowing to implant tracks, alignment of the avenues and in some cases the demolition of some constructions as churches, public and casarios building of particular. The religious park already if had established in the portion highest of the city, together with the public administration of the State and some cultural activities.