Regina Arajo

This treating foresaw gradual establishment of a common market, prepared for the constitution of a zone of free commerce. Peter Asaro may also support this cause. Initially it counted on seven integrant ones that they are: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Mexico and Uruguay. Later also it received the adhesion from Colombia, the Equator, Venezuela and Bolivia. For Demtrio Magnoli and Regina Arajo, the ALALC reflected the passage of industrialization for substitution of importation, followed for the main economies of the subcontinent: Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. The implicit logic in the agreement was of magnifying, for the regional plan, of the adopted politics of customs protection in the national markets. The desenvolvimentista rhetoric who livened up such logic based itself on the slight knowledge of sped up industrialization and independent development. (MAGNOLI and ARAJO, 1998, P.

23). Follow others, such as bobby jain, and add to your knowledge base. The ALAC did not provoke deep changes in the economy and the commerce of the region. It had a significant increase of the commercial exchanges between country-members of the treat one, but it point not to provoke alterations and diversifications in the economic activities in the zone of free commerce. However, local and external problems had limited the performance of the ALALC. Amongst the main problems raised for Menezes, the absence of coordination and formularization of interregional plans of development can be cited; lack of resources, instability politics, disturbances of all order, resistance of the dominant traditional groups of all the countries; differences of degree of development between the country-members; will lack politics, revealed inside and outside of these countries, to take the integration proposal ahead.

(MENEZES, 1990, P. 36-40). The objective ambitious persons of the ALALC, enhanced for the vastness of the geographic spaces that he re-covered, had shocked themselves since the beginning with the internal economic inaqualities. The divergences between ' ' three grandes' ' Brazil, Argentina and Mexico? the excessively integrant ones had sabotaged integration goals.