After World War II, the route traced for Switzerland or Sweden assured its expansion following. The Italian industry is based on foreign, over all American credits and in a potential of work, favored for the initiative of the state. Industrial Italy is Italy of the North, especially the urban regions of Milan, Turim, of Genoa, and guirlanda of industrial cities that border the Alps. The main one of Central Italy is the Toscana where the textile industry of high tradition is associated with the mechanical and chemical industries. Italy of the South, the Mezzogiono, disfavored for its distanciamento of the great European industrial nuclei and for the absence of industrial tradition, has received all saw a strong impulse of the part of the government and ' ' It annuls Del Mazzogiorno' ' destined to attenuate the economic and social disparidades between the north and the south of Italy. Already central Italy has as main industrial region the Toscana.
Of the colonial exploration to the industrial reconversions. In Holland it was before everything a state of agricultural economy, guaranteed for a long and solid commercial tradition. However it decided to a large extent its problem developing specialized industries. At the same time, Belgium, that was an industrial state penosamente looks the forms of its reconversion, therefore was, conscientious of the aging of its industries. At the beginning of the decade of 60, the French industry is found ahead of some imperious requirements. It needs to combine itself in Common Market e, therefore to line up its conditions of production with the other countries of the Europe. Therefore everything concurs to request or to provoke at the same time the modernization and the expansion of the French industrial economy. The indices of the industrial production show that this expansion has been continues, the least until the gift. Three types of evolution can be distinguished in the French industry, the two first ones correspond to an almost estagnada regressive evolution or, the irregular evolution that holds the advances and jibs for the saturation of the market.