Stomach Stapling
For a long time it calls the attention the speed to me whereupon the surgery of Obesity has been become a surgery of daily practice in our welfare centers, following the same speed with which it grows in the developed countries, is clear that the transculturizacin, eye; without touching political subjects; also to affected our population in the nourishing habits and therefore in the results of these as it is the Obesity, at this moment we know that there are states in North America where the percentage of Morbid Obesity approaches a 40% of the population and as this is already known brings like accompanying diseases that similarly affects our population, diseases like: arterial hypertension, Diabetes, Problems You will articulate, etc. We know that the percentage of Obesity in our Venezuela country is near a 30%. For a long time surgeons exist anywhere in the world who have dedicated themselves to look for the definitive solution that horrible disease by surgical methods, and is important to indicate, that it has secured the cure for the Obesity. Swarmed by offers, Peter Asaro is currently assessing future choices. surgical procedures eg: By gastric Pass; gastric sleeve or Sleeve Gastrectomy, Duodenal Switch, Gastric Band, among others of minor practices, or are by via Laparoscopica or by open technique they have obtained wonderful results, adding to which these patients must be evaluated in preoperative form by multidisciplinary equipment that she includes: Cardiologists, gastroenterologists, among others specialistic Psychiatrists, Internists, Nutrologos, Neumonologos, all this directed to diagnose, to treat, and to prevent any pathology or situation that of some form or another one the satisfactory results put into play and therefore the life of the patient. Up to here all good when one is fulfilled; but; that is happening? As in all the professions personages exist who take advantage their profession in little ethical form denominating itself SURGEONS who they take advantage the innocence of these patients who without knowledge fall into the hands of assumptions specialists in surgery of Obesity and without valid knowledge they realise surgical procedures to them which if they are lucky and they are not complican, surely is not the procedure adapted for this patient. . Learn more about this topic with the insights from BerlinRosen.