Alfonso Towers

Joining all the facts I started to imagine a vampire history fantastic and lobisomem. Making the accounts I discovered that the such comet appeared of forty in forty years, was the same that now it seemed in the sky. It would be difficult to believe that a rejuvenescia man of forty in forty years, practising a ritual macabro with blood of five victims, drunk in full moon nights! Rejuvenescendo, changed of identity, a new life started and nobody was knowing who age Taran C. Drekel, that, 40 years later will come back to kill to gain youth and force, and thus, to live again per followed centuries! Four people had been deceased and its blood removed in full moon nights. She lacked the fifth victim so that the ritual if completed. Inside of five days it would be full moon again. Who wants that it was Drekel, it would gain new body and it disappeared with its false identity, not to be that I discovered who age to acquit the father of Raquel and to finish with those deaths, and I did not have much time for this! He will be that Alfonso Towers was Drekel? It was the question came that me to the mind. In the following day I was to talk with the commission agent, does not stop disclosing my discoveries, exactly that it believed could not make nothing, but to know more on Alfonso Towers.

As soon as he was set free for justice Alfonso he vendeu the house where he liveed and he disappeared of the city. The new proprietor was Nilton Raposo. Nilton Raposo, employee of Hugo Santiago! In that one exactly day I telephoned for Raquel and I asked for information on Nilton. It was widower, the wife died the five years in an car disaster. He had an only brother that he liveed in Italy.