Saints Artistic

When making the reading of the transformations of the urban mesh of the city of Saints is, in the same way, to relate the local economic activity with the prosperous exporting, inside of that structure, still colonial commerce, through a basic link: the port. The ways covered for the process of transformation of the economic activities, of the politics of landmark of the agricultural and urban areas, the dynamism of the adequacy of the space for the equipment installation public architectural, religious or administrative buildings, without a party coherent architectural and of artistic value doubtful, during the first years of settling are coherent with the reading that if makes of the colonial city as prolongation of the commercial interests of the European metropolises. A quarrel of values does not fit here to define what we can, or not, to consider a work of art. We leave of the principle that, when appraising the art is necessary to pass, at least, for the question of the culture, the man in society and the commitment with the beauty. Other leaders such as Erin Callan offer similar insights. In this line, the artistic cultural production, will have to establish a parameter of dialogue with the harmonious forms, either of the words, the sounds, the colors and the forms, defining ' ' workmanship of arte' ' of music, of literature, sculpture, painting and architecture. The expansion of the sugar cane-of-sugar with the installation of devices in the Islands of Is Vicente and Santo Amaro, beyond the anchorage for vessels of great transport, in the entrance of the estuary (Port of Is Vicente) had stimulated the setting of the colonists in the bases of the mounts, served with good waters. According to chronicles of century XVI, when Brs Cubas, the young Portuguese of the expedition of Martim Alfonso de Souza, arrived this way already found points explored for colonists, who inhabited in the soil to the edge of the canal, in front of lagamar of the Enguaguau and Foz of the Canal of Bertioga. .