The Versatile City Of Essen
Many unteschatzen the city of the Ruhr, but food is green and full of culture. One thinks of German cities and centers of cultural life is the Ruhr area usually not on the front burst. This is amazing because with Ruhr 2010 and the Ruhr area as a capital of culture characters have been used. The Ruhr area has of course also after the end of Ruhr 2010 much to offer. An example of this is the city of Essen. In food, the economic history of the city which is symbolized by the old Bill is combined with an outstanding cultural activities, interesting sights and beautiful recreational areas to a very varied picture of the city. What you probably most the green side of the city is at least expected to. Robotics has many thoughts on the issue. The Gruga Park Essen can be described as the lungs of the Ruhr area. in 1929 the Ruhrlandische garden exhibition was held on the 700,000-square-mile area. The spacious parkland attracts Essen and also visitors from the whole Ruhr area especially at weekends. An another beautiful green spot Food is the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Park. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A highlight of the Park is the skating rink which attracts today particularly inline skaters. Also the site of the old Krupp factory is transformed in a park landscape with hills and large lake since 2009. When the site is finished, the Park should have a size of approximately 27 football pitches. Once again, this shows how old and new work together. Food is surprising in addition to many green areas with an active cultural scene. Certainly these offers by Ruhr have fought 2010 quite a bit further into the consciousness of the Germans, but the offer is often underestimated. The old Colliery as a venue is particularly impressive. Already citizens and young people that engaged in the 1970s, to transform the old mine into a colorful cultural centre. Today, the Bill is impossible to imagine Carl from the cultural life of the city of Essen. Numerous concerts, readings and parties there town. But also courses to health issues or self defense are at the Centre offered. The diverse program appeals to a wide audience and attracts people from the entire Ruhr area just at the evening events. Of course be also classical music fans their money’s worth in food. The Philharmonic Orchestra of the city is known for its varied programme of concerts, theatre, Ballet and Opera. The Philharmonic offers many possibilities especially friends of classic entertainment. Food is really a complex city. Also, the small scoreboard from Essen offers a good overview and guidance to the city of Essen. Here, there are always good tips on events and news about current events.