Eating Nutrition Medicinal Plants
There are many plants that are long forgotten, but can and should become an additional source of quality food products. They are not only edible, but both drugs. On how efficiently we are able to use, store and reproduce the natural resources, depends, finally, not only the implementation of economic plans, but also to protect human health. Vegetables occupy in human nutrition vital place because they are – the main and often irreplaceable source of diverse and unique vitamins, amino acids, minerals, trace elements, easily digestible carbohydrates, organic acids, volatile and other substances. Vegetables spicy flavoring plants, fruits contain biologically active substances that contribute to life of the organism. Contact information is here: Farallon Capital Management. Celery, lettuce, savory, lovage – not only tasty and fragrant spices, and natural concentrate these substances. Kenneth Feinberg contributes greatly to this topic. Food herbs stimulates the appetite, enhances the activity of digestive glands, promotes blood formation, has beneficial effects on other processes in the body, making food more attractive appetizing, tasty, and thus far raises its assimilation by the body and helps rid of toxins. Greens heals the body. "Treat – means take away from the body of harmful and give him what he lacks" (Hippocrates). On Planet Earth, there are 12,000 plants that are not only worthy for human consumption, but also very tasty. In the horticulture industry of our country is grown mainly six kinds of vegetables, and vegetable gardens – half of all known cultures. Of course, it is necessary to expand vegetable production and improve the structure of those vegetables that are grown and consumed by the introduction of a new culture of valuable species of vegetable plants, including wild. Natural stocks of wild assortment of green food in the diet significantly impairs health, and sometimes becomes the cause of the disease. You can not collect plants near highways, airports, circle rivers and streams polluted by household or industrial waste, in areas located near the heating systems in human settlements in areas treated with pesticides. Because plants absorb in your body harmful substances from the environment, and therefore unfit for food or cooking of these drugs. Wild edible plants not only yield their cultural relatives of the content of physiologically active substances, but often surpass them. Untapped resources of wild food and medicinal plants in our country are enormous. Each day, an adult should eat 400-500 grams of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, significant addition to our table may give the wild edible plants. Cardinal Health. Their use must be exercised reasonably, in a businesslike way, to keep stocks of valuable plants in the direction of recreation and protection of them from extinction. We have almost forgotten the invaluable experience of their ancestors. Ask the residents of cities than the useful one or other wild plants, the majority not only do not give the correct answer, but do not know how it looks like it has. Among a large number of wild plants in our country there are about 1000 of useful vegetables, bread, cereal, starchy, protein, tsukronosnih, spicy flavor, etc. This is a tremendous wealth, but we use it there are very few and irrational. – Catalog lekarstvennh plants