(The day-care centers also will have to present monthly temporary balance sheet and report of activities, both approved by the Chamber, City hall, CMDCA and Public prosecution service). With this monthly total of R$ 13,000, 00 the annual investment of the Public Power with 1200 Cultural Centers will be of R$ 187.200.000, 00. Esteem a total population of 6 million people (average of 5 a thousand inhabitants) that they will be benefited directly and indirectly in the 1200 cities, the per capita investment will be of R$ 31,20 or R$ 2,60 (Two Reals and sixty cents) for month, a small investment of sum and with so significant consequences how much of the PROGRAM the STOCK MARKET FAMILY, who already is part of the life of a considerable parcel of the Brazilian population. 4) Each City council of Rights will have to be organized of the following form: 2 Council members duly enabled; 2 employees for administrative positions, enabled; 2 representative citizens of Organizations of the organized Civil Society; 1 Councilman; 1 employee of the Executive with being able of decision. The two council members and two employees will only be remunerated; the too much members will not receive remuneration for already having incomes gained in its ranks of origin and for only participating of the biweekly or monthly meetings.
For beginning of functioning of the CMDCA the Chamber of Councilmen will make the spreading of the available positions and the members will be chosen from the individual evaluation of the petitioners to the positions. The Public prosecution service will have to homologate these initial acts of contract, that will be carried through by stated period of two years, being established itself it option to be able to concur for the following elections in equality level. These elections will be carried through by the Chamber with direct supervision of the Public prosecution service.