Had to the aceleramento of the industrial development, the climatic changes and the interference each bigger time of the man in the nature, each time has generated more alive quarrels on the sustainable development. Exactly that the Region is subjects to one strong demographic pressure caused by the migratory movements proceeding from the Hinterland, the subdivision of the country properties of the Wasteland is if constituting in a serious agrarian problem. In determined areas, over all in the Northern Wasteland, the esfacelamento of the true properties has servant bedspreads of remnants, insufficient to feed a family, given the miniature area of these properties. This has been one discourages pra many families whom they look to migrar for the next littoral capitals, or for the areas metropolitans of the Southeastern Region, in the case, So Paulo and Rio De Janeiro. Therefore, if the region of the Wasteland will be dinamizada with the had treatment politician and adjusted by the production techniques. It will be able to lead the region for the supported development capable to raise the quality of life of the regional population, establishing one Agro-industrial, Tourist and Ecological Politics. Adopting diverse technologies of more easy access to the agricultural workers and that more they are adapted to the reality northeastern.
As well as, establishing the agriculture irrigated in the areas where to exist water availability and extending dry agriculture, with the xerfitas plants (that they resist the water lack), in a short vegetative cycle, benefiting local raw materials, aiming in viable way economically, socially just and ambiently sustainable. .