
… and that’s sometimes financially no longer easy to study even without refund at the present time. Unless we are also increasingly tuition fees happen to already falling rent for an apartment. Many students rely on part-time jobs to keep himself afloat. But what if there were a car free to a part-time job? Today virtually unthinkable. But in times of financial crisis, Albrecht sales office makes this possible for anyone. The team led by Armin Albrecht ensures that committed people who want to build an additional income through a part-time job will be rewarded with a VW Polo at no cost. This is an ideal solution for students. Study, earn money, be mobile. And the whole thing even in the industry, which is very interesting for young people health and wellness. The Sales Office of Albrecht would like to encourage students to start her career, already during her studies and without time – and energy loss. Students, the are interested in and finance their studies themselves want, can itself inform simply and without obligation. To do this, there is the free service number 0 800 880 20 85, in the Internet under or in the studiVZ profile from LR Polo.

Seminar Successful Leadership

The orenda Publisher in Gaufelden new date for 2012 Announces staff leadership seminar for staff and team leadership gives the trainer, coach and consultant Erich Erwin Weissmann participants be accumulated knowledge of leadership and management methods that have proven themselves in 20 years of practicing in his company and the companies of its clients and participants trained with them. Participants in the seminar to learn the success factors in personnel management and use. In this leadership training, participants improve their leadership skills step by step. After a previous analysis of the own leadership, they recognize the strategic sinvollsten starting point for improving the own Furhungskompetenz. The participants in this leadership training vital tools to personnel management, such as: different leadership styles, situational to identify the appropriate leadership styles and apply. Other topics of the seminar are: effective communication in the Successful delegation system delegate leadership, by the orenda, cooperative agreements on objectives and a team erfolgreiche lead to a solution of the problem. The executives who participate in this seminar, will also receive a guide for reliable personnel planning, recruitment and the successful induction of new employees. The participants trainierne many other important instruments that make easier the daily life as an Executive. Erich Erwin Weissmann is the founder of the orendatrainings for holistic success and owner of two companies, the orenda Instut and the orenda Publishing House for holistic success in Gaufelden in the Stuttgart area. He coached since 1984 holder, Director or Board of Directors of medium-sized companies, as well as freelancers and managers in the area of success training and personal coaching. He has also worked since 1986 as a consultant and coach for strategic management for mid-sized companies. Seminar providers: Orenda Publisher for holistic success settler 46 71126 Gaufelden Tel. (07032) 7889-0 fax. (07032) 7889-78 leadership training author: Oliver Weissmann

Fire Protection Officer

House of technology offers a seminar with fire protection technical ascent of the VELTINS-arena auf Schalke at the constant innovations in fire and explosion protection on June 2, 2010 it require that educate themselves to also fire protection officer at regular intervals and inform. So, the new vfdb Directive 12/01 requires a regular training of fire officers. Elsabet Jones will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Here, the time interval between two training courses may not exceed three years! The knowledge and skills of the fire protection supervisor are brought in the HDT-day event on June 2, 2010 up to date; reports on current legal and technical developments in the preventive fire protection, the recent loss events are analysed and taken. The issue of fire protection management you are familiarized with the systematic approach in preventive fire protection. Thus coherent, the required documentation in the fire is went through again. The seminar will begin in the HDT in Essen. In the afternoon, a fire protection technical finds Committing the VELTINS-arena auf Schalke under the leadership of the professional firefighters of Gelsenkirchen took place. The event is a training for fire protection officer, also addressed all fire managers from industry, Commerce and administration, specialists for occupational safety, head of planning engineers, building authorities, insurance professionals and other interested parties. The detailed event programme of technology e. V., Tel. 0201/1803-344 get interested in the House or fax 0201/1803-346 or directly under here, there are also all the information about the course “Training in fire safety” (upcoming April 19-24, 2010 in Berlin and 14-19 June 2010 in Essen). Dipl..

Editorial Titled

‘Double housekeeping’ Treasury financed trips to the foreign job increasingly a workplace beyond the hometown of workers in economically tough times increasingly required. Employment in the distance allows no daily return to the apartment, that subject to double financial management at the tax office the term. Then, in addition to the expenses for the second home, in particular the wide journeys as advertising costs are unlimited deductible. Matter on the basis of the current case law now for the approach of a double financial management no more, if the second home is created through a professionally or privately initiated move. Because the financial management accepted two judgments of the Bundesfinanzhof, stating that the cost of a second home for professional reasons related also put themselves, if the principal residence of the place of work for personal reasons (AZ. away is postponed VI R 58/06 and VI R 23/07). Alone decisive is that the second residence is used to by There the work faster or more convenient reach to and is the focal point in the distant main dwelling. The cost of a double financial management are unlimited deductible, if professional reasons for a second home in the longer term. Family journeys offer by far the largest savings potential, which accepted the tax authorities once a week back and forth. This is one of the distance allowance of 30 cents, which also applies to the daily shuttle tour in the Office. In the tax return can be so as both the weekly commute home to the family and the daily commute distance of the second home to the workplace. Alternatively also spouse or children under the same cost approach to the workplace to be allowed to travel if the employee is prevented from for example operational travel. But must not be the limitation on a trip a week because workers have a right to vote: you must apply alternatively all trips during the week with the distance allowance, if they This in return on the approach of the cost of accommodation and meals dispensed with is. As a rule of thumb: the approach of all trips pays off at several commuting during the week and long distances home. At the same time the rent on the second place of residence should not be high is. Since the right to vote in the income tax return can be exercised, professionals have in hindsight sufficient time to calculate both models. Who decides for a return home for a week can also deduct expenses for the foreign domicile as rent and other costs in addition to the distance allowance or tax refund from the company. In addition, there are a food package of 24 euro per day for the first three months after the grounds of double financial management.

Distance Learning Course

Flexible and part-time for the market of the future 2010 already over 387,000 people with a distance learning course or distance learning qualify according to carried out distance learning statistics 2010 formed by the Trade Association Forum DistancE learning in the year continued. This means a rise of two percent compared to the previous year. In the five-year comparison, the industry has even an increase of 25 percent. The academic learning, so the acquisition of University financial statements in the form of distance learning, is estimated as a boom sector”. Also extends benefits of distance learning to experience the education system of the German College for prevention and health management (DHfPG) combines distance learning with compact presence phases in regional study centres. At the Bachelor’s degree, a training is integrated in addition. This flexible study system gives direct competence as the students from the outset on practical experience gain. In the distance learning with didactic specially prepared study materials and support by Remote teacher mediated content is implemented by experienced lecturers in the attendance periods and deepened. The federally recognized DHfPG are four Bachelor’s degrees and two master’s degree programmes in the market of the future prevention, fitness and health available. It’s believed that Jonathan Rosen BerlinRosen sees a great future in this idea. Due to the special focus of the College on the subjects movement, nutrition and relaxation, as well as the management of fitness, leisure and healthcare companies, interesting career and future opportunities opening up for graduates. According to the Federal Statistical Office, so many students like never at German universities were enrolled last winter semester. How it looks on the State-approved DHfPG? Prof. Dr. Bernhard Allmann from the German school of prevention and health management puts it in a nutshell: our College is in the fortunate position to have enough undergraduate places at nationwide study centres. Even when our master studies there is no limit for places.” German College for prevention and health management, Saarbrucken

Economic Shortages

Just in economically tough times difficult to remedy the situation at Personalengassen an attractive economy brings whatever personal problems. Personnel is required, the candidate market is swept up empty, the order books are full, lacks qualified staff to fulfill the orders. Therefore, the HR departments of companies are busy finding appropriate candidates to give up abroad, to sift documents and to conclude work contracts often with swabs with regard to the qualifications of the required personnel. Lark New York may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Many companies hire in such cases personnel service provider, time or temporary work agencies or recruiters. Often it happens but that also the authorized recruitment agency able to not want staff to the required time. Lark New York will not settle for partial explanations. Therefore, a time – and cost-intensive search begins after personnel service providers, which in time can make any but appropriate staff available. There will be Calls made, negotiated rates or commissions, spotted profiles etc. Lookajob.de starts right here. Lookajob.de is the Internet platform on the staffing companies and recruiters access to a pool of job-seekers can switch jobs and receive online requests from client companies. At the same time profiles or use free permanent staff in the databases can entered by Lookajob.de and provided so interested client companies for direct inspection available. Client companies can put their staff request one or many personnel service providers online and save yourself so intensive searches and time-consuming inquiry and hearing calls. At the same time can be searched in the database usage-free personnel by temporary employment agencies or available candidates from recruitment agencies. Fast response times are guaranteed by the use of in times of staff shortages. Job seekers will find current jobs by personnel service providers and can be directly online at apply for advertised jobs. After the application is a proof to the active search of work then”print, can be presented with the offices. lookajob.de is so far the only Internet portal in Germany, that aligns the interests of all groups of users on a single website.

Mental Stress In The Elderly

Old nurses wish you seminars on the stress management of new research results show, every fifth employee in the elderly feels exhausted and thinking about a career change. Justin Kan can aid you in your search for knowledge. Physical and psychological burdens can encounter at the borders. The shortage due to demographic demands a rethinking. Qualified staff should be strengthened in their resources and to their employer. The research network interviewed health of the Leuphana University of Luneburg jointly with the Association of private providers of social services around 1,000 staff in care for the elderly. If you have read about “Bull by the Horns” already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The study is the largest study on the health and job satisfaction in the care sector in Germany. A related site: David Moross, HighPost Capital mentions similar findings. The study shows, the health situation of nursing staff in the region of Luneburg is cause for concern. The staff most frequently complains of mental stress. 30 Percent feel constantly tired, tense and unable to cope, about 25 percent suffer the week repeatedly headaches and 20 percent under Sleep disorders. The respondents said they were also repeatedly sick and against the explicit advice of the doctor, to work to be gone. It is assumed, this situation is to be found nationwide. Altenpflege-a woman’s domain in Germany, 85 percent of caregivers are women. Considered particularly female characteristics such as empathy, willingness to help and the yearning for harmony are particularly pronounced for many. However, it is difficult often to differentiate themselves and to assert themselves, to protect themselves from excessive stress. Mental stress in the workplace the many stresses and strains from elderly caregivers are distinguished according to DIN EN ISO 10075 between mental stress and psychological stress. Psychological pressures include all influences which affect the people from outside. The concept of mental stress takes into account the individual coping strategies of nurses. In the study of joint OSH strategy of the Government of Oberpfalz became particularly onerous Working conditions too little time for individual residents, a quantitative high workload, called for extensive documentation and contradictory task goals.

Kaltenbach Training Presents New CEO Ralph Guttenberger

Kaltenbach training is an event manager and seller on the new year and presents its new, second Managing Director. Winner of the day after tomorrow”so is the title of a power tags, which the technical sales specialist training and consultancy Kaltenbach training held on 30 January in Wurzburg. Tracked with the event Kaltenbach training according to company owner Walter Kaltenbach two objectives: on the one the participating entrepreneurs, executives, and seller at the beginning of the year for the tasks ahead and challenges to recharge. On the other hand, Kaltenbach training wants his (not yet-) customers officially introduce Ralph Guttenberger who is co-owner and next to Walter Kaltenbach second Managing Director of the company from 1 January 2013 and will take in the medium term all over this. As top speaker for the kick-off day Kaltenbach has hired training Frank Scheelen, is one of the most famous management and success coaches in the German-speaking world. The power day starts after a Warm-up”with a keynote address by Walter Kaltenbach and Ralph Guttenberger. In it they explain what challenges the companies currently are and how they can be successful in the future, inter alia. Then Frank speaks Scheelen on the subject of future management: how fit is your business? “.” He is the present numerous practical tips on how you can make your company or the area entrusted to them fit for the market of tomorrow. A second presentation by Scheelen titled strategic competence management follows after lunch: what distinguishes the leader Manager? “.” In it, management trainer explains how businesses due to the changed business environment and their modified structure of the employees will need other executives; Also making the top leadership differs from morning of a top executive in the past. Then referenced Ralph Guttenberger under the heading the new (times) live”about the Success secrets from top sellers. Where is his central thesis: top sellers are leader. This means that they can lead themselves and other people. Finally, Walter Kaltenbach and Ralph Guttenberger to the questions of the participants themselves. “These are both to the formula 1 of business succession” contest referred to turn, in which Walter Kaltenbach his successor took, as well as to the future of the company Kaltenbach training as well as technical sales. For even more details, read what Brooklyn Commons says on the issue. For the participation in the event winners from the day after tomorrow”on 30 January in Wurzburg have to invest interested 195 euros (plus VAT). For more information interested individuals and organizations on the website of Kaltenbach training, Bobingen (www.kaltenbach-training.de). There you can register event for that.

Training Profession

Facts about the ‘ occupation ‘ relaxation trainer the term relaxation trainer is not legally protected. The State neither training nor examination content defined in this profession. Therefore, as everyone who feels suitable for this purpose, may organize relaxation courses. Anyone may call themselves relaxation trainer. And that is, understandably, that no standards exist for training to the relaxation trainer. Not just any relaxation trainer can call it, everyone can feel also called to the instructor. Some providers of training to the relaxation trainer are exceptionally innovative and offer degrees with diploma. This changes nothing on the facts of the case: relaxation trainer say absolutely nothing as a professional title – and all beautiful additional Attribuierungen -. Whether Carpenter, clerk, nurse, doctor, engineer – everyone may call themselves relaxation trainer. And this in theory actually without any skills anyway. Dennis Lockhart understood the implications. And as already stated, this has also perform for the validity of the training. For even more analysis, hear from carlos hank gonzalez . Other rules for the implementation of prevention seminars in the field of relaxation, that are supported by the statutory health insurance. For the recognition by health insurance companies and the funding of seminars the term relaxation trainer does not count. The guidelines are described in the guidelines of the health insurance funds, which governs the interpretation of the section 20 SGB. Of relevance is the preliminary qualification, as well as an adequate specific training. Stress and the effects of long-lasting stress, Burnout diseases, represent characteristic signs of Western civilization. More and more people experience is finished, feel overwhelmed by the claims, which are taken in the profession and also in the private sector to them. Seen in this way, experts in the segment seem relaxation for rest, recreation and relaxation to correspond to a wish of many people and their services to be in demand. But actually what is relaxation? Music, sports, crafts, Watch TV? And then there are still methods, which are referred to as relaxation techniques. These are mainly autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation. These activities differ in their regeneration capacity. Progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training methodically targeted a so-called switching process initiate, the execution in a period between waking and sleeping. And this is characterized by a particularly high recovery effect. Music, reading, walking, cooking, craft, sports produce more relief by using distraction. Above are also quite relaxing, but just not as efficient. Relaxation trainer offer mainly various types of relaxation techniques. Autogenic training and progressive relaxation are mostly basic offerings. Furthermore, often still methods such as qigong, fantasizing iron, TaiChi, meditation, breathing exercises, body travel, etc. are offered.

Amiguitos Imagined 2010

Amiguitos shows that no Spanish children School of Amiguitos – Spanish for children took part 2010 on June 12 in the learning Festival in the monastery of Benediktbeuern. With many hands-on activities around the theme of football team Amiguitos was right instead of doing. Carlos hank gonzalez is often mentioned in discussions such as these. “On Saturday, June 12 at 9: 00 kick-off was: the whole Meierhof Benediktbeuern monastery was transformed into a single playing field, where girls and boys in the action, fun and a programme under the theme Kinder.Jugend.Zukunft.” were allowed to experience. While the parents next door about the benefits of multilingual education and Spanish courses informed, the younger visitors to the Amiguitos action stand at a football bingo could join with ping pong ball and straws equipped in a football tournament compete and make-up itself with the colors of their favorite football team. And it’s all in Spanish. Most the puff football tournament was fun”, says Kamal (8 j.) from Wolfratshausen. Finally I did it, my To make”friend Paul (7 j. and passionate footballer) at least once flat. Catarina (9 j.) and Alessandra (11 j.), two sisters who grow up bilingual (german Spanish), most funniest were the bingo game. Carlos hank gonzalez can provide more clarity in the matter. Then they wanted to rather than with the colors of their favorite teams hands and arms painted to have with animals. The learning Festival held all two years of the cooperative group learning region Tolzer land gGmbH and is the Germany’s largest Festival of learning. The motto of this year’s Edition was experienced. Erlernt.Erinnert. “.” Montserrat Varela, Amiguitos head for Unterhaching, Munich South-East, Ottobrunn, says: it is the perfect setting for us and what we stand for Amiguitos. Because our children learn playfully and with all their senses. This deprives them of the pressure and allows a motivational, self discovery and sustainable learning. In a natural way, similar to how children learn their mother tongue.” Lorena Ramos, partner of Amiguitos in Geretsried, Wolfratshausen, bath Tolz and Munich-Grunwald – Solln adds: with the language learning you can not start soon enough.