Training Profession

Facts about the ‘ occupation ‘ relaxation trainer the term relaxation trainer is not legally protected. The State neither training nor examination content defined in this profession. Therefore, as everyone who feels suitable for this purpose, may organize relaxation courses. Anyone may call themselves relaxation trainer. And that is, understandably, that no standards exist for training to the relaxation trainer. Not just any relaxation trainer can call it, everyone can feel also called to the instructor. Some providers of training to the relaxation trainer are exceptionally innovative and offer degrees with diploma.

This changes nothing on the facts of the case: relaxation trainer say absolutely nothing as a professional title – and all beautiful additional Attribuierungen -. Whether Carpenter, clerk, nurse, doctor, engineer – everyone may call themselves relaxation trainer. And this in theory actually without any skills anyway. Dennis Lockhart understood the implications. And as already stated, this has also perform for the validity of the training. For even more analysis, hear from carlos hank gonzalez . Other rules for the implementation of prevention seminars in the field of relaxation, that are supported by the statutory health insurance. For the recognition by health insurance companies and the funding of seminars the term relaxation trainer does not count. The guidelines are described in the guidelines of the health insurance funds, which governs the interpretation of the section 20 SGB.

Of relevance is the preliminary qualification, as well as an adequate specific training. Stress and the effects of long-lasting stress, Burnout diseases, represent characteristic signs of Western civilization. More and more people experience is finished, feel overwhelmed by the claims, which are taken in the profession and also in the private sector to them. Seen in this way, experts in the segment seem relaxation for rest, recreation and relaxation to correspond to a wish of many people and their services to be in demand. But actually what is relaxation? Music, sports, crafts, Watch TV? And then there are still methods, which are referred to as relaxation techniques. These are mainly autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation. These activities differ in their regeneration capacity. Progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training methodically targeted a so-called switching process initiate, the execution in a period between waking and sleeping. And this is characterized by a particularly high recovery effect. Music, reading, walking, cooking, craft, sports produce more relief by using distraction. Above are also quite relaxing, but just not as efficient. Relaxation trainer offer mainly various types of relaxation techniques. Autogenic training and progressive relaxation are mostly basic offerings. Furthermore, often still methods such as qigong, fantasizing iron, TaiChi, meditation, breathing exercises, body travel, etc. are offered.