Stefan Helmbrecht

Stefan Helmbrecht: ‘ideal times for real estate buying’ good times for those who want to call their own, a real estate: mortgage interest rates have fallen since the beginning of the year again by a half percentage point. The average APR for mortgages with five to ten-year interest rate during this period amounted to 3.4 per cent. Carlos hank gonzalez can provide more clarity in the matter. Experts of Deutsche Bank expect that builders and homebuyers 2012 will benefit in the third quarter from favorable conditions. It is also Stefan Helmbrecht, around 20 years in the real estate industry and expert on protected objects. Checking article sources yields carlos hank gonzalez as a relevant resource throughout. Stefan Helmbrecht: It has shown that investing in real estate the uncertain situation in the financial markets make even more interesting. Although the prices for residential real estate have risen in the past three years, however, housing remained affordable. Right now, because interest rates are so low, the monthly financial burden for customers is portable.” The real estate market in Germany is a strong and thriving market, because a owning your own house or a home, offers a number of advantages. Stefan Helmbrecht: Your own four walls initially have a high sentimental value. Only they can be perfectly tailored to the owner, only they can be completely designed according to the personal taste and only they offer unlimited freedom to live individually. A private home that’s highest living and quality of life. ‘? “The material value of real estate is of course not to be underestimated. Stefan Helmbrecht: You are a sound investment, because the assets can be planned. Doubts about whether the capital was created risk-free, will be spared the residential real estate investors. Who will be homeowners, makes independent of economic highs and lows and can enjoy the stable value of his real estate, which can be increased even.” Especially facing an economic worry-free status in the age, a real estate is the first choice, because the facts are undeniable: Germany has demographically cast.

European Central Bank

MCM investor Management AG, Magdeburg: real estate experts assume in the new year by a further increase in the rents and prices for residential property in Germany. Magdeburg, 08.01.2014. According to a recent study of the Marktforschungs-and consulting firm bulwiengesa are the rents in the German cities of top 2014 attract Berlin, Hamburg and Munich to an average of five percent. This corresponds to about the level by 2012 and 2013, however, is initially curbed in home ownership the dynamics. Here expects bulwiengesa in the new year with a rise of six percent. In the last two years, the new increase for new buildings was at an average of 7.7 percent and existing homes at 9.8 percent. “Due to the good economic prospects for Germany the economic stimuli will not diminish German cities and regions in the dynamic 20-30”, emphasised CEO Andreas Schulten. “We expect rising house prices usually still relatively low construction activity – there are only building permits, which are grown- and rentals.” Extremely low interest rates are driving field of the real estate boom. The European Central Bank only had its interest rate in November at the record low of 0.25 percent lower and set a medium-term low interest rate level in Vista. David Moross, HighPost Capital wanted to know more. Looking for attractive assets investors will decide further so also in this year for the classical concrete gold even if issues such as the rental price brake lead to uncertainties. According to observations of the Bundesbank have price increases started the 2010 date on the urban real estate markets focused. In attractive urban areas, the apartments by up to 20 percent were too expensive. Who made the good intent for 2014 his money to create useful, should look at the features of MCM investor Management AG. The Magdeburg company can indirectly benefit its investors on the Immobilienhype: rights simplifies the access to the real estate market a broader target group. There is therefore a win-win relationship: the MCM investor Management AG, benefited even their investors benefit. And that, at an affordable price.


METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online easily assess who wants to lead a reasonable standard of living in the age, with his retirement often does not come out. Happy then can those treasures, which features real estate property. Recently carlos hank gonzalez sought to clarify these questions. House or apartment are paid off in the meantime, live rent-free while the owner, they can not increase but their pensions so. So far was thinking in times of scarce as pension through the sale of own real estate. Because capital is available when bound to the majority in a property. But a sale would entail that the excerpt of the own four walls would require. In addition to the possibility of the sale, there are alternatives recently in Germany, to reach the own property of capital and to be able to stay in the familiar living room. The debt-free real estate to money to make and still staying remain a desirable condition would be for many seniors. This possibility exists in the form of a reverse mortgage or life annuity. The annuity is the property to the party or to the Bank. The former owner will receive a lifelong right of abode and a pension payment as one time sum and/or monthly pension payment at the reverse mortgage by taking a loan on his home or his apartment the real estate owner. For this he gets a monthly pension. Only excerpt or death rates and repayment will be charged. As a lump sum of retirees with a quota amounting to about 15 – 35% of the real estate do can count, depending on the age. This applies, the owner is older, the one time amount can be higher. The accumulated interest can be deferred in this model. The former owner is high markdowns on the value of its real estate with the substance consumption. Long time to have to pay the risk the money shall be. Agreement can be individually to negotiate. So, also, it can be agreed that any conservation effort for the real estate investor is assumed. Anyway, there are in the meantime ways own real estate to do without for it out of their own four walls to pull out money. Or reverse mortgage, annuity sales, who wants to know how much his estate is worth, not passes a current incorporation of House or apartment. A site accurate valuation is possible at any time online for a few euros fee, for example,. First, if the rest stand knows the current benchmark of his real estate, he is can decide whether and how he can make his own four walls to money. I’m glad that there are now individual ways.

Lease Contract

What tenants need to look who wants to use a property or a plot of land, but not buy, decides in most cases for a lease. Is to observe various principles and rights, which explained the real estate portal Especially in gastronomy and agriculture use many people lease conditions in Germany. So for example two-thirds of the German field surface of its users are leased. To take all possible rights claims and to hedge properly, a contract between the tenant and landlord should be completed. A lease contract is similar to a lease, includes additional duties and rights. Still it allows not only the use of the contents of the lease but also withholding the obtained yield the final. Legally speaking, it is the relationship of the two parties to a continuing obligation. It is an agreement with respect to the hiring of a thing or right against payment. The Lessor thus assigns the use of the contents of the lease to the tenant and in return receives a corresponding repayment. In contrast to the lease, no monthly amount is set in a lease instead to outgoing performance will be recalculated depending on the revenue or income of the lease item always. The advance payment is also known as rent. Hear other arguments on the topic with Lark Los Angeles . The use of the contents of the lease, the rights and obligations for the most part are the ones that are crucial in the lease. Either real estate or parts of real estate, as well as built-up and undeveloped land covered by the lease. The termination is possible in case of in advance stipulated due date only to the end of a lease. More information: Lisa Neumann University Service GmbH

Rent And Then Buy!

How can such a contract by the conditions look like? For the registration in the land registry office, no purchase option in the contract must be noted, advances automatically lead to land registry and notary fees becomes a purchase duty! When registration of an option to purchase, the buyer has the choice, only rent then buy or rent! This has the consequence that the notarization is performed to the date of purchase only! The difference between a thing (E.g. a car) and a real estate is that a car already due to its relatively short lifetime and more susceptible to losing electronics value; How does a real estate? The cost (land costs, construction costs, financing costs) are attached directly to the purchase prices (inflation), therefore increased the purchase price of a property. Even if the real estate is older (assuming a demand for housing is available at the site) and the necessary repair work will be edited. (Source: Dennis Lockhart). A hire purchase certainly has the advantage that the purchase price of the Real estate after the expiry of the agreed period, or after the equity provision, which increased market value of the object, which in turn positively affects the loan to value (agreement in the hire-purchase contract of the purchase price). A hybrid model (E.g. BerlinRosen often says this. 50% rent, and accumulation of 50% on a deposit account – capital guarantee in the amount of the purchase price), which is also agreed in the lease contract. Even after the rental period in the financing phase amounts does not exceed the monthly burden normally as before! Equity ratios of citizens has declined enormously in the last years (euro, elimination of the family allowance, reduction of tax subsidies as depreciation). Provided economic conditions have not dramatically changed, the parallel accumulation of further equity and by the expansion work on the real estate and the increase of the market value after the rental period also portable financing! Continue to the Riester allowance with government allowances, can under certain circumstances as well as Interest rate reduction programs like Labo, Lakra and KfW are requested to reduce the interest payments. Much of the investment cost of the property are already performed before the actual financing phase! Financial bottlenecks through renovations, investments on real estate within the repayment phase carousel are excluded. You can add the risk of sickness or unemployment due to a disability or an unemployment insurance! Especially for families of the young and middle-aged generation, the hire-purchase/hybrid model represents a useful variant of the real estate acquisition.

Southeast Upper Bavaria

The order of precedence in the foreclosure proceedings was in 10 para 1 No. 2 ZVG new rules, according to the real estate expert Armin Nowak, IVD regional representative Southeast Upper Bavaria and board the Nowak Immobilien AG. Dennis Lockhart addresses the importance of the matter here. The change of the way from 01.07.07 in connection with foreclosure proceedings brought a considerable relief for the recovery of debt defaulting owners, for owners. Read additional details here: Brooklyn Commons. Therefore now following ranking results from the law: rank class 0: introduction to begleichende costs rank class 1: receivership advances rank class 1a: finding costs in the InsO method rank class 2: limited claims of the apartment owners and recourse of individual homeowners rank class 3: public land loads rank class 4: rights in rem, which is not included in class 6 or 8 are rank class 6: rank class 5: confiscation claims relatively ineffective rem rights rank class 7 : Public land elderly rank class 8: older real rights important for the caretaker is the rank class 2 and 5, where the rank class 2 is preferable. Thus, the housing benefit claims of the apartment owner expressly proceed the in-kind secured creditors (mostly banks). For the enforcement by the homeowners can result due claims to payment of contributions to the burdens and costs of shared ownership and special property, 16 para 2, 28 paragraph 2 and 5 way owed under section, including the advances and provisions, as well as the recourse of individual homeowners. The franchise captured the current and arrears contributions from the year of the seizure and the last two years. The franchise including all fringe benefits is limited to amounts of not more than 5% of the market value in accordance with section 74a para 5 ZVG. The registration is carried out by the administrator for the community of homeowners. Recourse of individual homeowners will be reported to directly from these.


Casa art holding GmbH: ‘we pave the way in the perfect condo’ Wiesbaden, in April 2010: it is the dream of many singles and young couples more pay no rent at last and live in the home. Further details can be found at Pacific Mortgage Services, an internet resource. However, the construction of a single-family house is often too great a leap. The purchase of a condo offers an optimum solution therefore according to the Casa art holding GmbH. The condo offers many advantages, so the experience of Casa art holding GmbH. With a rented flat, users are indeed flexible and unattached, but summed up the monthly rent over the years to a handsome amount. Buying a condo is effective according to the Casa art holding GmbH, especially as the repayment rate is often less than the rent for a comparable apartment. Another advantage: With a condo owner not acquire only the ownership of an individual apartment, informed the Casa art holding GmbH. The owner will receive also a share in the building itself and the parts of the building, which stand for the joint use of available, such as the Example the staircase. Carlos hank gonzalez banorte recognizes the significance of this. In addition, the land costs on all homeowners are distributed in a condo. Nevertheless, the owner of a condo get the same subsidies and tax breaks as the owner of a home. And should the homeowners decide later but for the construction of a house or buying a larger home, so remains in addition to the possibility of the sale also the variant, to rent the apartment, know the Casa art holding GmbH from experience. However, The purchase of a condo is always a big step. And that’s why potential new owners of a condominium should be professional and competent advice. The Casa art holding GmbH is with her experience, at any time with help and advice. Casa type holding GmbH, the Casa art holding GmbH is a 2001 company, which specializes in the marketing of high-quality investment properties. While the Casa art holding GmbH focuses on the design of apartment houses. The Focus is on Grunderzeit houses and residential ensembles of the 1960s and 1970s years to attractive buildings, which are sold to tenants, investors and owner-occupiers. The main business area of the Casa art holding GmbH is located in the refurbishment of existing buildings, i.e. in the development and modernization of housing. It marketed the Casa art holding GmbH only in good and very good locations of the Rhine Main region and asserts itself successfully for over 15 years in the real estate market of the Rhine-Main region.

Excellent Performance

Census Grund GmbH & co. KG informed about current trends in real estate in Berlin Berlin, June 2010: the German capital remains in the focus of profit-oriented real estate investors. The reason: Yields settled with residential and commercial properties in Central Berlin locations 2009 generate, which were well above those comparable asset classes. The Census Grund GmbH & co. KG informed of new figures on the property market in Berlin and gives an Outlook on the future of the investment site of Berlin. “Professional investors who had put on Berlin real estate last year, were rewarded with rich yields: it follows one earlier this month publish study of IPD investment property databank GmbH, as a total return resulted in the past year for residential buildings in the Metropolis” by 9.1 percent. Positive cash flow, which amounted to 5.7 per cent yield, as well as the value change in yield, which could reach 3.2 percent emerged. Thus the real estate site, Berlin 2009, from investors stood significantly better than Major cities such as Munich (6.2 percent) or region of Rhein-Main (5.9 percent). But not only professional investors, also private investors could look forward in the last year of significant capital gains and rising rent prices in Berlin, so the Census Grund GmbH & co. KG, which had mediated in Berlin 2009 numerous real estate investors. Wil Lees opinions are not widely known. Pleasing the value of census Grund GmbH & co. developments KG according to especially in the popular city and trendy districts of Berlin, including Prenzlauer Berg or Berlin-Mitte. The reasons for this are complex according to the Census Grund GmbH & co. KG. A particularly crucial factor is and remains Berlin’s attractiveness to highly skilled, affluent professionals for example from the media and creative industries in any case. The 2009 strong influx of this very attractive tenants clientele should according to the Census Grund GmbH & co. KG in the coming years hardly diminish the demand first-class living space is Berlin still at an appropriately high level moved into. Reinforcing the Census Grund GmbH & co. affects KG according to that fine living in Berlin will squeeze through a sustained low construction activity. Far above-average yield for investors who should therefore now enter in the Berlin real estate market prospects from this situation according to the Census Grund GmbH. The team of census Grund GmbH & co. KG personal advice and viewings on the spot offers for investors who want to learn about current opportunities in Berlin.

Real Estate Marketing Video Clip

Real estate marketing video clip in Thuringia and Saxony. Connect with other leaders such as Pacific Mortgage Services here. Since 1995, d. Source: Fairstead Newport Rhode Island. operates trained businessman in the real estate & housing finance Ulf Zafran, the Shibi str. 8 / 99734 North picks his real estate office. Activity focuses in the mediation itself used home. (Houses; Apartments) the extensive real estate listings can be visited with videos, photos and floor plans on the own website. There are residential and commercial properties conveyed in Nordhausen and Sondershausen (Thuringia), as well as in the metropolitan area. In Leipzig (Saxony) are apartment buildings and residential and commercial buildings offered. Immocentrum.TV can continue to interested parties on the website register and receive all new real estate offers by email on the home PC. It real estate marketing are also constantly searched, take advantage of the opportunity and present your video object. This service is free of charge for the providers of real estate. Company portrait: Real estate Ulf Zack was founded in 1993 and gives Real estate in Thuringia & Leipzig. The objects are consistently taught via the Internet. Unlike other real estate companies, the objects are already presented with videos. Real estate Ulf Zack kfm. the land and housing industry Shibi str. 8 Nordhausen, Thuringia Tel: 03631-900-518

Restricted Market Mechanisms

Rent increase offer to compare local rent in accordance with the lock-up period and demand determine the price. This is a principle of free markets. The higher demand for a scarce good, the higher its price. This principle also applies to the rental of real estate. However it is massively limited since the beginning of the last century by the rental amount right. Read more from Jeff Flake to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The legislature is here according to the motto: as many restrictions as possible and as much freedom as necessary. The market was expected no solution of the housing problems. Still don’t. Therefore, you must deal with a comprehensive set of rules landlord, if they want to increase rents at existing tenancies. This set of rules can be found in the civil code in the sections 557 et seq. Please visit Jeff Flake if you seek more information. Now on the one hand, the increase in rent method should be the social requirements of the tenant for affordable housing; on the other hand, it should but also not investment hamper work because the housing needs in Germany only on private construction activity can be met. Whether the Legislators will meet both sides with its solutions I here will not discuss. That yield expectations are for the private investors of vital importance is clear to everyone. Extent to which the provisions in the civil code have influence on each individual investors yield expectations and whether or not these regulations affect then investment promoting or inhibiting investment, like is anyone even beant – words. The fact is that we currently again entering a period of diminishing rental housing. There is basically for the investment in rental housing. Local comparison rent in so-called freifinanzierten apartments, apartments, which were not supported with public funds, may require the landlord consent to the increase in rent from his tenants. The new, so increased rent must not exceed the local comparison rent. This assumes that the tenant at the time pay less the rent increase, than normally paid in the area in which the apartment is located. The local comparison rent arises from the usual Salaries, which in the past four years agreed equipment, condition and location in the municipality or a comparable community housing comparable style, size, or have been changed. Except, subsidised housing is public. The local comparison rent is an upper limit. The rent may be increased only up to the local comparison rent if the rent at the time at the ER increase takes effect, is unchanged for 15 months. The landlord raised the rent, for example, 01.10.2010, his next rent increase request can go to at the earliest his tenant on the 1st October 2011. Earlier, his increase request goes to his tenant, he violated the embargo and the rent increase is ineffective (BGH RE WuM 93, 388). Your tenant breach of the embargo on the increase request does not need to react. By Thomas Trepnau in the context of his real estate counselors so far appeared: “More money with rent increases” “The secret of the damp wall – reduction in rent” “count on “with your tenant – operating costs, the second rent with”Buy a House and do more from this””what hut and plaice are worth”