
METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online easily assess who wants to lead a reasonable standard of living in the age, with his retirement often does not come out. Happy then can those treasures, which features real estate property. Recently carlos hank gonzalez sought to clarify these questions. House or apartment are paid off in the meantime, live rent-free while the owner, they can not increase but their pensions so. So far was thinking in times of scarce as pension through the sale of own real estate. Because capital is available when bound to the majority in a property. But a sale would entail that the excerpt of the own four walls would require. In addition to the possibility of the sale, there are alternatives recently in Germany, to reach the own property of capital and to be able to stay in the familiar living room.

The debt-free real estate to money to make and still staying remain a desirable condition would be for many seniors. This possibility exists in the form of a reverse mortgage or life annuity. The annuity is the property to the party or to the Bank. The former owner will receive a lifelong right of abode and a pension payment as one time sum and/or monthly pension payment at the reverse mortgage by taking a loan on his home or his apartment the real estate owner. For this he gets a monthly pension. Only excerpt or death rates and repayment will be charged.

As a lump sum of retirees with a quota amounting to about 15 – 35% of the real estate do can count, depending on the age. This applies, the owner is older, the one time amount can be higher. The accumulated interest can be deferred in this model. The former owner is high markdowns on the value of its real estate with the substance consumption. Long time to have to pay the risk the money shall be. Agreement can be individually to negotiate. So, also, it can be agreed that any conservation effort for the real estate investor is assumed. Anyway, there are in the meantime ways own real estate to do without for it out of their own four walls to pull out money. Or reverse mortgage, annuity sales, who wants to know how much his estate is worth, not passes a current incorporation of House or apartment. A site accurate valuation is possible at any time online for a few euros fee, for example,. First, if the rest stand knows the current benchmark of his real estate, he is can decide whether and how he can make his own four walls to money. I’m glad that there are now individual ways.