Bearing in mind that the union is strength mundoFranquicia consulting, the renowned franchise consultant, wanted to export their activity to Italy through the help of BRD Consulting, prominent society of consulting centralized networks of direct sales business development and franchise. A union that says Mariano Alonso, Socio Director General of mundoFranquicia consulting, aims to begin working with the security firm steps and long-term. Something that is made easier if had the baggage and the help of a signature as BRD. Together we will work for the achievement of important objectives of our customers and for the benefit of the franchise market. Fruitful tandem well summarized, Lorenzo De Santis responsible for the Division of Marketing and Retail of BRD, this italo-Spanish agreement. We help Spanish companies selected and indicated by mundoFranquicia consulting to develop and expand in Italy and in the world and at the same time, the Spanish consultant help Italian companies which are able to penetrate in Spain, to enter and start their business activity. But this will not be the only activity that both companies carried out together. Will also cooperate in the realization of conferences and events around the world in order to develop sales networks in franchise and bring customer solutions that optimize business processes and improve their efficiency and competitiveness, ends Alonso.
About mundoFranquicia Consulting is an expert company in offering consulting services for franchisors at any stage of the process: planning and definition, development, adaptation and improvement. It applies an expansion system called consulting management openings, which based the growth of the chain on the provision of particularized consulting services in every operation of integration of a new franchisee, contemplating all of the precise arrangements for the opening of the new business unit and, ultimately, directly addressing functions franchisers in the field of creation of the network. note to journalists for more information, cover seminars, interviews or sending graphic material do not hesitate to contact your Cabinet of press Nuria Coronado Tel.