How To Spend A Million

Many stumbled on books like "How to become rich," "How to make a million, some even read these books, it is quite possible that someone made millions, maybe even on the advice of such a book. But a million of what? Nobody wrote his to spend. So millions of us will certainly, I can tell from what he is and how to spend it. I've spent on it a little of your time and much less printed text than in the books for a "successful" people. When it comes to money, you can not make the mistake and to treat them as a physical object, money is a purely metaphysical concept, energy, abstract and mystical :))).

Who saw the movie "Money as debt" and "Zeitgeist" will realize that 90% all the money, it's something whose debts. Agree duty concept is not physical. Of all the money in circulation and out of it, only 10% is in cash, the rest exist in electronic form. That is, the vast majority of money does not even touch it. Money that can hold, say $ 100 what is their price and what is their value? Expended if the production of paper equivalent to the sum of 100 rubles equivalent to 100 rubles? Gold originally serves as collateral for paper money, the long-rotting in warehouses, and it is not too much, and generally anyone seen him? Touched? Exchange rate maintained by a different currency. A currency is supported solely by faith. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Peter Schiff. Take Economists, myself an economist, but I do not need to take)). They make plans, projections and analysis.

Anyone know what the different markets are often unexpected changes and crises, lie tests, predictions come true. Why? After the default of all of them to explain why half of the explanation is in advance will refer to some "external factors" justify the mechanisms of action (each of its at least 4 different views) and all would be logical. Learn more at this site: David Moross, HighPost Capital. Economics is science, based on figures, but figures it's not the money, they do not reflect them. Where the numbers work, there is mathematics, the exact figures are present in it. In mathematics there is no unexpected disruptions and crises. Money is not subject to any physical or mathematical laws. They are present in the metaphysical world. Do not take the credit. No need to open a deposit. The best thing you can do with money is spend it, there is a turnover. Faster spending, quicker. You give for free, get well. Keep your money under your pillow, to save, to feel like every day inflation dilutes them, it's not a choice. You can save a million, you can spend. Please yourself and loved by trifles, enjoy the gifts to friends, the unexpected departure and the arrival of money. And be sure to back up his embezzlement of the belief that I deserve it, and this is not the entire amount I am willing to spend just what would bring pleasure to himself and