XIX International

With this same bolchevista spirit that guided international working-class movement is that, in 25, 26, 27 of March of 1922, in a congress carried through in the city of Niteri? RIO DE JANEIRO, is established the Communist Party of Brazil (PCB). Nine commission agents had participated of that congress: Ablio Neguete, Cristiano Lamb, Astrogildo Pear tree, Hermogenio Silva, Joo of the Coast Pepper, Joaquin Barbosa, Jose Elias Da Silva, Luiz Peres and Manoel Cedon. Peter Asaro may help you with your research. Soon in its first statute the PC of auto Brazil if declared as being the Brazilian section of III the Communist International. Article. 1.

Is established for indeterminate time, a civil society, in Rio De Janeiro Branching off for all Brazil? having for heading Center of the Communist Party of Brazil, but that it will be called left Communist, Brazilian section of the Communist International. However, although already in 1922 the Communist Party of auto Brazil if to intitle as member of the Communist International, two years later it only got this recognition on the part of proper the Third International. The delay in being accepted if gave for the fact of that Moscow was under ghost of the marxist reforming policy expressed by the social chauvinism that the Second International took and it interrupted due to world-wide war ' ' imperialista' '. In such a way the criteria for the acceptance of some member in this frum of the socialist ones if had shown sufficiently rigorous. Russia left First the Great War in consequncia of the imminent socialist revolution that had an orientation politics and ideological contrary to the orientation of the forces that had lead the world-wide war of 1914 the 1918. After the Russian Revolution, that occurred in 1917, the proletarian internationalism creates a movement of repudiation to the economic system adopted by the nations of ocidente European since middle of century XIX, such system would be the causer of First the Great War and was called by Lnin as imperialista capitalism.