The best form to inquire with respect to the permissions is contacting to Aid of the Consumer or the Department of Constructions. If its zone requires that the contractor has a special permission, always asegrese it owns that before contracting it. 3) When it is considering contractors potential, it requests a list of projects recently realised that can be similar to that you are about to require. To obtain a contractor with experience in projects similar to his will assure to him that the work will be able to be realised without problems, the correct way. 4) Asegrese to ask its contractor, before committing itself with the work, if the work will require some municipal permission. All the permissions must be obtained before the works begin, or otherwise could be fined. He is better to discuss beforehand who will take care of the permissions, or its contractor or you. 5) He always requests the name of the person who will be in charge of her project, generally a supervisor, and the name of which will work in the work.
6) Once he is familiarized with the supervisor, pregntele on the personnel of the equipment. He will have to find out if they are of FIAR and if he really wants that those people work in their home. They will need the keys? Then they will have to be sufficiently reliable people like so that they can be near its family. 7) All professional contractor must own covers certainly it, including insurance of protection of responsibility before third parties, property damages and compensation of worker. It will have to require copies of all the certificates of the insurances to be able to confirm that everything is in sequence before the work begins. It does not make businesses with a contractor who cannot present/display the documentation since in case it happens some damage or injury, she will be able to have to end up becoming responsible. It always states the references of the contractor before being decided to contract it for his project. This is important for obvious reasons, and it will be able to give an idea him of his form of work and the results that already it obtained. 9) When you and your contractor reach an agreement with respect to the payment terms, she puts all porescrito and she causes that the agreement properly is signed on both sides.