Thermal Insulation

The value of insulation in the modern building houses. In modern construction the value of insulation, it is difficult to overestimate. It should be understood that the thermal insulation of buildings, we address several key tasks, some of them obvious, is to maintain heat in the building in winter and cooling in summer. In that case, if we consider the process of warming designs in terms of thermal physics, it becomes clear that the insulation protects the supporting structures of extreme temperatures, which in turn increases the lifetime of supporting structures (walls, ceilings). Does not need to forget about the 'dew point', it occurs at the boundary of the negative and positive temperatures, and at this point collects the moisture under the influence after a negative temperature, the moisture crystallizes into ice, and destroys the material supporting structure. Insulation of this takes the hit, moisture, formed in the thickness of insulation, no way, can not disrupt its structure, and subsequently removed from the layer of insulating material at the expense of permeability plates teloizolyatsii.Vidy insulation, their application. Today, very popular in the construction of two types of insulated material, as you probably can see this basalt insulation and extruded polystyrene. In addition, these insulating materials again have different densities, and a group of combustibility. Suitable for thermal insulation of the basement extruded polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of floors, walls or attic is better to use basalt insulation. The density should be chosen according to the principle – the more load on the supporting structure for a heater, the higher the density. Flammability, thermal insulation boards should be selected for the foundations of T4, T1 for flat roofs in the other case insulation must be noncombustible (NG). Basalt insulation is classified as non-combustible insulation. Production of basalt insulation is associated with fragmentation and subsequent melting mountain basaltic rocks of the group, followed by the addition of synthetic binder. Then, on tape, mineral 'carpet' is fed to the cutting to size, where the longitudinal and transverse cutters as well-cut slabs given sizes, it is often one meter board, and a width of 0.5-0.6 m thickness of basalt stone can vary from 40 mm to 200 mm. Slabs are packed in the original shrink-wrap, and come to the warehouse of finished products, which should lie at least one day, for that would extinguished all 'korolki' remaining after the melt rock. Hudson Bay Capital describes an additional similar source. After that, products are shipped by auto / Railway wagons to the warehouse representatives of factories. Production extruded polystyrene foam is reduced to the extrusion (which means 'extrusion') of polystyrene chips under high temperature with the introduction of a carbon dioxide blowing agent, heated to foam after desired temperature in the polystyrene mass is rolled on the wolves, adjusted for a given thickness, followed by trimming the edges of the insulation and the choice of the quarter. Extruding polystyrene and packaged in shrink-wrap with a company logo. In conclusion, I would like to note that all funds spent on the insulation of the structure, pay off in 2-3 years, by reducing the waste of energy for heating or insulated cooling facilities.

Apartment Renovation Business

Everyone who is thinking about repairing apartments St Petersburg, but decided not to do it! This material will help you avoid mistakes repair flats. Whenever Kiat Lim listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Repair of apartments – these things act like military operations, and combat strategy and tactics without you doomed to failure. How would it be to repair a flat there was no place for military campaigns? You can solve this problem the following methods: 1. Sign a contract with a major construction company. 2. See Kiat Lim for more details and insights. Sign contract with a small construction company 3. Hire a team of artists and to taste the charm of cheap repairs. 4. To repair the apartments themselves. Large organizations with extensive experience and a vast range of services, provide a really decent quality. But in the appendage to quality work is the price range that can throw a shock to any of the average Russian. This is natural, since signing with them agreement, you must understand that his value laid down office rental, advertising budget, salaries professional whose work you basically do not need. For example, you ordered the redecoration of the office Petersburg. At the Contractor staff present: architectural group, department approval, the department of technical supervision, etc., that is in the state are people, professional knowledge and skills which in this particular situation, you do not need. And wages for all Professional already crammed into the estimate for repair of office of St. Petersburg. Think about the difference in the cost you have requested works and estimated costs as prescribed in the Agreement. Of the advantages of small construction companies include: cost of repair of an apartment close to the estimate calculation. Official contract, license and warranty. Personal Service. To hire a team? Fast, cheap and uncertain …. You must understand that the team privateers makes no warranties in repairing or after them. Example sad: A Breakthrough WAN risers and flats for your flooded. The brigade will disappear from your life forever, and all other problems remain with you. Finally, the repair of home or office with their hands. Unless you're the head of the project "School Repair" on TNT or master "golden hands", you want to remind you simple folk wisdom: "Finish the repair is not possible, it can only be suspended". And also – "Everyone must do his own thing." Rely on professionals!

PVC Aluminum

The size of the dwelling may be increased, glazed balcony, or loggia. Glazing of balconies and loggias worth using sliding aluminum frame balcony. Use for glazing aluminum has a number of advantages. You may find that Dennis Lockhart can contribute to your knowledge. You can combine up to 6 moving wings in one window, no problem with the glaze complicated curved surface. This allows the most complex glazing of loggias and balconies. Improved slip is not gives a large load on the bearings, and the system of aluminum and glass as a single light and durable. Balcony sliding aluminum frames withstand any balcony. And, despite the fact that this system is "cold", ie not having insulation balcony temperature will exceed the street by 5-7 degrees. Aluminium frame sliding balcony deservedly gained popularity in our market. All design elements are highly reliable, and adapted to local conditions. Glazing using a system of sliding balcony frames weather protection from aggressive environment of poplar fluff and mosquitoes. Gazebo – this is an additional protection against street noise, and extra protection against thieves. Aluminum Profile stronger as wood and PVC, fire safe, not crack, curl, and serves as a very long time. Compact and easy to clean, stable and reliable aluminum structures have a small width, which gives much greater light output than the plastic window. Thin window frames are strong enough for balconies and height 1.5 and 2 meters. Aluminium surfaces bindings are covered with white enamel, which makes the balcony sunny and bright. Sliding doors seats at opening do not hold, because they in opening and closing move along the parapet of the balcony, which saves space on our loggias and balconies. Move the sliding balcony doors on rollers, smoothly and quietly. Glass secured with rubber gaskets, insulations. They isolate from moisture and dust that can get between the glass and frame. The moving parts of the structure can be removed only from the inside, which protects against penetration into the apartment through the balcony, and theft. Locked doors are locked latch, embedded in a frame and not visible from the outside. Balcony frame sliding aluminum are easy to keep clean. Movable frame inside can be removed from the guide, and wash the glass becomes more convenient.

Garden Landscaping

Modern garden – is, first and foremost, it is absolutely an individual project for a specific landscape, a single family. From landscape designer depends on how much he will understand and unravel the nuances of the plot, as well as customs owners. Unfortunately, often in front of him put a difficult task, since usually even the most wealthy citizens, first build a house, and only then call a specialist in landscape design. And already the landscape designer have to adapt to the style of construction, even if the territory itself dictates a completely different stylistic direction. Over any garden design employs a lot of expertise, nonetheless more and more on principal place out the author's work of landscape designer. This influence of time. Landscaping twenty-first century – not just the author's work. This map of lifestyle and aesthetic preferences rather than landscape designer, as the owners garden. And from the flair and professionalism of the designer depends on whether he can figure out what place these people in a constantly changing world. In what stylistic framework will they live comfortably. The main task of this master of design – to create a pleasant and comfortable space, which ruled in style.

Water Supplying Tower

From these windows, decorated with colored bars, opened an extensive view of the Zamoskvorechye. In this form This garden is shown in the panorama of Moscow, published in Dutch under Peter the Great. In the garden there was an artificial pond depth of 2 feet of (1,42 m), where water was supplied by a special mechanism that was in still exist Water Supplying Tower tower. Waters graced 'water platoons' – fountains and two patterned carved pavilions. For the device hanging gardens on the stone arches of stacked bars of lead and sealed them, and poured on top topsoil thickness "a yard and a quarter." During the construction of only the top garden required, for example, more than 10 tons of lead. Lower Garden located on the slopes of the hill at the Kremlin Taynitskih gate and had a much smaller area – 1500 m 2. Fruit trees and shrubs were planted in it, as in the upper garden, on a square grid. An artificial pond, too, with "Platoon" was used not only as a decorative element, but also for fish farming. In addition, in the garden have been posted greenhouses. The walls surrounding the garden were decorated master Peter Engelesom "pershpektivnym letter" – painting on Plant motivated – visually expand the space garden. Combined with classic interiors of homes, while the landscaping was strictly regular – track intersect at right angles and areas between them framed battens set at the edge. In the formed boxes planted plants. In the Kremlin gardens bloomed and fruited apple, pear, berry bushes, vines, and by some accounts, even walnut, then called "Tsargrad.

Imperial Feng Shui

Then he says that his academy taught and practiced imperial feng shui. This direction is considered canon. Imperial Feng Shui is because practiced in the court of Chinese emperors. Those consulted the masters of feng shui issues burial of the dead (at the right time and right place, so as not to exacerbate the kind of karma), as well as the construction and improvement of the imperial palaces. The calculations required particularly accurate, since according to custom in the Chinese court the slightest slip head master was flying from his shoulders. Masters of the Imperial Feng Shui learn practically all my life. Alexander Anishchanka: We try to keep track of all the consequences of changes in our recommendations. Sometimes the results can be quite unexpected. Here are harmonized apartment in order to remove problems in relations between spouses and financial problems as a result of this pair had a child, which could not give birth to eight years. And all the relationships in the family lined up around him. Financial problems are also gone. Ekaterina Kostina, a leading specialist of the Center of Imperial Feng Shui: We sometimes get totally unexpected results. So keep track of the conduct of their clients and even occasionally derive new laws: feng shui, too, it turns out, it is. Speaking of books, master of the Imperial Feng Shui expressed clearly: well, what they are, but information in them is not too much, and try to do something based on the received information from them is wrong.