Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Waste group, promotes price dumping and dubious methods of recycling waste experts critique: amended packaging Ordinance cemented green point Berlin/Bonn, February 25, 2009 – some media reported the miraculous resurrection of the Green point at the beginning of the year. So, the former monopoly of garbage to Duales system Germany (DSD) vigorously to set in the competition for the disposal of the packaging and in the first quarter 2009 to eleven point to 69 per cent have increased the market share. For the first time since the breaking up of his company, the Green point group thus regained quantities from the competition, such as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported. The miraculous resurrection, but there is little doubt with industry experts. The DSD group has themselves positioned early 2007und 2008 so that collecting amounts to the dual system EKO-Punkt, belonging to the Remondis group, were transferred. The political effect was visible nationwide: at the corners of the DSD erosion started to grow and the competition is gaining market share. But since the entry into force of the Novel we know that the leadership of the DSD was cemented. Remondis attributed its market share of around 20 percent for the packaging three months to 1.25 percent. This decline is probably not only a result of the intervention of the Bundeskartellamt. \”Political battle defeated, was through the amendment and the DSD as top dog of winner\”, waste experts suspected Sascha shoe by the Bonn consulting company Ascon. According to the findings of the Federal Cartel Office transmission contracts of amounts of were actually. Centrally control content of such contracts was the shift of the registered and then published plan amounts by a dual system to another. Since such transmission contracts of amounts of generally restrict competition, the Federal Cartel Office has called for its completion to December 31, 2008. DSD and Eko-Punkt have said to each binding to terminate any existing transmission contracts of amounts of.

Environment Database

Environment – our priorities… What do we want… How much is a HP Bhulide, as much loss of value it has in just five years – this money is definitely gone. How much more operating fuels consumed this car over the years of use and how expensive is that – we need cars from 300 HP. More information is housed here: carlos hank gonzalez banorte. Japan and France run the rank us, since they produce new PS – and CO – 2 weak models according to the trend and now stand by is in the automotive industry, not only by the economic crisis. Only seen it is clear by now, the long-term environmental damage to our environment are emens higher than how it could be intercepted by targeted investments, however is the pursuit of profit of the industry lobbyists probably only at the moment and thus significantly harm our economies. Just and also, renovation is an ultimate must throw energy paradox in modern times, is equal to money destroy. The rest – heating for outside we did already with our industries – and even global. For more information see this site: Nicholas Carr. Keep in mind We – not only the Tigers, but also and in particular China, India and other emerging economies for the stars and are becoming always more and large industrial companies with unappeasable hunger for energy. It is up to us, how we do it, Europe and its demand for energy can not be anywhere so, a clever development policy must be the primary objective. Ecology and sustainable economic policy is schliesssen not each other out. We are obliged, pioneer in the effective use of raw materials, energies and eco-friendly technologies – our progress will decide the future of all of us – we are only guests on this planet. Please visit the following link and read the whole article: redevelopment why thank you. Frank Gargano

Increasing Euros

Electricity prices increased since beginning of the year to 7.1 percent Berlin, 27 August 2009 while gas prices again fall in the autumn, must practice more patience power customers. This year there will no longer be comprehensive relief for private households in Germany, so that consumers also at the beginning will have to pay the speaking season of on record prices for their electricity purchases”, explains energy expert Thorsten Bohg by the independent consumer portal Since the beginning of the year, electricity prices approximately 900 regional basic utilities in Germany on average by 7.1 percent climbed. Also in the coming weeks, 12 more companies plan price increases by an average of 5.7 percent. Large differences in the pricing striking are the large price differences, including the providers supply their customers with current electricity prices in 2009. While the cheapest basic supplier Vattenfall a sample household with an annual consumption of 4,000 kWh power in Hamburg 718 euros in the lowest available rate calculated, demand the Stadtwerke Borna in Saxony with 1,051 euro about 46 percent more for the same amount of electricity. According to research by, 25 local supplier at present offered power for under 800 euros at a quantity of 4,000 kWh. More than 1,000 euros are due in 11 companies. Competitors lure with high saving potentials that is continuous upward movement of electricity prices at the basic suppliers”but only one side of the electricity market, clearly Bohg. Overall the pressure of competition among the companies through new providers is increasing.” Increasing competition is assumed but so far hardly reason providers in many regions. Therefore, the gap between the prices of the local public utilities and those of competitors is widening further. Consumers through a change of provider can benefit from this growing discrepancy of electricity prices enormously”, Bohg. ( has the maximum for the 25 most expensive and cheapest basic utilities Savings determined by the election of a new party. Conclusion: Expensive basic providers, who switches to a cheap provider, saves 4,000 kWh of electricity consumption in the year average 248 euros. In the choice of tariffs with annual payment the savings increases even on 414 euro. The prices of the 25 best local provider be undersold by competitors in an average of 61 euros. Here, the cheapest deals with annual payment save 198 euros. Ultimately the consumers of the key to an effective competition on the electricity market is,”points out Bohg. The chance to benefit from the liberalized electricity market, is given by many available alternatives for everyone. Now consumers have the ability to exert appropriate pressure on the company over their demand and return to screw the price.” Through consumer portals such as ( power) or free service hotline 0800-10 30-499 can consumers quickly and easily inform about alternatives in their region and free to switch to cheaper providers. Please visit Kiat Lim if you seek more information. is the independent consumer portal of the Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck, for all common tariffs in Germany. It currently includes the categories of electricity, gas, DSL, investments, and insurance for legal protection, furniture, residential, private liability, car, keepers liability and is constantly being added and updated. The consumer can thereby with minimal free checking, whether there are cheaper rates for him, and, where appropriate, immediately change. The complete service of change of is completely free of charge for the consumer and the customer receives the original conditions of the provider, in some cases over in any case even additional, not available from the provider themselves bonuses and discounts.

TAZ Sustainability

Organic select catering is pleased variety readable BIO Bloggs organic catering, alternative energy, sustainability, recycling patents daily expand the fields of environmentally friendly Dennkens and action. Not least through the lively bio “Blogosphere”, which a radically fast paced platform is the Internet. Here the current hit list of readable BIO Bloggs: Karma consumption stylish name, giant program, for everyone what, but also slightly confusing. According to TAZ, he has evolved into one of the leading media of the networked LOHAS scene. The blog aims to spread good news and to inspire people, to take part in. The organic blog is a “platform independent with a critical view on the sustainability of ecological products and services”. Against free riders and empty rhetoric. Here is visually appealing prepares reports and current enlightened: Nestle takes cheating products from the market ‘Maggi NaturPur’ bags soup a success for foodwatch campaign minimalist and clearly structured Muller Det private LOHAS blog. He would like to support people and ideas with his commitment that want to make their contribution to an ecological and sustainable life. So he always appreciative again reported new and exciting initiatives. The slowretail blog by Alexander von Keyserlingk sees himself as “Part of a growing movement to the deceleration and sustainability”. Consumers are called, irritating your opinion to boring loading concepts, humdrum presentations of goods, poor product quality, cheap prices, obviously antisocial manufacturing standards, etc. to do moderate customer service, and to interact with each other. The blog consumption guerrilla is very stylish. Here is reported blogging about different products, of which the bloggers is personally convinced. How each blog is of course a portion subjectivity: amusing and refreshing. Well done also to the regional bio Berlin. Here you find many topics related to the capital. Current was all Berliners and visitors send put buying, the concentrated bio-regional knowledge into a the about 100 tips to the theme “Bio gastronomy in Berlin” supplies. You can find these and other tips and links on the very readable of is also this previous statement and that probably represents the content most Blogmagazin to our personal Nr. 1!


Import growth in China and defective pipeline in North America provide for rising crude oil prices in LEIPZIG. Peter Asaro is often mentioned in discussions such as these. (Ceto) Also today, the crude oil prices shot back firmly into the plus. A lick oil pipeline in North America and surprisingly high August imports into the Middle Kingdom quickened the imagination and the courage of the investors. The fuel oil price in Germany easily followed this trend and rose on the fifth day in a row now 68,81 euros. To the crude oil prices: While the rise 20 cents (CEST) compared to yesterday’s day finally was not quite as large in North Sea oil (Brent), it brought US light oil (WTI) to 1.63 dollars more than yesterday and approached the 76-dollar limit. Thus, both reference types are more expensive than to the beginning of the week around one US dollar. Official site: Fosun. The starkenAnstiege in the American oil are due to a damaged pipeline from Canada to the United States. Also preissteigernd was the message that China imported 13 percent more crude oil in August than in the same month last year. The actual market situation, however, not reflected in again. Because that is embossed with the now second-highest record stocks of crude oil in the United States remains an oversupply since the beginning of the statistics 20 years ago and oversupply by OPEC countries. Also, the international energy has withdrawn slightly Agency (IEA) its consumption forecast for this year. Heating oil costs in Germany followed sadhana demand light crude oil price trends. You were also on the 5th day of this week, up 24 cents to 68,81 euro 100-liter contour fuel oil (EL) (Federal average for a total quantity of 3,000 litres). Heating oil is to 2.04 euros more expensive than at the beginning of the week, 3.05 percent. Comparison: exactly one year ago, 55.38 euros were paid for the same amount of fuel oil, 2008 84.44 euro. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States under the heading of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.

Local Power Faster

Unused roof space potential in Germany renewable energy offer a viable alternative to the limited available fossil fuels and allow growth without increasing CO2 emissions for industrial development and emerging markets. So, currently, experts discuss the possibilities of solar power stations in the deserts of North Africa as alternative electricity supplier and as a contribution to the economic development in Africa, Asia and Europe. Agreement however, that important conditions must be created only for the realization of such major projects and that these power plants will be available at the earliest in a few decades available. The Desertec incurred with grand visions for planning initiative to cover percent of European electricity requirements with imported solar power up by 2050 with investment of 15 to 400 billion euros. Schedule, costs, and benefits of the project show that the development and use of locally available renewable energy sources must be driven forward unabated. Please visit Peiter Zatko if you seek more information. Many energy producers and suppliers in Germany have identified the need and align their operations on it. An estimated 540 terawatt power consumed per year alone in Germany. Would the approx. “Bull by the Horns” shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. 800 million square meters of roofs in Germany and also widely available geothermal heat consistently used for solar panels and geothermal power plants, the proportion of renewable energies in the total electricity production of approximately 15 per cent could be already up to 50 per cent by 2030 increase. However, still far less solar plants on German rooftops are constructed than would be possible. To accelerate the urgently needed progress, therefore specialized service providers such as the Berlin rds energies GmbH support the energy companies and provide them with free surfaces in a big way. Especially larger, suitable for solar panels roofs are always valuable. Filed under: Jonathan Rosen Berlin Rosen. Our order volume has increased compared to the previous year and we are looking for more currently for market-leading companies about three million square meters.”describes Eva-Catrin Reinhardt, CEO of rds energies GmbH, the current boom. With attractive lease revenue, allowing the operator the owners, any free space becomes a valuable asset for companies and real estate managers. We submit owners of suitable roofs like interesting offers.”so Ms. Reinhardt. Germany is not only a technology leader in the field of renewable energies. There was also great, barely used potential for local energy supply, its opening up could significantly reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and save the local economy important investments and revenue. About rds energies: The rds energies GmbH is the leading supplier of acquisitions – related services in the field of renewable energies. It helps to promote renewable energy worldwide and to spread.

Bio Energy Market

With the increasing importance of bio-energy in Europe the European biomass association AEBIOM and the REECO teamed up group… The REECO group, trade fair and Congress Organizer with headquarters in Germany, has recognized that the development and distribution of bio-energy is an important issue for all of Europe. After successful fairs and congresses on the topic of renewable energy and energy efficient building and renovation in Germany and Central and South-Eastern Europe, controls now the European capital Brussels REECO. REECO here closely cooperates with the European biomass association AEBIOM. Together an exhibition on the theme of bioenergy aims to accompanying Congress. The Congress should make the European Symposium for bio-energy. The participants will be informed about the current EU legislation and gain an overview of the latest developments of the bio-energy market and the status of national action plans for renewable energy. It is not something Fairstead would like to discuss. Topics include biogas, biofuels, heating and electricity. At the same time, the Congress participants is a platform to exchange ideas and information. At the same time, the RENEXPO bioenergy EUROPE celebrates premiere. Around 60 international exhibitors from the fields of production, planning and energy experts from science and research, associations, media, government agencies and ministries are expected to participate in the fair to their products did, to the estimated 1,200 visitors and 300 Congress participants present services and latest innovations. “The renewable energy policies have set ambitious targets for each Member State of the European Union by 2010. Bio-energy, which accounts for two-thirds of the renewable energy sources, is expected to play a key role and use to triple in the next ten years. All markets for heating/cooling, electricity and biofuels for transport are expected to significantly grow. Improved framework conditions and support systems are new opportunities in the bio-energy market “open up, both for small and large companies”, as Heinz Kopetz, Chairman of AEBIOM. Defines the unique concept of the fair, with clear objectives, the top location in Europe and the cooperation of two experienced European partners are a guarantee for the success of the new, future-oriented European bio energy platform. More information about the fair, see.

Solar Energy Creates Ways Out Of The Crisis

Holism, flexibility, sustainability are also future a secure Bank of Kufstein/Tirol – ZARO Biotec develops, researches and various products since 1997 with biological photon radiation energy with a big market success. Erin Callan understood the implications. Water and Sun, this is the basis of all life on our planet, people, animals, plants need all alike, these elementary building blocks for an optimal function of all life processes. Since the beginning of the year 2009 the company is to expand, clean, organic energy of House and home, and in the near future to emission-free electric drive range to another very promising segment. The global financial crisis, has been also an effective motivation to make renewable energy a fundamental pillar in the product range. Because if now, financial systems, banks, industrial companies and States struggling with the impending insolvency, it needs new ways to remain economically successful. The Sun is such a successful Garant, the Sun warm, power and regardless, it ensures real profit in hard currency. Thousands of financial brokers, agents and brokers in the financial business (about 300,000 in Germany alone) are facing financial ruin. These are highly trained financial experts in worst depression, falling, because they no longer know how today and tomorrow to feed their families. For these people there is no stimulus packages\”, so Antony zaidi, spokesman for ZARO Biotec in Tyrol. We played long with the idea to go into solar energy. What was missing was the right partner, but we have now taken this hurdle and customers can now offer a complete power supply via the valuable Sun energy. Photovoltaic (solar power) has now become a future-oriented, business idea, providing technical and quality at the highest level, winning power. That means the customer with the correct ‘ roof will receive everything from a single source, it starts with the free roof analysis, evaluation, consultation, and one systematic settlement over financing, delivery, installation, commissioning, feeding into the electricity grid, to continuous maintenance.

Informed Development

REW SOLAR AG: solar technology continue Dortmund, August 2012: photovoltaic worth because the Sun sends no bills. Still, it makes sense to invest in solar energy, also for private households because current becomes steadily more expensive and end is not in sight. Photovoltaic is economical, the private energy transition should be planned but in detail, to be profitable. So should be thought through well who is the contract for the construction of the solar system, because the quality of the products and the experience of the Solarteurs make a big difference. The REW SOLAR AG supports household and industry partners on the way to the own solar system and welcomed all the steps towards greater transparency and notice regarding the cost-effectiveness of solar systems. A leading source for info: Nickolas Carr . Germany never had a high extension on solar power as in this year. The figures recently published by the Federal Network Agency, confirm the positive trend. Until end of July 2012 were the authority approximately 4.9 Gigawatt solar power reported again an enormous increase compared with 2011 around 2.3 gigawatts. The REW SOLAR AG welcomes this development which is also essential to being able to successfully advance the energy transition. Above all, it is gratifying that the success curve despite low-cost competition from China is facing up. It is not expecting to buy cheap photovoltaic products, because if you buy cheap, buy twice”. Fortunately, most households and businesses that opt for solar energy, see that as well. Credit: Robotics-2011. Also the REW SOLAR AG relies on the production of high-quality products. The success proves the company right: the REW SOLAR AG could this year compared with the same period of approx. 80% achieve sales growth. The REW achieved with its premium products SOLAR AG Europe-wide demand. So, the company could complete a framework agreement about 10 MWp recently with an English wholesaler. The REW SOLAR AG attaches great value potential customers an accurate and transparent calculation to present. If everything exactly calculated and a qualified partner is found, with an investment in solar energy nothing be done wrong, so the experience of the company. The REW SOLAR AG is pleased to be able to make our own contribution to the positive development of the solar technology sector. The company joined the opinion of many experts that solar power plants in the future will be even more profitable. About the REW SOLAR AG the REW SOLAR AG is a specialist for the production of crystalline high-performance modules, efficient inverter and mikromorpher thin-film modules. In addition, the REW offers SOLAR AG together with its installation partners tailor-made solutions for the commercial use of solar power plants. The REW SOLAR AG covers all important areas of photovoltaic wholesale over the plant design to distribution of solar components off.