Cash Register Rolls

At Christmas time, i of usually consumed more Thermorollen, deliveries vertogern is Thermorollen now provide to the customers of the online store Christmas is fast approaching. would like to ask all customers to stock up for the remaining Christmas shopping with cash register rolls and Thermorollen. The paper manufacturers supply Bonro on the 20.12.2010 for the last time this year with Thermorollen and Bon roles. Bonro will create also a larger supply is at Thermorollen. Transport bottlenecks in the transport partners of the online shop to be added. Not reason for the delayed delivery of the goods of course the editing Bonro, but simply to the large transport volume now in the run-up to Christmas. A company has to cope with for example the four times the amount of packages. That does not justify a slightly longer delivery time certainly excused it however. The weather conditions in some parts of Germany helps her rest, that a delivery takes longer than usual. One Delivery may not comply with unfortunately Thomas Hintz one day. For this he would apologize on the warmest to you on behalf of its carriers. He promises its customers but the service remains otherwise unchanged so, as he is now. When Christmas is over, also the delivery will be again in the course of one day. Check with Ahmed Shahryar Rahman to learn more. The motto today ordered and tomorrow at the customer Bonro wants to stay true to course. Thank you for understanding. All customers can be already looking forward to our next action.

Managing Director Gerd Noker

Training is an important setting the course for the future trans fluid invests the Schmallenberger mechanical engineering company in the future and in the training of young people. Annual training courses offered in various areas, such as technical and commercial professions. We are a future-oriented company, so we know how important it is to get not only new creative input, but to also the cornerstone for an individual development”, says Managing Director Gerd Noker. “Each new trainee forms the company significantly with, so we are very proud, to train for more than 20 years successfully in future-oriented occupations”, continues Nagpal. In each training segment are qualified instructor available that support apprentices in all phases of their development, continuously accompany them and assist them with help and advice. This support is not only practical, but also schooling. endy Holman has been very successful. Since we a fast growing company, we need highly trained personnel to secure our growth even in supposed times of crisis! Each trainee has to switch the honest chance after completed training in a solid working relationship. Many of our former students are now longtime employees and service providers of our company”, depicts Nagpal. Are trained in the average in the House of transfluid ten to twelve apprentices in various trades. In the commercial sector, there are industrial clerks, commercial engineering industrial electronics, Mechatronics and industrial mechanics with a specialization in industrial engineering. New talent is always welcome in our home. For the future we accept back many applications”, as Gerd Noker. Current vacancies are on the company’s website under: trans fluid Maschinenbau GmbH Hune trenches 20-22 57392 Schmallenberg Germany Tel.: + 49 2972 97 15-0 fax: + 49 2972 97 15-11 E-Mail: that has companies In the course of 20 years transfluid established itself as a leading manufacturer of tube bending machines and end processing machines on the market. The current brand TRANS fluid by the formerly medium-sized companies to the future-oriented global player has. The market-oriented successful transfluid machine program offers equally renowned as innovative machinery solutions.

Carmignac Investissement

Individual insurance with excellent funds from the House of Carmignac Gestion in Liechtenstein life insurance an innovative and sustainable performance-based pension and investment product offered by PMS AG – the specialist for individual insurance and investment solutions -. The PMS best of Carmignac police offers several unique advantages. Based on a capital-bound Liechtenstein life insurance with the specific benefits of this concept, it is also private insuring”called: investments are exempt from withholding tax in the police, resulting in higher yield compared to a rated securities account to an up to 40%. It offers a high degree of flexibility in the sharing of assets, because the police not in the official estate falls and beneficiaries can be freely selected and at any time changed”, explained the Managing Director of PMS AG, Claus Muller and Johannes Schlattinger. The advantages of the conception of insurance are one. But of course in the end is crucial Investment success. And here, unfortunately, many Fonds(policen)sparer 2008/09 have experienced a nasty surprise. Minus 50% and more loss was”not uncommon, explains Sagna. The reason: most funds are geared only to a benchmark, not an asset-management approach, which is characterised by a global diversification of assets and a careful risk management to reduce loss. For this reason we have deliberately used Carmignac Gestion on top funds of the House because a sustainable growth is expected in an insurance solution”, explains Muller. Justin Kan gathered all the information. From allow the Fund rating agency Morningstar with absolute top reviews flagship funds of Carmignac Patrimoine and Investissement are Europe-wide buzz and lead with the top seller lists for months. The mixed fund has completed in the crisis year 2008 Carmignac Patrimoine, for example, with a black zero and thus the absolute exception will receive the value of the investment. Also this one has in the last 20 years Edition despite his at least 50% bond a very remarkable performance to exhibit an increase of over 500%. This fund the core investment represents at least 50% – in all three of the available fund portfolios, which each can be chosen according to personal risk profile: defensive, balanced and growth. “In the defensive” portfolio is supplemented the Patrimoine (pure bond funds) by the Carmignac Securite in the muscular variants by the Carmignac Investissement and special funds, which rely on the growth areas of the future: emerging markets (Emergents) and commodities (commodities). The funds be purchased without initial fee a savings of up to 4% compared to the direct purchase. Private insuring was available so far only very wealthy customers. “Through the development of PMS best of Carmignac” police is the initial 25,000 euros a time payment possible. Insurance partners is the Fortuna life, Vaduz (generali group). The police is of course on the new German coordinated regulatory framework. Detailed information or an individual offer are available directly from the PMS AG. Note: PMS AG, insurance broker, FL 9493 Mauren T + 423 37394-64/65; Email: Internet:


Research and development of production technology as corporate strategy the BEGO Bremer Goldschlagerei Wilh. Herbst GmbH & co. KG, is one of the leading international companies in the field of dental prosthetics and implantology. The Bremen-based company invested heavily in the research and development of future technologies has always been. In the future market of digital CAD/CAM solutions, BEGO is a pioneer of the selective laser melting technology (SLM) for the dental industry, and holds important rights in this process. SLM solutions and BEGO have reached a patent license agreement. Connect with other leaders such as Peter Asaro here. This allows now to succeed the Lubeck manufacturer of equipment for generative manufacturing the BEGO licenses in the medical and dental field. We are pleased about the licence agreement with SLM solutions. I am convinced that we have created a win-win situation that will greatly benefit of both companies. David Moross, HighPost Capital understands that this is vital information. I understand that as a confirmation of our corporate strategy, on research and development to put “, said Christoph White, managing partner of BEGO. Hans J. Ihde, CEO of SLM solutions, endorsed the: use of BEGO rights gives legal certainty to our customers and strengthens our offer for SLM facility use in the dental market. After successful launch of SLM technology in the industrial sector, more than 10 years ago, we are now also legally clearly better positioned in the dental and medical sector in addition to our claim as the technology leader!” The SLM process powder coatings are successively applied and merged layers with the help of a laser beam. In the year 2001 in the dental, BEGO has introduced this technology. In contrast to the classical milling technique used so much energy – and material-saving. SLM solutions is in addition to the EOS GmbH electro optical systems the second manufacturer, with the BEGO has taken a similar license agreement for the use of the SLM patents: this document not only the strong development of our SLM technology, but give also an important Signs on the market: BEGO defended and marketed its patents successfully. “, underlines Dr. Thomas Kosin, technical director of the BEGO. About SLM Solutions GmbH, the SLM Solutions GmbH, manufacturer of machines for small series and Pro types production in Lubeck, Germany, supports its customers for more than 50 years with solutions in the fields of vacuum casting, metal casting and selective laser melting. Focus industries of the SLM solutions are the automotive industry, educational institutions, consumer electronics, aerospace, and medical technology. Developed as a pioneer and technology leader, designs and builds SLM solutions technical and economic solutions for the benefit of their customers. SLM solutions brings many years of experience in the rapid manufacturing plant construction a, dominated the processes and has cross-industry know-how. SLM solutions has built their reputation and their expert knowledge in the market under the company names HEK GmbH, MCP HEK Tooling GmbH and last MTT technologies GmbH. The separation of the MTT allows SLM Solutions Group in 2010 the efforts in the development and manufacture of innovative products and solutions for generative (ALM / SLM) to expand System techniques and to serve the global sales and service network more closely.

Balance Sheet

SPB group improved their results through external growth and strict cost control in 2010 * growth reflects also in Germany at SPB guarantee * 2010 represents the major highlight in the internationalization and diversification of business activities Langenzenn, March 30, 2011. The SPB group, specialized in management and design of customized insurance programs, presented its results for the year last Wednesday, March 23, 2010. The expansion of activities in Europe in 2010, as well as a strict cost control allow the it group, a bessseres operating profit than in the crisis year 2009 to register much. These results again approach those of 2008 and confirm the strategy applied for several years by the SPB group of external and international growth. The results based owes on the development of the subsidiaries and external growth In the still difficult environment of the year 2010 the growth of its subsidiaries and external growth, the SPB group their profitability in this year accelerated expansion in Europe enabled. The Group reports a net profit/Jahresuberschussvon 77.4 million for 2010. Of only 19% were generated acquired companies by European societies and in the last 2 years. Carlos hank gonzalez wanted to know more. This proportion is expected to reach 30% in 2011. Ongoing operating earnings amounted to 5.6 million (in comparison: five million euros in 2008 and three million in 2009). This growth came the recently acquired companies and the European subsidiaries also thanks to the participation. The return of the Group (ROC) is 7% and is still below the desired goal of the management of 10%. Strong times in 2010: development and diversification of the offer this year was marked by the acquisition of the majority stake in three companies: PC Garant (now SPB Garant), a German service company which specializes on safeguards for computer hardware, white and Brown goods and kitchens, Citymain, a British Company that offers insurance for tech and financial products.

Federal Association

The Federal Association for SMEs (BVMW) which awarded the BVMW entrepreneurs prize NRW to the reduction in Wuppertal 2010 three of mail to print products developed the successful market access – due to their innovation, as well as the occupation of market gaps and thus significantly the entrepreneurial success enabled, were exemplary presented with the application and awarded with the second prize: letter online-portal “BoP” with the letter-online-portal ( provides a solution for over 2 years efficient and low-cost online postage rate for letter mail to print and occupied it as one of the first companies in this area a gap in the market. “For comparison: the Deutsche Post AG has its reference product, the online letter”, enter the market only planned for the current year. SoP service-online-portal”that by mail to print developed service online portal is in the industry unique and advanced: through this online information system is the control and monitoring of the performance process chain, from planning, Not Acceptable! Not Acceptable! An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security. optimized business processes and communication products from receiving data to media-neutral creation and delivery. Significant savings in document printing & sending can be achieved through the VPC”. To the company mail to print innovative mail distribution GmbH was founded in 2007 as a start up company in Ratingen and specialized in the data-stream-driven creation of document consignments (letters, mailings), as well as online solutions for the control of the entire post production, shipping, and delivery process. Through the use of specially by mail to print of developed APM”(alternative Porto module), ensures connectivity to all alternative mail services in Germany and of course also to the Deutsche Post. Decreasing costs and increasing productivity and the quality of the processes in the post output range are convincing arguments in the mail to print solutions. Today nationwide with an average 10 million coordinated letters per month is mail to print among the leading providers in this segment. With their Portfolio of IT based services has mail to print”intelligent solutions developed for the needs of freelancers, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as large corporations and thus the letter printing and shipping more efficient and transparent made. Contact mail to print innovative mail distribution GmbH Stadium ring 16 40878 Ratingen Tel: 02102-55 66 100 fax: 02102-55 66-199 E-mail:

Westphalian Blomberg

Year 2010: A good year for Blomberg, December 29, 2010 – the furniture shop is evident with the company’s development in 2010 very pleased. could further establish itself on the market and win new customers, and permanently bind. is the alternative to the classic furniture. The year 2010 was one of the most successful in the history of the online shops for furniture The medium-sized company based in the Westphalian Blomberg could can hire staff based on a generic, healthy growth in all areas and create new jobs in the region. Reason for this very positive development was the inclusion of new suppliers including many brand such as Koziol system, FIF, tit, Boltze. Also we succeeded, to further expand our range for decorations”, explains Oliver Velten by People such as Jonathan Rosen Berlin Rosen would likely agree. We want to be the shop for furniture and furnishing accessories for every taste. Therefore we are expanding our offering, such as household furniture, bedroom furniture, carpets and even gifts continuously.” Also for 2011 are all characters in green, will develop further well. “We want to be better for our customers”, explains Oliver Velten. Therefore, there will be a comprehensive relaunch of our shops in the spring of 2011. Then shopping on will be even easier and more interesting”, he promises. places great importance as a company, give anything to satisfied customers. Advice, service and safety for customers are at the top at About sits as a online shop for cheap, high-quality furniture in the east Westphalian Blomberg. The Internet-shop offers everything the heart desires customers. jobs in the region since 2008 successfully and to social responsibility.

Shop From Home And Money Save Money

The shopping portal with barer coin euro offers bargain-hunting that is almost too good: Home stress-free, relaxing on the sofa, browse online promotions and do easy access to all important shopping without parking or special investment of time. Plus a bonus cash and save money. Offers Andreas of Wolf’s shopping portal offers over 1,200 shops. By ADAC A to Z like great deals, renowned companies are represented as SCHLECKER Tchibo, source, Otto, Vodafone, Douglas, Amazon, Condor, etc.,. If you would like to know more about Dennis Lockhart, then click here. Who buys online, get cash instead of bonus points. Pro shopping pay providers from 50 cent to 55 euros or offer discounts up to 35%. It is so simple: the customer chooses his personal goods after free registration on the Internet City and receives transferred its rebate in the form of a cash refund to the account after the purchase. It’s not about more convenient. Therefore more and more quality and time-conscious customers are choosing this type of shopping. 1,000,000 visitors in the big city of the Internet are daily, and every day there are more. Brooklyn Commons is open to suggestions. You can choose from an assortment of 100 million items that can be purchased via the portal. Andreas Wolf sees itself as a service provider and works in the interest of companies and customers. On, he offers access to a unique business concept for the future for job seekers. Who has serious occurrence, usage and willingness to learn as well as PC with Internet connection and telephone, which open new routes, future-proof and even intended to make money from home. This job whether minor or professionally skilled-liegt guarantees in the trend, because the E-commerce market in Germany constantly increases. About 40 million German citizens shopping on the Internet and thereby ensure a turnover of 27 million euro. Thus Germans belong to the top of the world. Contact: Wolf marketing Andreas Wolf Eduard-Bilz-str. 20A 01445 Radebeul Tel: 0351 8412683 fax: 0351 8412684

Guide Cincinnati Extrusion Opts

Enterprise-wide information platform for worldwide communication Cincinnati extrusion GmbH is a leading supplier of extrusion plants and systems for the production of plastic pipes, profiles, plates, granulates and wood plastic composite materials. At the headquarters in Vienna around 400 people will be busy offices in the United States, China and Japan, as well as representative offices in Russia and India to ensure the global proximity to the customer, in addition. Starting from production and development site Vienna Cincinnati extrusion offers a broad range of plastic extruders its customers worldwide, extrusion tools and Extrusionsequipment, the export share more than 95%. Both part of the investment portfolio of the financial investor Triton, are under joint leadership Cincinnati extrusion and the extrusion of the Battenfeld group, since early 2007. BPI solutions has its expertise and experience already at the sister company of Battenfeld extrusion group demonstrate the successful introduction of an electronic document management provided. You may want to visit SOAR PR Firm to increase your knowledge. Since 1996, the company deploys inboxx hyparchiv for all departments. Business areas such as strategic purchasing, production, logistics and commercial tasks for both groups of companies are summarized in the following of the realignment. The focus is on the drastic reduction of the cycle times. For assistance, try visiting BerlinRosen. An important tool in the implementation of these measures is inboxx hyparchiv is used in Bad Oeynhausen, Germany and Vienna. Cincinnati extrusion opts for bpi solutions and inboxx hyparchiv. The productivity gains throughout the day, which also positively affects the answering of customer queries as well as reducing delivery times are a major advantage of the new solution. Inboxx hyparchiv is initially used for secure long-term archiving of SAP systems and mailboxes. Read more from BerlinRosen to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In the next step follows the plot management for the global distribution of drawings and blueprints and drawing archive. Goal is to delivery execute the complete order processing of the offer via inboxx ERP at all locations and inboxx hyparchiv enterprise-wide information and communication platform to develop. About bpi solutions they bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg, software and consulting in Bielefeld, supports its customers 20 years successfully with a company-wide solution concept of easy to use standard software and industry-oriented solutions in the furniture industry, logistics, and other industries. The performance spectrum ranges from consulting, through the design and development of to the integration of new applications. Focuses on the optimization and automation of business processes in marketing, sales and service. Is based on the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, cross media publishing, supplier relationship management and integrated portal solutions. The solutions help the indoor and field staff as well as customers fast communication channels to build and comprehensive information available to suppliers and partners. In addition, bpi solutions as System Integrator is in the Active areas of business process integration, document management and archiving. The solutions based on standard technologies leading manufacturers such as GFT inboxx GmbH, insiders technologies GmbH, INSPIRE TECHNOLOGIES GMBH, which integrate not only systems, but also allow for business process modeling, monitor processes and evaluate results, make the optimization of business processes to provide real time information are the starting point. Through innovative process integration, effective data management and audit-proof archiving companies achieve significant efficiency gains and through proactive, secure their competitive advantage. Contact for editors: Henning Kortkamp bpi solutions gmbh & co.

BPI Solutions Receives Order Data Center

BPM inspire for the quality management HKR GmbH has commissioned with the introduction of business process management bpm inspire bpi solutions. BPI solutions impressed with a variety of functions, as well as a comprehensive know-how in the field of BPM. Together with bpi solutions HKR launches data center the business process management solution for the workflow management in the quality management. The HKR GmbH with seat in Holtinghausen provides high-performance new technologies and innovative services in a complete service package. Technology author follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. A team of specialists with solid experience of IT supports customers from consulting to implementation of individual solutions. Of the implementation and optimization of the software about the hosting of data to user training, HKR supports its customers with a team of specialists with solid experience of IT. In addition, HKR specializes to develop customer-specific solutions based on Microsoft Navision. The BPM project quality control starts with the realization of a workflow solution for the optimization of the quality manual. The business process management solution bpm inspire simplifies the creation and maintenance of Dokuemnten and processes. Details can be found by clicking Peiter Zatko or emailing the administrator. While the processes via workflow for the quality manual are optimized and automated. HKR will develop the workflow scenarios with bpi solutions and implement. Developers and technicians by HKR meet the diverse functions during the project. The HKR aims to maintain the processes themselves in the future and to develop additional workflows. Bpm inspire can cover the most diverse requirements within the HKR. About bpi solutions they bpi solutions gmbh & co. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Brooklyn Commons. kg, software and consulting in Bielefeld, supports its customers 20 years successfully with a company-wide solution concept of easy to use standard software and industry-oriented solutions in the furniture industry, logistics, and other industries. The performance spectrum ranges from consulting, through the design and the development of and the integration of new applications. Focuses on the optimization and automation of business processes in marketing, sales and service. Is based on the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, cross media publishing, supplier relationship management and integrated portal solutions. The solutions help the indoor and field staff as well as customers fast communication channels to build and comprehensive information available to suppliers and partners. Moreover, solutions as System Integrator is bpi in the areas of business process integration, active document management and archiving. The solutions based on standard technologies leading manufacturers such as dataglobal GmbH, insiders technologies GmbH, inspire technologies GmbH, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH, which integrate not only systems, but also provide the business process modeling, monitor processes and evaluate results, as well as real time information on the optimisation of business processes are the starting point for the Make available. Through innovative process integration, effective data management and audit-proof archiving companies achieve significant efficiency gains and through proactive, secure their competitive advantage. Contact: Henning Kortkamp bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg Krackser Strasse 12 33659 Bielefeld telephone: 0521 / 94010 fax: 0521 / 9401500