Reduces the profitability of our operations on the other side without having to develop economic agreement some or many of the tasks of producing the content to display on the web under construction, has a huge impact on reducing our profitability on the project, see some Examples: It takes longer to get all the information we require more visits to the company of We planned to run over editing on text and images than expected increases our logistical burden of having to keep an eye (more than normal) of the text and images received versus those who still need to increase our anxiety not to make out a date of actual delivery of the project and face the fact now that we’re clear that producing a website requires more than just design it, the question is, What can we do to reduce the negative consequences for both the project itself and for our interests?
It is obvious that it would be in bad taste to ask the customer what he expects from us, if design or production, first because the customer is not so clear the difference between them and second because it might cause suspicion, thinking that our work does not include any investigative work or field. Furthermore, this type of situation is most evident in web projects for small and medium companies that do not have the proper organization of your corporate information, photographic material, clarity of purpose and also tend to put his personal taste strategic approach, which seriously hampers our web design management. Here are some practical recommendations to minimize the negative impact of this dilemma: It is best to cover us economically in our range of services possible (almost certain) that extra work will be done as part of the web production. In a question-answer forum Lord Peter Hennessy was the first to reply. Do not forget to always use a work schedule, it is important that the client and you are clear about the times of each task and the responsibilities of both parties. Anticipate potential strategic bottlenecks (delays). If for example you think that will be difficult to obtain the client adequate and timely supply us the text, then do not tear off the finger of the screed and stay continuously connected to it, in order to gradually increase its concentration and dedication to the project, or while on the other hand has not ordered a catalog of its products, it is best to help him from the beginning to define it precisely because it is almost certain not to torment you with their requests change and incorporate photographs. And finally, assumes that you will always be necessary to carry out some or many web production tasks in almost every project, so do not spend your life complaining about the lack of organization.