You wise person who exists a treasure its wait? She can have certainty that yes! The treasure that I mention is more valuable that the gold and the silver, and cannot be compared with that it can exist. it is not occult to our eyes. He is to the reach of simplest of the men until the noblest celebrity that can exist. He is to the reach of that they are imprisoned, of the people who are in its stream beds of pain and suffering. He is to the reach of the vitiated ones and of that they are without route in the life.
All can possuiz it! But to arrive at this so precious treasure, a map capable only exists to guide it. A very precious map that cannot be tracked by satellites. He has that to be tracked with love, with feeling, therefore thus it will only take in them to the treasure. when to find this treasure, through our faith, will have a requirement to be able to take ownership of it. It is a secret! To possess we need it to vender everything that we have! To carry through in our lives an inversion of values.
This it is key so that let us can in them become possessors of this treasure. We need to vender all the things that our life verwhelms spiritual. Everything what it is bad in us will have that to go for the sea of the esquecimento and dae then, the wind will be our favor, and will sail calm in calm waters of the life. Friends, will not be one exaggerate to say, therefore it is a reality, hundreds of people who track the map, do not obtain to perceive its value, and they cannot possess the treasure, because the pleasures do not vendem that the world offers. Therefore, to possess this treasure we need to track the map with the heart. We need to vender everything that verwhelms our soul, then we will only become in them deserving of this treasure of incalculable value. The map, of which as much we speak, is the sacred bible and the treasure of incalculable value is Jesus Christ, that one that in the ones of a salvation. It thinks about this, and it sails calmly for calm waters of the life. The map and the treasure are its wait. Ura – Paran.