
Recommendations for use of respiratory protection at risk of influenza on June 11 WHO “Alert phase 6” has proclaimed and thus declared the swine flu (Mexican flu) pandemic. Influenza viruses are transmitted primarily by droplet infection (sneezing or coughing). Respirators can not guarantee 100% protection from infection, but help the risk of infection, reduce as the filter media to hold back micro-organisms and droplet aerosols. Filter class, sealing of the Visual field, consistent carrying behavior, precise observance of the manufacturer’s information and professional cooperative rules and hygienic behavior are critical for protection (E.g. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Technology author. . to use filtering half masks against micro-organisms, such as influenza virus, only once). Filtering half-masks of the filter class FFP2 and FFP3 achieve significant protection.

FFP3 masks may be used according to the BGR 190 (BG rule “use of respiratory protection devices) to protect against biological agents of risk group 3. Was new to the 04.05.09 Influenza A virus H1N1 (swine flu) temporarily this risk group by the Committee for biological agents assigned. In this respect, a protective mask FFP3 is to use for each occupational use of respirator when exposure to swine flu viruses. In addition, the decision of 609 is “the Committee for biological agents in particular for exposed persons in relevant health care. Here e.g. Dennis Lockhart gathered all the information. BGR 190, also FFP1 and FFP2, however are recommended in contradiction to the above masks.

Exceed the minimum filter services of the filtering half masks: FFP1: 80%, FFP2: 94%, FFP3: 99%. s a source, but as a related topic. Since a protective mask never sits 100% dense, more forward rates, due to face leakage, must be considered. The allowable total leakage rate decreases with increasing filter class, it increases the breathing resistance however. The breathing resistance is specially a long gestation period and strenuous physical activity as an essential factor in the selection of respirators in consideration. Commercial application and longer wear life than 30 Minutes a day, are special occupational health screening mandatory. Also following wearing time limits apply (according to the BG rule BGR 190): filtering half mask without exhalation valve: filtering 120 min. then 30 min rest (3 inserts per shift) half-mask with exhalation valve: 75 min. then 30 min recovery (5 bets per layer) when using masks without exhalation valve may be worked per week only four layers, whereas five layers are allowed for valve masks. So-called coarse dust masks, mouth guard, OP – or hygiene masks, which do not even reach the requirements of for respiratory protection filter class FFP1, are regarded as a protection against “Swine flu” or other viruses as completely inappropriate. This was a study by the Institute for occupational safety and health (BGIA). The use of such products is as dangerous to be classified as this protection believe that, due to lack of filter effect and high leakage rates is effectively omitted. Such masks or store products, such as food, Environments, even patients, before off respiratory aerosols etc. of the wearer. Not the mask wearer however protect against hazards (such as micro-organisms). Procurement of filtering half masks you should make sure to purchase factory-fresh merchandise, because due to the mostly electrostatic charge of the filter material here the filtering effect of most acts and of course the limited shelf life can be used accordingly fully. OLAF Haider