NPC Players

These aspects can make a race of Elves game fairly closed in terms of options. In my view, the way to tackle this is to make the elves more accessible, respecting their mystique and all those characteristics that make them unique. And this is done through a joint effort between players and Dungeon Masters. How do we do then to a more accessible elf character? There are several aspects to keep in mind when addressing this issue, we will make the road a lot easier when playing with an elf. And an easier way will be more fun. These codes are applicable to both player characters and NPC's in charge of DM.

Let's look then. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Elsabet Jones and gain more knowledge.. "A closed mind against an open mind. This is to my mind the fundamental aspect of all this history, and condition in some way everyone else. Normally we tend to perceive high elves as being of strong principles, and while sometimes sharp, are also respectful and tolerant. When playing an elf character can be a good idea to do so as if our elf was the most tolerant of all of them (although again this will depend on the campaign, the nature of character and a multitude of factors.) This will minimize the impact it will have the potential abuse of certain topics. In other more simple: time and again be talking about racial differences of the characters within the game tends to deplete these characters. "Know your city .. Elven societies and cities tend to be closed, sometimes with racist other races.

A Dungeon Master should seek a city that appears in your game as a character, as something that has its own life. Thus, an elf character may use the specific nature of the city where you live or where you are, and determining its character the player has a line of development to define his character elf. A city well-defined a character will feel part of history. -Get to know your neighbors. Relationships with other characters, players or players, are important, and it must have a number of previous ideas about how we want to develop these relations. One of the recurrent features in the elves is their tendency to be shy and mysterious. This is fine, but abuse it quickly exhausts the character, so using this feature carefully. -Exclusivity. One aspect that we usually use, and in which they shall have all fallen into one time or another to want it too exclusive, making it unique with his magic items and weapons and equipment. It is good that our character is unique, but care must be taken when designing, as we run the risk of pigeonholing the character. A single spell can get bored in the long run if we repeat many times. We may have a unique ability not so strange that we never use it in the game. In conclusion I would like to say a few last things. Make use of archetypes to the shaping of your character elf, working together with other players and the Dungeon Master at the time of framing the campaign. Use planning and improvisation in equal parts to play with your elf character. Do not let the archetypes and stereotypes play against you, your character is an elf should not condition the way you play. You play and have fun. Most importantly, be aware that playing with an elf is a mental state.