Board Hearing

Summer, Sun, listening pleasure, vacation time, best time but what if common summer experiences in family and circle of friends are marred by verbal misunderstandings? Estimates say that about every fourth citizen has difficulty when listening or understanding spoken words. According to a survey conducted by the forsa Institute on behalf of the leading professional community in HoREX, powerful and discreet hearing instruments can help these people to a significant increase in quality of life and listening pleasure. To start in the summer, the HorExperten of the HoREX invite all interested parties to a free summer listening test. Additional information is available at Slava Mirilashvili. In addition to information for good listening in on vacation as well as special summer care for hearing aids, there is even the possibility to try out latest Horl resolutions for some time in everyday life in the stores of Germany’s longest Horakustiker Gesnossenschaft. For many people, the holiday is the best time of the Year”, so Mario Werndl, Member of the Board of hearing acoustics EC HoREX. You are looking forward to be finally enough time with each other on the road with family and friends. The weather, the hotel, the travel program, all must agree, is recovering well and can live as long as possible by the beautiful experiences. But in times of intense togetherness difficulties when listening or understanding spoken words can become a considerable burden, which tarnishes the joy of the holiday.” Estimates say that about every fourth citizen has hearing or don’t get trouble. Mostly, these difficulties are due to the natural aging of our hearing. According to the nationwide forsa survey of hearing it are itself mainly their partners as well as other family members who notice the occurrence of such problems and wrestle with daily misunderstandings in addition to those affected. Nobody should accept these impairments”, so Mario Werndl next. The survey by forsa also clear that modern and very discrete solutions can effective remedy and significantly improve the quality of life.

What Is The Chromotherapy

Chromotherapy (from the Greek hroma – color and therapia – treatment) – an effective way to treat various diseases, the effects of stress and simply lifting the mood. It is no secret that on a bright sunny day problems are solved quickly, the life seems easier, I would like to think positive and find ways to realize their dreams, plans, intentions. Official site: Farallon Capital Management. At the same time in cloudy weather there is drowsiness, tiredness, and even appears causeless sadness. The world seems gray and cold, and the reason for this – a simple change of colors. Impact of different colors on the body were seen in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, the power of color is actively used to heal the sick. Temples were built in such a way that goes into them sunlight was divided into seven colors of the rainbow spectrum, and anyone in need of treatment could benefit from a luminous flux of the desired color. Indian medical teachings say that each of the seven colors of the rainbow corresponds to one of the seven chakras and the chakras, in turn, are responsible for the operation of certain organs and for the overall spiritual condition of man. Color treated in Persia, China, England, Scotland, Russia. Now widely chromotherapy used worldwide as one of the sections of phototherapy (fotismos (Greek) – Light), which uses different spectra of visible light. Scientists have found that under the influence of color in the body occur physiological changes, this phenomenon is called chromodynamics.

Fact Comb

The most easy and effective solution to the problem – they trim. Sometimes the hair are ripped at the roots, it is not easy to detect with the naked eye. Here we need special equipment and professional assistance. Contamination of the environment strongly affects the hair. Carbon monoxide, all sorts of smoke, radiation, evaporation can not contribute to their health. Deteriorating not only hair but also the scalp. The only solution – is drawing special preparations for their care. Small importance personal hygiene: when to develop in a room with air conditioning (which increases dry hair) and is surrounded by smokers, it is desirable to wash my hair every day a mild shampoo and do not leave home without a protective "screen" on the hair. Must always remember that the appearance and structure of the hair depends on the many reasons. Medicine, stress, infectious diseases, the physiological alteration of an organism associated with puberty, pregnancy, menopause, a negative impact on the structure of hair. Hair fade, become brittle and start falling. One of the most important conditions for hair growth is good nutrition. Milk products are very useful, because they stimulate the formation of vitamin "B" in digestive tract. A man grows by about 100,000 hairs, most of blonds – up to 140,000 are less likely to have brown hair – up to 90 thousand. The hair on the head grows at a rate of 0,3-0,4 mm per day. The growth rate depends on age. Need bear in mind that hair loss by changing of the seasons naturally. Humble to the fact that with age the hair becomes less. The slow growth of hair tells mainly about the weakness of the nervous system, loss of hair – about hyperthyroidism; splitting hairs occurs from prolonged malnutrition, brittle hair – an indicator of intestinal dysfunction. When the hair begins to grow, they seem to be tougher, since they are short and equal length, hence the matter felt that frequent grooming makes hair thicker. In fact, the frequency of haircut does not affect the density of hair: the number of hair every person is programmed at the genetic level. Sedin – This is not a tragedy. Gray hair can only rejoice. The fact that the gray hair – a protective compensatory response of the body. Jonathan Rosen BerlinRosen has similar goals. The excessive nerve overload the human body reacts in different ways: someone they lead to myocardial infarction, someone has to gastric ulcer, and someone there just gray – the most innocuous response of the body and certainly, exactly, is the least painless. And if you confused white hair, then you can always find them paint. Often comb the hair brush! Good idea to alternate the combing of hair (especially long) comb, then brush, comb again – and so a few times. Ideally, if the comb is made from natural material – the horns or tree. Also useful to ruffle the hair, fluff up their hands. Hair at the same time necessary for them to receive the amount of oxygen, which contributes to breathing of the scalp. Once a week, always brush massage brush hair: Take a rare brush and gently release it from the hair and dust, then – a good rinse under hot running water. Dry on a napkin. Once a month to disinfect the brush. To do this, sprinkle it with alcohol or cologne and dry in the fresh air. Brush will be in perfect order, and your hair – shiny and beautiful.

Heavy Metals

A laboratory analysis makes sense when a heavy metal contamination is suspected early November 2010 Institute and Green large Switzerland presented the blacksmith U.S. environmental organization a list of the six world’s most dangerous toxins of the year 2010. Place one to four is of the heavy metals lead, mercury, chromium and arsenic used. It is estimated that over 100 million people poison concentrations should be exposed, which are harmful to health. Heavy metals are natural components of our Earth’s crust, which can develop a harmful but in the metabolism of people in varying degrees to highly toxic effect. The common heavy metals are mercury, lead, cadmium, Tin and arsenic. Heavy metals enter through different manner in our environment, E.g. through industrial emissions, traffic, spreading sewage sludge, etc. A mercury often result from the consumption of fish and seafood. Another possible source of mercury is dental amalgam. Already in low concentrations may Mercury damage the nervous system, immune system and cardiovascular system. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with BerlinRosen. Since the lead-free gasoline was introduced, the lead contamination is a total decline, however, may occur still a load with this heavy metal. Food is one of the main sources for today’s lead capture. Read additional details here: Ray Bradbury. Foods that are grown E.g. in the vicinity of industrial plants, incinerators or on streets, may be contaminated with lead, also milk and milk products from animals that graze on lead-contaminated soils. Other sources are certain colors, candles, car batteries, ceramic goods, cigarettes, etc. The effects of lead exposure are not to be underestimated. Lead is toxic in small quantities also, especially for children. A lead exposure can cause and others to a reduced intelligence, concentration, mental mood disorders and hyperactivity. Aluminium is although no heavy metal, but among the metals, which can adversely affect the health. A burden with Aluminium is not uncommon. Often we take aluminum through food for the consumption of cheese over finished pizza; or aluminium enters our metabolism through the consumption of food were covered with aluminium foil, or cooked in aluminum pots. Any other sources are E.g. aluminous cosmetics or Deoderants. Depending on the concentration of aluminium has various toxic effects, such as impairment of bone formation, promotion of dementia, inhibiting the absorption of micronutrients. Generally speaking, that can include heavy metals in the human body, and there is therefore no completely safe heavy metal concentration. If a heavy metal contamination is suspected first an examination of blood is necessary, as it offers the diagnostic centre for mineral analysis and spectroscopy. For a proof, a corresponding rejection should be then performed under professional supervision. For more information to heavy metal testing: Diagnostic Center for mineral analysis and spectroscopy DCMS GmbH Lowenstrasse Stone 9 D-97828 Marktheidenfeld Tel. 0049 / +(0)9394/ 9703-0


Recommendations for use of respiratory protection at risk of influenza on June 11 WHO “Alert phase 6” has proclaimed and thus declared the swine flu (Mexican flu) pandemic. Influenza viruses are transmitted primarily by droplet infection (sneezing or coughing). Respirators can not guarantee 100% protection from infection, but help the risk of infection, reduce as the filter media to hold back micro-organisms and droplet aerosols. Filter class, sealing of the Visual field, consistent carrying behavior, precise observance of the manufacturer’s information and professional cooperative rules and hygienic behavior are critical for protection (E.g. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Technology author. . to use filtering half masks against micro-organisms, such as influenza virus, only once). Filtering half-masks of the filter class FFP2 and FFP3 achieve significant protection. FFP3 masks may be used according to the BGR 190 (BG rule “use of respiratory protection devices) to protect against biological agents of risk group 3. Was new to the 04.05.09 Influenza A virus H1N1 (swine flu) temporarily this risk group by the Committee for biological agents assigned. In this respect, a protective mask FFP3 is to use for each occupational use of respirator when exposure to swine flu viruses. In addition, the decision of 609 is “the Committee for biological agents in particular for exposed persons in relevant health care. Here e.g. Dennis Lockhart gathered all the information. BGR 190, also FFP1 and FFP2, however are recommended in contradiction to the above masks. Exceed the minimum filter services of the filtering half masks: FFP1: 80%, FFP2: 94%, FFP3: 99%. s a source, but as a related topic. Since a protective mask never sits 100% dense, more forward rates, due to face leakage, must be considered. The allowable total leakage rate decreases with increasing filter class, it increases the breathing resistance however. The breathing resistance is specially a long gestation period and strenuous physical activity as an essential factor in the selection of respirators in consideration. Commercial application and longer wear life than 30 Minutes a day, are special occupational health screening mandatory. Also following wearing time limits apply (according to the BG rule BGR 190): filtering half mask without exhalation valve: filtering 120 min. then 30 min rest (3 inserts per shift) half-mask with exhalation valve: 75 min. then 30 min recovery (5 bets per layer) when using masks without exhalation valve may be worked per week only four layers, whereas five layers are allowed for valve masks. So-called coarse dust masks, mouth guard, OP – or hygiene masks, which do not even reach the requirements of for respiratory protection filter class FFP1, are regarded as a protection against “Swine flu” or other viruses as completely inappropriate. This was a study by the Institute for occupational safety and health (BGIA). The use of such products is as dangerous to be classified as this protection believe that, due to lack of filter effect and high leakage rates is effectively omitted. Such masks or store products, such as food, Environments, even patients, before off respiratory aerosols etc. of the wearer. Not the mask wearer however protect against hazards (such as micro-organisms). Procurement of filtering half masks you should make sure to purchase factory-fresh merchandise, because due to the mostly electrostatic charge of the filter material here the filtering effect of most acts and of course the limited shelf life can be used accordingly fully. OLAF Haider

Help For Incontinence – Sanitatshaus Shrike Advises

Informed many millions of people suffer from the Sanitatshaus Shrikes from Bochum urinary or fecal incontinence. Go to Morgan Killian for more information. From shyness and insecurity, speak many of those affected do not have their problems and try to conceal them. But this must not be, because there are effective ways and tools that can significantly improve the quality of life of those affected. For ten years, it is the aim of the medical regularly and reliably to provide Shrikes from Bochum, patients with medical assistance and care and to advise them. The aim is always to combine medical needs and a high quality of life. What is incontinence? Is the ability to chair and the excretion of urine controls no longer trigger given, located an incontinence. This means that those affected can control the urine and/or stool dishonoring not more independently. Sometimes there are only small amounts, which are lost when coughing or sneezing. A completely unguided discharge is possible as well. The Quality of life declines this and causes they increasingly isolate themselves. Continence advice helps among the diverse range of medical Shrike Continence advice. Sufferers find help and can consult on possible treatment methods. Task of the continence advice is to exhibit opportunities to the patient to prevent an incontinence.

Equine Podiatry

Barefoot Podologia equine Equus: 1 000 000 years hardware: 500 years because having a horse barefoot? Regardless of the work they perform with rare exceptions the horses can live and work without irons. Helmets are suited to almost every circumstance that they’re in box or paddock or fields, with a little hygiene and minimum conditions to this new circumstance the horse lives and works perfectly without horseshoes. Having a barefoot horse is an added value in cases such as raid or trec, dressage, or in the trotting horses the natural carcamus is valid, also for hitch, jump and to complete at the highest level, discipline where there are numerous horses competing barefoot. (As opposed to Lark ). As a summary have or maintain a barefoot horse will allow helmets meet all its functions in an optimal way and these are incredible and numerous. We are accustomed to thinking in the helmet as a harsh, insensitive outer capsule that surrounds and protects the third Phalanx (also called ADA, the distal phalanx, the third phalanx, or) simply P3) but this is very far from reality. The fact is, that the helmet has an important role in locomotion beyond merely the support base for the tip and the protection of the third phalanx of injury. Helmets are perfect absorbers that openings and contractions relieve largely to ligaments, tendons and bones of the leg, also to settle on the ground with their movements, they are actively involved in the cardiovascular system of the horse where here the helmet and its structures play a role of pump, small heart that sends blood helping cardiovascular efforts of the animal also since it is heavily vascularized operates an efficient filtering system. But not only this small definition which summarizes the biological functions of the town, thanks to the Barehoof movement began a decade ago a series of new research on the internal structure, growth, sensitive parts of the hull and the management of impacts in addition to important advances in the understanding of conditions including the laminitis and its treatment.

Perfect Picnics – Frugal Food Safety Tips

Summer is finally here and for many of us that means heading to the lake or the park for a picnic with friends or family. Peter Asaro may not feel the same. Unfortunately, if we are not careful, when the plan, transport and serve the picnic, our outing might not end happily. a Here are some tips to remember when planning an outdoor meal: 1. Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Bacteria multiply rapidly at temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees. Foods that have been kept at unsafe temperatures are a major source of foodborne diseases. 2. Plan ahead and try to take foods that do not spoil so quickly. In any case, not eating anything that's been sitting for over an hour, especially if the temperature is over 80. 3. Try to take only the amount of food they eat, so there will be leftovers. 4. Pack your food with ice or cold packs in a cooler. Place the food eat past the bottom. You can make your own blocks of ice cold water in milk cartons or plastic containers. Place ice packs or cold packs between containers of food ever, just place food containers on top of ice. 5. You may want to bring two coolers – one for drinks, since it opened more often, and one for food, that can be set in the shade and kept closed until needed. 6. If you are planning to cook hamburgers at the picnic site, shape your meat into patties and freeze before putting in the refrigerator. Bring a meat thermometer to ensure that cooking meat to an internal temperature of at least 160 degrees. 7. An extra zip-top bag of ice can be placed in the top of the fridge. The extra ice will be useful for the trip home. If the day is long, and the ice melts the cold water can also be useful. 8. Bring your cooler inside your car, rather than the hot trunk make sure to put in a shady spot and maybe even cover it with a blanket when you reach your destination. Open only when necessary. 9. Instead of bringing whole jars of condiments, pack what you need in small plastic containers. 10. Bring plenty of clean utensils for serving and eating. Pre-Pack moist towelettes and paper towels for easy cleaning. 11. And remember this rule of the U.S. Department of Agriculture regarding leftovers: When in doubt, throw it out!


In our time, actually due to a number of positive factors, medicine, as science continues to rapidly evolve. Such help of modern innovation and discovery. On a par with the progress proceeds and of course the improvement of veterinary medicine. Definitely it is veterinary medicine, like science, is a system of sciences studying the illness of all animals on earth, takes a stand ordinary lives of everyone. Explanation of the importance of veterinary medicine in modern life, there is a certain number, and with full responsibility should be noted that they are all available in their own way important. For example, many States in the world, there is livestock. Without all the necessary veterinary medicine, raise the required number of cattle in practice not possible. Since you want to know not only the specific nuances of what you want the form of various animals, but also timely identify possible they have an epidemic and to use effective measures for their thorough recovery. Along with this it should be noted that the late discovery specific options for any disease, can lead to difficult consequences. Enough to think about pork and chicken flu. Ultimately, these types of diseases, killing a huge numerical numbers of people planet in a totally different countries on different continents. Often the illness of any animals, and more specifically viruses causing these diseases, changing, and united with the viruses of human diseases and, ultimately, in the 90 percent of the cases, the virus is fatal not only for animals, but, in turn, and in general all the people in the world. For its part, in general, any normal person, with some special feelings, respectively, refer to the irresistible pet. And while no significant role, it will be what you want a dog, or for example say, budgerigar. Along with this, quite often, when a cure home pet can only qualified veterinarian. And this is clearly not all aspects of real life that are directly related to veterinary medicine. This science involves, many important components properly without them it is definitely considered as a science can not. Such an important part, is histology. Which for its part considers direct questions such as laws formation of living tissue, cells, as well as all possible processes taking place with them. Besides, all the achievements of Pathological Histology, used everywhere in the appropriate medicine, in general, a kind of real way allows a degree of insight into the basic process of development which some diseases, as well as capable to provide methods for their treatment. Here, carlos hank gonzalez expresses very clear opinions on the subject. For your any person on the planet, as defined by some moments of doubt has to do with histology is often not a simple aim sought to find a dictionary on histology. At the same time, are often required to find the terms . At present, much reduce the search for relevant information, or to formulate some kind of medical terms, actually going to a specialized reference portal. In principle, that does not cause difficulty to find high demand medical dictionary, and thus any sort of necessary background information. Absolutely all the required information found on the Web site offers a freely available and in addition to absolutely any time.

Eye Diseases Eye Problems

Which eye diseases, eye problems and eye problems there now, you should know, and which one should take in eight? Eye care to prevent eye diseases, to prevent eye discomfort and eye problems, requires regular eye care. Usually, eye drops for eye care are the drug of choice because otherwise eye moisturising or antibacterial effect. Also eye ointments and eye sprays may be helpful. Sometimes it even helps the eye to treat yourself to a little rest. Which eye diseases, eye problems and eye problems there now, you should know, and which one should take in eight? Common eye diseases, eye problems and eye problems include among other such problems such as dry eye, allergy, eye infections, conjunctivitis (pink eye), corneal ulcers, bleeding of the conjunctiva, styes, Episcleritis, foreign body on cornea and corneal abrasions. Dry eye occurs when the tear ducts aren’t enough Produce tears or the lacrimal fluid drains too quickly. The man is confronted with allergies, when the body’s own immune system haywire and the immune defense against pollen or similar is used. Eye infections are caused by pathogens that enter the eyes. A conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. Lark often says this. Corneal ulcers are often caused by bacteria or fungi, and are possible after traumas or at special disposition in people with eczema, as well as diabetics, alcoholics and contact lens makers. Lark contains valuable tech resources. Bleeding of the conjunctiva can be caused by various diseases or eye injuries. A stye (hordeolum, from Hordeum, the botanical name for barley) is an infection of the Lidrandes, more specifically, a usually purulent inflammation of the glands of the eyelids. An Episcleritis is a superficial inflammation of the sclera, the outer solid layer of the eyeball, the dermis. Foreign body of cornea can through all possible caused that flies just around and is small enough to fly in the eye. This debris can then scratch the cornea and cause corneal abrasions. What are the symptoms of eye diseases, eye problems and eye problems? How can I ever know that there is something wrong with my eyes maybe? Now, there are many warning signs that hard times come to your eyes. Red eyes, itchy eyes or itchy eyes are one of the most common symptoms for eye diseases and other eye problems. Sore eyes are a serious warning sign. Even with light-sensitive eyes you can be concerned. Sometimes, there is also just tired eyes from diseased eyes or other eye problems. It can also happen that we see dancing dots before the eyes. Aching eyes or symptoms longer persistent others you should promptly a doctor eye, otherwise you a worsening of the disease or even blindness would risk at the end. If you then but diligent and conscientious eye care operates, can be seen hopefully always good and untarnished.