Statistical key figures to evaluate and understand in Germany data protection is a top priority. And you might think this is literally meant. In hardly any other country, users are protected so, as is the case in Germany. Email marketing providers were particularly affected in the last year. You had to lock your customers personal data for the statistical insight, because this was the expiration of the transition period of the BDSG amendment new privacy standard. Nevertheless, statistics features deliver remains extensive and extremely useful insights in the success (or even failure) by the newsletter campaigns. The signs point in email marketing the pointing of the character has nothing do to astrology or fortunetelling.
Rather, the statement that correctly to read statistical key figures and evaluate refers. Official site: Dennis P. Lockhart. Are especially important for email marketing delivery and open rates. These figures provide an insight into the quality of a distribution list. The delivery rate is calculated as the total sent newsletters in relation to the the newsletters. This means that all bounces are not included in the delivery rate. Bounces in turn are all those mails that have not reached the Inbox of the recipient. A newsletter is delivered this is half the battle only”. High deliverability rates guarantee a campaign long time no success.
Only the neo-expressionists figures give more precise information about the perception of the newsletter on the part of the recipient. High deliverability rates are high open rates, so you can be sure that your newsletter has aroused interest of subscribers. This Siejedoch should only once to understand the calculation of the opening rate. The Web site describes it as follows: a so-called is built into the email (HTML or text) for tracking pixel as picture. Is this available for download, then the server of the newsletter tool registers the opening.” Because many E-Mail clients however car mashing the block download of images, this information is often inaccurate.