A little less than a month, HSBC announced losses in its value by $3,200 during the first quarter of the year and uncertainty over the coming months is reflected in the following statement of its Chairman, Stephen Green: the Outlook for the rest of the year are unusually difficult to foresee in the current situation. For one thing, the fears surrounding financial institutions both in the United States.UU., as in Europe and Asia, the roles of them continue downhill. And with the values of financial institutions by the floor, multiply opportunities of doing good business. Although you must be careful to know identify those entities whose value is significantly below its real value, those who despite having fallen significantly its value, are worth even more than the quality of their assets justify. Meanwhile, mergers and acquisitions continue. Oil countries, with their pockets which rebalsan dollars, are to the expectation to see what new business opportunities presents the international financial system. Case, the sovereign fund created by the Government of Kuwait, the Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), is considering new investments in the US financial sector and has targeted to Citigroup and Merrill Lynch, which intends to increase its participation.
It is worth remembering that KIA also participated in the initial public offering of Visa Corp., investing US $800 million. To give an idea of the magnitude of the kuwaiti Fund, last March 31, it had assets US $213.000 million. In Europe, it seems that Deutsche Bank wants to go shopping. The entity expressed interest in acquiring German rivals. This is undoubtedly a new signal that banks in Germany are preparing to a stage of big mergers and acquisitions. The Chief Executive of Deutsche Bank, Josef Ackermann had said at the annual meeting of shareholders: if truly a consolidation of German banks, we are not left to the margin. For sale are the Deutsche Postbank and subsidiary of Citigroup. Other entities that, affected by the crisis, may follow this path are the WestLB and the IKB Bank and names continue. The panorama in the world financial system is a little more clear that a few months ago. But the storm clouds persist as shall be amended the financial map in the major economies of the world before this wave of mergers and acquisitions that is starting?