Marketing Success

Each company thrives on the sales success whether services or tangible products, such as capital goods and durable or complex products. Seekirch, May 17, 2010 – every business thrives on the sales success whether services or tangible ‘ products, such as capital goods and durable or complex products. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Federal Reserve Bank. The always increasing internationalization, if only within the European Union, with nearly 500 million inhabitants, or taking other countries and continents, the basis for the success of each individual company is today literally limitless ‘. The opportunities are so far mainly by large medium and large companies perceived in these opportunities available but also small businesses and small medium. So that better can be assessed, what actually are these possibilities, a good market research of the respective regions recommends first and foremost or countries on the basis of clearly defined criteria of the really promising customer potential. This means that first of all the ideal ‘ customer for a company is described as fully as possible in terms of the products produced by him, the size of his company, and if necessary. other businesses more important parameter. (Source: Nicholas Carr ). Then can be determined using a fairly simple formula, whether or not further steps and if yes, which are worth and lead to an increase in income.

The formula is simple: number of potential customers per region/country, multiplied by the average revenue per customer previously expected result =. Of course, it’s still a rough calculation, because it takes no account of the existing competitors, the life cycle of the appropriate product and the necessary sales activities. However, experience has shown that educated customer potential approximately 10 30% can be made indeed years within a period of approx. 2-3 customers. Prerequisite for this is of course, that the fingerprint ‘ been worked out of the company clean according to customized sales structures exist, initiate the necessary marketing activities, etc. Why is the above result to be reduced accordingly. The remaining number is to look at existing minimum earnings potential but as actually, because of the success achieved is of course dependent on the undertaken activities. It must be because the business decision to set what marketing steps are undertaken for the region, also achieve this goal.

It is essential in addition to the generally required actions, but for example, that a clear objective that can in turn be underpinned the market analysis with numbers, names, etc., is dictated for the respective distribution partner. More information under your success is my destination, top left of the Web page. Such a study should in addition from time to time by any company taken/repeatedly, because the potential are not static and get new marketing opportunities and – ways as well (see last but not least, the Internet) to. Michael Richter engaged for more than 35 years of strategic marketing planning and marketing of various capital goods and durable consumer goods on all 5 continents of the market research to implementation. The resulting knowledge and experience he adores its worldwide customers and making them into marketing and sales erfolgreich(er) – in particular SMEs.