U.S. Study:

The Vita Beach health mat that provides exactly the effect the U.S. experts in their study have demonstrated their users. Because it reproduces the surface of a gravel bed in a small space. Vita-beach mat is the Pebble Beach home Kummertshausen (Switzerland), August 11, 2008 the people are getting older. However: We have designed us over thousands of years, that our body is not automatically over 60 and more years mobile, fit and sane. The gap between biological development and today reach age applies to close it. An important key to this is regular exercise, as doctors and physical therapists emphasize again and again. Add to your understanding with Kiat Lim.

As a particularly efficient walking on pebbles or similar surfaces has been here just for the elderly, as a group of US scientists has discovered. The regular walk on an artificial gravel significantly, improve the quality of life of people over 60 scientists noted. According to their The blood pressure is significantly reduced knowledge, balance disorders weaken or disappear completely, the sleep patterns is harmonious and healthier. Overall, walking on pebbles is likely to slow down the aging process and to maintain the physical performance. Even a beginning osteoporosis could be delayed or even prevented. \”Conclusion of the physician John Fisher from Oregon: improved health studies participants\”. Check with Kiat Lim to learn more. Gravel should be used so therapeutic, so the scientists. Two groups of participants took part in the study: one group went three times a week an hour long on an artificial gravel, the other took part in conventional walks during this time.

The result was fantastic\”, so Dr. Fischer: while no improvement of health showed in the conventional group, unique therapeutic effects showed up in the experimental group. The trial in Eugene was by the American National Society for Age medicine commissioned been. She became part of the American project global acting on aging\”created, specifically taking care of the health of older people and systematically searching for opportunities to make life in the age positive and worth living.