In the accumulation process, the loaded particle wind, when diminishing its speed, deposits these materials, thus constituting aeolian deposits, under the form of dunes and loess. (MARINA and RIGOLIN, 2002). Glacial erosion the ice shapes the relief through glaciers gifts in regions of high latitudes and the mountain peaks high. In the regions continental of raised latitudes, with the increase of the temperature in the summer the ice blocks if break up and if they dirigem for the oceans forming itself icebergs. In the peaks of high mountains this ice can slide mountain below, forming glacial valleys.
According to MARINA, L; RIGOLIN, T. (2002, P. 63), the erosive force of the ice increases with the fragmentos of rocks that it carries and that it functions as one ' ' lixa' ' on the ground. The glacier goes accumulating and carrying brown or morainas called debris. Fluvial erosion the fluvial erosion is the name given to the erosive work of waters of the rivers that goes to depend on the nature of the rocks, of the declivity of the land and the speed and flow of waters. The rivers that present the valley in V, carry through an erosive work from waters of rains and for the landslide of rocks and ground.
Its stream bed is bordered by inclined sources. Cnions is resultant of the erosive action of waters on the s rocks that go excavating them and deepening the riverbed. In regions with ground of sandstone, calcareous rock or shale, cnions is more deep had the rocks if to dissolve with bigger easiness. Maritime erosion the waters of the sea can shape the relief through a constructive and destructive process. The high falsias or coasts, are examples of the work of destruction caused for the waves that when reaching the continent finish consumed the rocky walls in a chemical action and mechanics.