The New Accountant

Aprofisso of accountant is one of oldest of the world. First the registrosso dated of 8.000 B.C. At the beginning of century XX, in Brazil, estesprofissionais was known as ' ' it keeps-livros' ' restritasao had its activities register and accompaniment of balances; as well as the paper of fiscal deassuntos caretakers of the companies. The accountant profession was regulated em1946. Historically, countable sciences evolve to the measure that the economy and the atividadesempresariais if develop. Therefore, only with the social progress, cultural eeconmico that occurred in Brazil from the decade of 70, the foireconhecida occupation. Dequalquer forms, the reality still summarized documentosatualizados and escriturados mountains of of manual form.

Thinking about the current scene; where omundo is globalizado and connected; where technologies are more current gifts nastarefas of all we; the countable area continued being umadas that it received little investments in technology. Masessa situation moved with the creation of project SPED of the Prescription Federal in 2006. Ainformatizao of processes left the tasks less operational, making possible the professionals of this area to change its target of performance; starting to have a more advisory function. These changes had also become otrabalho more transparent, in the rightnesss and the errors. As much the fiscal books contbeise, as the notes in paper accepted any information and ficavamdevidamente stored in shelves.

Only in the case of a fiscalization, asinformaes imputed there really were conferred. As electronic system, the checagem of the data sent is carried through in real time. One notices incorrectly filled, for example, is repudiated by the SEFAZ antesda its emission, disabling the sales and transport of the merchandise. Issotrouxe a great dichotomy: at the same time where these professionals pass to also aanalisar the behavior of the capital and the sugerirmodelos for administrative resolutions, them knowledge are charged by the update deseus. Masno is easy if to keep brought up to date. In Brazil 85 exist tributes (taxes, contributions, taxes, special asessments). still, according to levantamentofeito for the Brazilian Institute of Planejamento Tributrio (IBPT), on average, 37normas taxes is edited per day in the Country. This equivalea 1,57 normapor hour. Eas new features is not restricted to the imediatismo of the fiscalization. Umlevantamento of the auditorship and consultoria Ernst & Young sample that conjuntode fiscal and countable documents and demanded declarations contribuintessomava of them, about 350 types of information. With the SPED, this number para1.300 went up. Ahead of these new challenges, many professionals can ficarreceosos. After all, they have fiscal responsibility and countable for informaesque they send to the Treasury department. But, as the accountants had historically made, they will elesconseguiro to adapt itself. For this, the accountants will need to search maneirasde to remain itself brought up to date on the constant changes in the legislaes.An option is to count on technological solutions that can diminish the processes to efacilitar its day-by-day. that comes the new! *Marco Antonio Zanini is president of the NFe of Brazil.