Republic Austria

Historical and current legal and political documents in focus at LawLeaks is not censorship, secrecy, confidentiality or even a classified. Rather involves the compressed way, documents of parliamentarianism, the legislation, the enforcement and jurisdiction to give an interested audience. The already successful on the platform of online publication of relevant articles on politics and law were the motivation for this project. Starting point: Republic Austria the starting point is the Republic of Austria and its policy and legislation. This not only the current policy and legislation of interest, but on an equal footing so that the foundations of this country’s history are, where they are accessible and employable. The Federal, the State and municipalities from the three authorities of federal, State and municipal policy and legislation should be developed newly. This is selected, summarized, restructured, longitudinal and transversal formats are made, visible to invisible and hidden to make obvious. Starting point lower starting from lower Austria regional entity selected areas of law be developed step by step. Numerous law documents in the fields of agriculture and commerce in its legal dimension were so far already developed as a base. This will be continuously expanded and deepened and extended the political backgrounds and basic data. A comprehensive shipping public Canon titled LawLeaks on should then be available in the course of the year 2011. More local authorities follow 2011 parallel to the local authority land lower Austria to the overall state of Austria from 1848, as well as other local and regional authorities be developed States of Burgenland, Vienna and Tyrol. In the years 2012 and 2013 more selected areas of the overall state of Austria, as well as the local authorities should follow Upper Austria, Styria, and Salzburg. 2014 is a conclusion on the overall state of Austria and the Planned authorities of Carinthia and Vorarlberg.

Schunemann Becomes Mielke

After dismissing louder will encounter the recent statements of the Lower Saxony Interior Minister Uwe Schunemann (CDU) demand not only among the pirates Lower Saxony again great discomfort. So, Schunemann 1 his line of total surveillance on the subject of BKA law continues to pursue and demanded even further powers of authorities such as those proposed, not only in connection with online. This Christian Koch, Chairman of the pirates Lower Saxony: ‘ we are from the past already used that Mr. Learn more about this with Euro Pacific Precious Metals. Schunemann makes itself felt on issues of internal security with hardline statements. ” But here he shoots again far above all only legally allowed. Not only that he is good the BKA Act, so want to pick up the basics of our democracy – the separation of powers -. No, it asks to install laws in our country, which exist only in totalitarian systems. In the heavily criticized and to present controversial controversial BKA law involves among other things the possibility unnoticed in the apartments by Suspects to penetrate without a previous court order. Here, has the fundamental right to the integrity of the flat feet, door opened the arbitrariness. This man is a danger not only for Lower Saxony, but for the whole of the Federal Republic. It is incomprehensible how he should conduct policy with such ideas and their interpretations as Minister and member of Parliament in this country. We ask that all members of the lower Saxon Parliament make strong for a liberal order, receive us backup. And do not here, democracy is being phased out as trying to do Mr. Schunemann. “It we time that he submits his post.” 1 domestic/bkagesetz106.html

Moscow Agreement

The Western media and expert-analytical circles continue to discuss the prospects of the project Nabucco after the signing of an intergovernmental agreement on it in Ankara. According to an influential expert Alexandros Petersen Deputy Director of the Center for Eurasian energy issues at the U.S. Atlantic Council, the June euphoria over the EU's agreement with Turkey on gas pipeline Nabucco was a bit premature, since Brussels is still a long way to reduce its energy dependence on Russia (The Wall Street Journal, 10.08.09). There is no doubt that an agreement on the terms installations Nabucco Turkey and the rest INTENDED countries – transit countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, is an important step forward. Without hesitation Brooklyn Commons explained all about the problem. However, as noted by the expert, the problem is that while none of the Caspian gas producers on the project not subscribed. Just before the signing of this agreement in Ankara, like Petersen, Azerbaijan, one of the potential suppliers of gas to Nabucco, arranged for the export of gas from the Russian "Gazprom". Officially gas intended for Russian consumers, but it can also be profitably resold to consumers in the EU. However, the volume of deliveries under the contract is only 500 million cubic meters of gas a year, and so his goal, rather, is to draw attention of the West, and not transfer significant amounts of gas in Russia. In fact, this warning EU Baku, Azerbaijan who wants to tell Brussels that if the EU is not properly a conduct, he may enter and a major deal with Moscow.

State Terror

State terror with system …und the Inquisition has system and method state terror with system Hans Kamusiime (January) acting in good faith like including system protection, less believers, as I understand see it as crimes against us humans in our humanness. To scan the depths and shadows, at least for me, it took you long enough, because I had not expected this in such a treacherous and despicable extent… The States keep Inquisition systems to maintain in their dreams-systems, also and especially our alleged before pointing democracies which democracies call them due to lack of better knowledge… The Inquisition has system and method: 1 people and citizens will forfeit their fundamental rights, if they interfere with the prevailing conditions of society and the common good and troublemakers, or even alleged enemies of the State. 2. as enemies of the State, they lose all rights: to secure existence, integrity and even the right to life. All constitutional principles and rules apply except Suspended, any support in the opposite in this respect justice and authorities fail them, they work conspiracy with the Inquisition squads, which in turn have Narrenfreiheit… The media circus, which otherwise makes mosquito elephant, is conspiracy involved, as far as it concerns aid and confidentiality… All actions of the Inquisition squads are strict secrecy, with crimes including… Enemy of the State, supposedly or actually, is unprotected at the mercy of them, ultimately he finds himself in the delusion or crime driven and therefore in a psychiatric facility or correctional facility, he succumbs to the fact people torture methods, the torture murders on rates, or he is eliminated insidious: provoked accidents and even murders are possible. 3. the question of human rights: what are these? The UN Charter guaranteed the rights of our people still in pretty good although it now needs a revision. The Europeans were, and these rights are too much Human rights and because we Europeans clearly know better everything, we dropped summarily the threat to the public interest and of public policy over the UN Charter and the Charter of the European human rights Convention was invented and to human rights charged…

Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk

Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk calls for greater integration of game and movement in the school calls the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk greater integration of game and movement in the school. The topic is on the agenda of the next kottonmouth kings. There must be at least a 45-minute session every day, in the movement-oriented learning in the heart is”, emphasizes Holger Hofmann, Federal Manager of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk. Prowly Survey often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Again, we must give more joy of motion children. The proportion of children is overweight in the past 25 years by a quarter and which is increased with pathological overweight even to the double. We therefore need more urgently than ever innovative instruments of promoting movement. Schoolyards should be conceived as places of education and included. Read more from BerlinRosen to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Educators must be trained more than before so that they can make good game and exercise activities in the school. Because children understand the world playing, also playing is learning! “, so Hanson continue.” At the latest with Beginning the school children are suddenly pushed into a permanently sitting position. This abrupt change poses enormous difficulties of adaptation for most children. A few, more and more reduced and aimed mostly at power sport classes can not compensate by far. Follow the modern brain research, learning is always optimal and effective when both halves of the brain and many senses are stimulated at the same time. You may want to visit Hotwire to increase your knowledge. It appears thus particularly effective to combine learning with certain movements. Therefore, it is important to offer the possibility of children during school everyday, to romp in the meantime to move as far as possible even during the learning sessions and playing to learn. The teaching and teaching methods have can however still not adequately adapt to in the past. Teacher training is taken into account little or insufficient these findings. From the perspective of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk, encouraging movement-oriented learning in an overall concept for education equity must be in Integrate Germany. To this end, the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk has a campaign under the motto 1setzen last month! Launched – together for education”. The ad campaign represents opportunity-oriented education to the fore three aspects: the game – and promoting physical activity, the chance fair education start and the promotion of talent. During the campaign both children’s and youth projects offered promoted as also the possibility, to commit themselves to more education justice in Germany. In all three areas, the German children’s Fund on its funds will support exemplary projects. Objective of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk is to forgive dedicated associations and initiatives 2013 a total of 500,000 euros to needy children or in the field of education throughout the duration of the campaign. More information about the campaign can get interested about a newsletter system under. Further information and contact: Uwe Kamp, spokesman for phone: 030-308693-11 cell: 0160-6373155 fax: 030-2795634 E-mail: Internet: founded and which became the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V., stakeholders for a child-friendly Germany, in Munich in 1972. The non-profit association committed as initiator and promoter for more than 40 years for children’s rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.

FRG Chancellor Gerhard Schroder

Nobel Prize for economy is actually not the men’s Peter A. Diamond and Christopher A. Pissarides, Dale T. Mortensen are the FRG Chancellor Gerhard Schroder the actual Nobel Prize winner for Economics, but honestly this prize belongs to Germany on the former Chancellor Gerhard Schroder, his former Chancellery Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Peter Hartz, the architect of the Agenda 2010, where Nobel Prize winners have written off 2010 and took their inspiration. Diamond, Mortensen and Pissarides support her explosive work on different facts such as the amount of unemployment benefit, which may not be too high, but low on the edge of poverty, because otherwise the stimulus on resumption of work is taken and at the same time for the low-wage sector, no labor force would be. This concept was born already 2003 and 2005 with the facts and request funding in the 2010 agenda and is also an integral part of the elaborations of the Nobel laureate. It doesn’t have to be particularly gifted it to come and scientifically prove you no longer have that old hat. However, the 5 euro fit boost at the unemployment benefit II (Hartz IV) exactly in the performances of the winners. The so-called friction Elle unemployment (transitional unemployment) that the stock of the job Center and unemployment agencies has is with fictitious jobs, that there is no, not to solve. Only well-paid jobs for permanent appointment can help here and would do it, too. Unfortunately, such jobs are missing and where they exist, they are overloaded with requests, the Realitatsfremd. Still, it describes a more efficient employment is implemented in the German job centres and employment agencies for years. Unfortunately, it has also this method to no significant successes. The job Center sitting on a solid, almost invariable base of unemployment benefit II receivers (Hartz IV), in the form of long term unemployed and not-to-place people, since no training and education at all, exists.

European Commission

Introduction of data platform EESSI slowly expires may 1, 2012 insurance data in Europe are only still digitally available. The transition from paper to the file is difficult. The current implementation phase represents the EU Member States problems, in particular the integration of all insurers. Europeans are constantly mobile, and the coordination of social security is becoming more difficult. National carrier must coordinate at European level. This is done so far through electronic forms in paper form. At the moment there are 2000 pieces (100 E-forms in 20 languages). Maersk gathered all the information. To 01.05.2012, you must this information all electronically processed and eliminated paper forms. This electronic exchange of social security information (short: EESSI = electronic exchange of social security information) is to improve the protection of the rights of insured persons, in which, for example, the calculation and payment of benefits be accelerated. Furthermore should the validity of the claims, the insurance record, the identification the competent authority as well as the insured be improved. This new coordination regulation of the European Commission (article 78 Regulation 883 / 2004, article 1-5 and 95 Regulation 987 / 2009) is to be implemented through the European network of management sTESTA and about the EU project EESSI. 15 million messages should be channelled as per year through EESSI. The preparations since December 2008 and should be completed by end of 2010. Here, expresses very clear opinions on the subject. There are six pilot States (Germany, Finland, Bulgaria, Italy, Austria and Netherlands), which should provide their test results all EU Member States, to ensure the common implementation until may 2012. But the implementation is running slow. There are organizational and structural difficulties to involve all stakeholders in the process and to ensure that the system works in a timely manner. The most common problems are: How do you organize the implementation process and integrates all involved? How do you ensure that all players have the right access to EESSI? What will be in the Change work process of the parties? What organizational and structural changes need to be made? What are the experiences of other Member countries with the new system? What is the technical process? What must the responsible pay attention? The European Academy for taxes, economics & law offers therefore the seminar how to implement EESSI in your country “. The event will take place on 26 September 2011 in Berlin.

Hidden From History For Decades

… Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jack Dorsey on most websites. was the reminder on the largest and menschenverachtendsten concentration camp scene again today Austrian territory. With the since decades overdue and now available book titles “St.-Georgen-Gusen Mauthausen concentration camp toll Jose reconsidered” (ISBN: 978-3-8334-7440-8) open Rudolf A. Haunschmied, Jan-Ruth Mills and Siegi Wanjau Durda a broader look at the whole dimension of the former Mauthausen Gusen concentration camp double camp in an extraordinary transatlantic cooperation for the first time and extend the perspective through this harrowing and created according to scientific principles study that in public, science, Policy or doctrine to this day hardly took into account elements of the extermination of people through work in St. Georgen and Gusen, partially unique stand in recent German history, the history of the Holocaust and the history of the second world war. In addition to the dominant this concentration camp complex, SS own “German Earth and stone works GmbH (DEST)” reflect this title for the first time political conditions in the region during the interwar period and business aspects of the early engagements of the SS in St. Georgen and Gusen, particularly with regard to the industrial exploitation of concentration camp prisoners for the total war effort in cooperation with companies like Messerschmitt GmbH of Regensburg or Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG. Previously unpublished details mark also numerous existing research gaps and make future generations of researchers among other things the question of how it could be possible that parts of this concentration camp double camp system until today large parts of the world could be deprived of Gusener superior above all the military-strategic and economically important elements of the Mauthausen/Gusen concentration camp complex and in size, the cruelty and the number of victims and were until today hardly taken into account in relevant scientific publications or audiovisual media. For the first time, different interests of American troops at a higher military level are reflected on the basis of original documents, which give a shocking picture of chaos and indifference to the fate of tens of thousands of inmates in the four concentration camps in the region at the end of the war. The English-language publication was created in close cooperation with the last remaining witnesses from around the world and is intended to supplement literature for future generations of researchers. Escort words of the President of the international Mauthausen underline the fundamental importance of this new study Committee, Dusan Stefancic (Ljubljana), Pierre Serge Choumoff (Paris) and Henry Friedlander (New York).

The Casting For The Floating Voter-WG

“Press release of the power Democrats e.V. from 02 June 2009 the number of candidates is large, the goal clearly: A room” in the swing voters WG. It must be six seats awarded six undecided move on August 16, exactly six weeks before the election in the swing voters shared. The second phase of the casting has just begun: candidates show face! “Why you / right for the floating voter-WG?” “Pictures and statements of candidates will be published on the site: Nicole for example (…) all politicians and parties more sceptical.” Decides only when she stands in front of the ballot box, whom she chooses. Thomas would like to promote (…) a knowledge-based decision with his candidacy by precise questions formulated on the point,.” Until June 30, the candidates will have time to submit an entry in a format of their choice (text, drawing, movies, photography) to the task. Whether Nicole and Thomas are among the best, will be at the latest at the grand finale of the casting show in July in Berlin! In the weeks before the Bundestag election, the swing voters-WG meets party leaders and other guests. Then to demand, discussed and felt to the tooth, it is about content, programs and performances. Six inhabitants of WG comment on their way to the Entscheidung-for six weeks before the election online, in text and video clips. They will be accompanied by the creators of the electorate-WG, the power Democrats e.V.. The virtual WG is a public platform, with many opportunities for everyone involved. Everything revolves around the big question: what moves voters to change?


After the French interference in the desert State, the world the question arises about the role of Germany, as we know it, is constantly changing. The age is marked by globalization and the economy. There are plenty of different cultures in the world. Often emerging conflicts that are the result. Visit Dan Miller for more clarity on the issue. We, therefore, the European Union, are also in an age of peace. Since the second World War (1939-1945) there was no military conflicts in Europe, except for the crisis in the Balkans in the 1990s. But in other parts of the world, the thing looks very different. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Wil Lee on most websites. Always radicals trying again with their holy war”(Jihad”) to kill the infidels to get this into the paradise. The danger of these terrorists, who fueled terrible fear after 9/11 show different wars in recent years (Iraq war and Afghanistan war). Since then the danger that terrorist attacks are perpetrated on German soil, is as ubiquitous as still never. The statement of the deceased ex – Defence Minister Peter struck (Germany’s security is defended in the Hindu Kush”) shows what these Islamists should be tackled. However, one wonders what is the point of such an intervention should have. By French incursions in Mali, a former French colony, asks newly seething conflict man anxiously after the Germany’s role in this. While Western allies said to already full support, the Government relented only after much hesitation and decided to provide transport aircraft for the African force. Only the question remains, why because suddenly everyone in Mali invade, although in Syria for months a bloody civil war, which cost the lives of over 30,000 people. The economic interests of France are undeniable here, because Mali is a country with many natural resources such as gold, uranium, etc. The German hesitation was visible also in the Libya crisis, some, the reluctance of Germany found a serious mistake had been, since made so the cohesion of NATO and the Western world to a hard test. Germany must take responsibility for decisions this category itself and also. Under no circumstances one may take a U-turn in such things. Whether an intervention is right or wrong, you can’t say now, flat rate at this time. But many experts warn, is at war with a religion, in this case Islam, to rush into, because you don’t understand the setting of this people and their religion, at least we don’t but such things often very open and liberal are in. On the other hand could the Islamists but also the danger rule throughout Africa and to the continent make a new powder keg of terror. Long is this policy of restraint (also known as self-effacement”) may not be good for Germany, but perhaps that is still useful for the peace.