
The G20 Summit, which was held in 2008 to consolidate the new international financial order, established that the current crisis was due to technological innovations in the financial markets, securitization and credit derivatives, through which assets with risk is were broadcast from investment (not regulated entities) towards commercial banks (regulated entities) banks and entities from countries with stricter regulation to countries with weaker regulations)hedge funds). Recently Lord Peter Hennessy sought to clarify these questions. The strong global economic slowdown has led, since the summer of 2007, end of the housing bubble, strong labour adjustments and reallocations of rents, both within countries and among Nations. Follow others, such as Elsabet Jones, and add to your knowledge base. As it is well known, the housing is a very important part of the heritage of the families and their financing is one of the important activities of the financial system. Such funding was carried out by highly opaque financial instruments that have resulted in a drop of the wealth of the families, a limitation of the volume of credit to customers (increase of banking to deal with the bad debt provisions) and to a freeze in the interbank market. All of these effects and adjustments have been transmitted to the rest of the economy. If companies expect to sell less in the future, they will abandon their investment plans and reduce employment. If families anticipate that employment reduction, will reduce your expenses by inducing companies to further reduce production and employment, reaching a continuous contraction; This descending circle is called depression. Harmful effects are reinforced so themselves and intertwine, affecting two interrelated sectors: 1-financial: to not be able to obtain liquidity in the interbank market are forced to sell assets, with the consequent decrease of prices of these and, therefore, reducing the equity value of the investment funds; participants in these funds go to the reimbursement of their shareholdings, exacerbating more if possible, the problem of liquidity of the banks. 2. The weakness of the banks balance sheets, for the possession of these doubtful assets, forces them to limit the volume of credit granted to its customers, individuals and companies, putting them in difficulties and increasing the risk of entering receivership.

Learning English

In the globalized world in which we live, the management of the English language is of paramount importance since it allows access to information sectors, labour markets, or relationships and social exchanges. In Spain are becoming very popular language courses for executives, where stakeholders have access to a vast programme of English, at the same time making inca foot on topics related to business and the stock market. There are many companies, in this case, that finance all the courses to their executives, since the human resources of a company, the management of the English language is very important. Those who acquire increasing popularity are also language courses and language immersion courses. In the case of the first, they are courses that may be English or French, aimed at all kinds of students, of various ages and interests. In language courses you can learn the language or perfecting it since the course is tailored to the needs of each student, this type of course also can be made to distance or intensive according to what each student requires. In terms of language immersion courses, what is to teach the language but an intensively completely, since the purpose of these courses is that the student is bilingual, i.e., that is capable of handling both languages with total fluidity. Another possibility are the courses abroad, student houses in the country where you want to take the course, and the language of that country is the same as the language that you want to learn. The advantages are many, among them learning fast and the possibility of knowing other cultures and its inhabitants.