German Executives
The ethics Association of German industry and trade association executives DFK closer cooperation agreed food, 9 August 2013 – the ethics Association of German industry and trade association executives DFK have agreed, even more to the importance of ethics in business practice to accentuate a more intensive cooperation. Both organisations are convinced that a long-term and sustainable business success only on the basis of ethical principles can be achieved. A competitive environment become more difficult not least by the globalization and short-term decision constraints cause disorientation in regard to the contribution of ethics and morality in entrepreneurship. Here, the associations want to help on the basis of concrete situations, which are oriented towards the business reality, ethical rules of correct dealing together still conscious to make. We want to offer a platform in particular executives, by the responsible critically reflected and is accompanied. We want to announce in the future more and more in the public debate on ethics and morals at the interface to economic profit to word”, explained Dr. Irina Kummert, Chair of the Ethics Council, the cooperation of associations. Bernhard von Rothkirch, Chairman of the DFK is also clear: ethics and entrepreneurial success interdependent and must be lived in the corporate practice and implemented. In particular, the executives are responsible for. It is therefore for us as managers Association on the hand, to work closely with the Association of ethics.” THE executives of the DFK is the cross-industry voice of executives in Germany. The Association represents nationwide about 25,000 managers of middle and upper management at political and economic level in its network. Core topics are in labour law and labour market policy, social law and social policy, tax and education policy as well as Environmental issues. In addition, the Association industry topics occupied among others in the fields of energy, metal/electric, steel, telecommunications, finance and insurance. Members receive comprehensive support on their career path, E.g. in the form of legal advice and representation, many further education opportunities and current information from the working life. In addition, the DFK on its regional and specialist groups offers a well maintained and wide network of contacts. The Association is divided into 21 regional groups and has its headquarters in Essen. Other offices are in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. The professional association with a city representative office is represented in Berlin.