German Polish Canoeing Tour 2010

Young people without borders learn the other culture on a paddle tour a variety of youth who spends region know their leisure in the Youth Cultural Centre Alte Brauerei”on Henry Street in Angermunde in sponsorship of the Angermunde educational work. From 09th to August 13, 2010, some of them were on the road together with Polish young people on an experience paddling trip on the Mecklenburg Lake District. “The motto of tour of young people with no boundaries integration of German and Poland” program was. The total 20 girls and boys aged between 14 and 16 years old and their caretakers were grown together despite language barriers after a very short time to a great working team. Paddled was from early morning until the afternoon with enthusiasm. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Ahmed Shary Rahman by clicking through. All for the exploration and observation of the fauna and flora took advantage of the breaks. The young people were made familiar with map, compass, and GPS, and they learned what all the nature has to offer. It was much discussed, laughed, sang, danced, and conjured into being even a little bit. The big and small problems of young people on both sides of the oder are almost the same, all noted. Sleeping in tents was a whole new experience for one or the other well. Two Polish and two German workers accompanied the young people on the tour. It was particularly impressive, how quickly the boys and girls of both countries went to each other, is understood and for each other in the team there were. reported Holger Krause, supervisor of the youth group of the ABW e. V. “again and again we’ve been approached on the campsites on our friendly and cheerful troupe.” On the last day, the cohesion of the force called once again on the natural ropes course at the canoe station Mirow. The maintainers agree the tour was a great success and brought many new and fun for all involved.”. At the closing ceremony at the old brewery”, it was decided that this project should be reviewed in the next year. We have to get even more young people in the boats.”so Holger Krause. This project was by the European Union from the European Fund for regional development – INTERREG IV programme supports A (Fund for small projects of the Euroregion Pomerania). “Contact for questions: Holger Krause Youth Cultural Centre Alte Brauerei” (Tel.: 03331 / 32534)


Voluntary exchange offers open project documentation Hamburg, February 1, 2009 in a 12-page paper, the voluntary exchange presents an open documentation about the eponymous project Hamburg. It describes the difficulties, achievements and synergies in cooperation of ALG II recipients, free economy, senior citizens and students about the mandatory activity in the carrier-based project, with volunteers from the as well as other projects of the region together. The paper shows the potential for resident institutions, companies and Government agencies to the holistic benefits of the metropolitan area. It provides a basis for assessing the effectiveness of voluntary exchanges and their benefits for concerned citizens and public authorities in metropolitan areas. The documentation is provided free of charge interested and can see the E-Mail, keyword documentation volunteering I-2003-2008 “will be requested. Title: volunteer work as an opportunity for the Development of synergy between different social groups to the advantage of a metropolitan region represented on the implementation of the voluntary exchange of Hamburg.” In the free publication, the voluntary exchange provides an important contribution to the national knowledge exchange. Because the project with government support, the experience and knowledge of the company should be made publicly available. Contact and more information: and religion-independent to the benefit of the metropolitan region of Hamburg time, money and in-kind donations between citizens and organisations. In the database, which is maintained and managed by the volunteer exchange in 1673 tasks in 1120 projects by 596 organizations transparently mapped. For more information about the project see or. Project Manager Bernd p.

Human Rights

“In the framework of the campaign for human rights have been a total of 900 million people in 2008 ‘ Universal Declaration of human rights presented to get support and respect for this human rights adopted in 1948 by the United Nations, the Church of Scientology International is sponsoring” a world’s ongoing human rights information campaign. You posed by these words by L. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dan Miller. Ron Hubbard: the United Nations found the answer. The lack of human rights stained the hands of Governments and threatened their dominance. To broaden your perception, visit Jack Dorsey. Very few Governments have introduced any part of the Universal Declaration of human rights of the United Nations. (u0085) It is vital that all thinking men urge their Governments on fundamental reforms in the field of human rights.” To spread these 30 human rights increasingly around the world, 30 Professional TV spots were filmed rotated through each of the human rights. Folders in the new outfit were brought out, providing information about all 30 human rights. You will be distributed regularly in cities around the world and shown to inform people about their rights. Collecting signatures for petitions perform to an unimaginable extent. Volunteers collect signatures in parks, in schools, on the street, at flea markets and wherever people come together. If one counts all petitions together, are now 180,000 signatures of persons who are calling on their Government to make the Universal Declaration of human rights in schools mandatory. Leaders in terms of human rights and Government officials came to human rights concerts in Moscow, Brussels, Rome and Milan, to support the Universal Declaration of human rights. Now, that of the Church of Scientology International”sponsored human rights TV spots appear in many places in the world: in Argentina trains, at the airport in Cape Town, in shopping centers of St. Petersburg and on stations in Zurich, Bern and Lausanne. You have been on dozens of national Broadcast TV channels such as on CNN, sky international, arts & entertainment, BBC America, DSF, Discovery Channel, history channel and MTV. Overall, these TV spots aired by 3,500 TV channels in 45 countries. Overall, the campaigns sponsored by Scientology in 84 countries led to human rights education campaigns. On human rights world tours helper total 280,000 km and traveled to 57 cities in 45 countries. 570 organizations and authorities have worked with one of the sponsored human rights programs. Part of this increased campaign for a renaissance of the Universal Declaration of human rights”, 900 million people were presented in 2008 as a whole the Universal Declaration of human rights.

The Birth Of A Fan Club

It’s done! VfB Stuttgart to found an own Fanclub Fanclub Upper Swabia power white-red in the idea arose on the edge of the Europa League game of the VfB Stuttgart against the Getafe CF. If you are not convinced, visit Gen. David L. Goldfein. Before entering the stadium, it was clear: we make and pack that enthusiastic friends and VfB fans were quickly found. They made contact with the of the VfB fan representative and homework were distributed. It finally happened on the 02.12.10. The founding meeting at the la terrazza in bad Saulgau VfB called Fanclub “Upper Swabia power white red” in life. The formal such as the decision of the Statute, the distribution of the offices was done. The violence waiver, which professes the fan club and each Member, no violence in the and to carry out the stadium, was unanimously approved. Planned Stadium visits and other activities for the year 2011. Of course, the fan club will get its official status at VfB Stuttgart, also here preparations in full swing. “Now only right!”, the first Board of Directors Martin Schneider said. “In spite of the sporting misery, Change of trainer and the current state of the table it’s time to show the flag.” Further information and news are available on the website of the Fanclub:

German Executives

The ethics Association of German industry and trade association executives DFK closer cooperation agreed food, 9 August 2013 – the ethics Association of German industry and trade association executives DFK have agreed, even more to the importance of ethics in business practice to accentuate a more intensive cooperation. Both organisations are convinced that a long-term and sustainable business success only on the basis of ethical principles can be achieved. A competitive environment become more difficult not least by the globalization and short-term decision constraints cause disorientation in regard to the contribution of ethics and morality in entrepreneurship. Here, the associations want to help on the basis of concrete situations, which are oriented towards the business reality, ethical rules of correct dealing together still conscious to make. We want to offer a platform in particular executives, by the responsible critically reflected and is accompanied. We want to announce in the future more and more in the public debate on ethics and morals at the interface to economic profit to word”, explained Dr. Irina Kummert, Chair of the Ethics Council, the cooperation of associations. Bernhard von Rothkirch, Chairman of the DFK is also clear: ethics and entrepreneurial success interdependent and must be lived in the corporate practice and implemented. In particular, the executives are responsible for. It is therefore for us as managers Association on the hand, to work closely with the Association of ethics.” THE executives of the DFK is the cross-industry voice of executives in Germany. The Association represents nationwide about 25,000 managers of middle and upper management at political and economic level in its network. Core topics are in labour law and labour market policy, social law and social policy, tax and education policy as well as Environmental issues. In addition, the Association industry topics occupied among others in the fields of energy, metal/electric, steel, telecommunications, finance and insurance. Members receive comprehensive support on their career path, E.g. in the form of legal advice and representation, many further education opportunities and current information from the working life. In addition, the DFK on its regional and specialist groups offers a well maintained and wide network of contacts. The Association is divided into 21 regional groups and has its headquarters in Essen. Other offices are in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart. The professional association with a city representative office is represented in Berlin.