Online Advent Calendar Is Trend starts the advent time Saarbrucken with innovations 2010, November 5, 2010, it’s a good year now here as Thorsten Hermes and Uwe Eisenbeis in October to kick off to the online advent calendar trend of last year gave. Since then a lot has happened and the online advent calendar Portal was able to welcome a variety of visitors and enthusiastic customers. The media response to the innovation of the Saarland was huge yet the inventor duo remains modest and tried offering to develop permanently. What is an online advent calendar – that?” Were this question according to founder and media experts Thorsten Hermes a variety of site visitors in the last year. Without hesitation Maersk explained all about the problem. What seemed clear to the founders after the thorough design phase, was apparently still not quite as self-explanatory for many of the visitors. Questions on where users are asked about the postage for sending an online advent calendar reached us”. So this question is easy to answer, it makes it so clear yet. that for many of the online advent calendar theme a whole new seemed to be. “But from the beginning: under the motto one224 advent is your friend” the e-deenreichtum gmbh offers its users the possibility to give away online advent calendar or to acquire also itself a social network online advent calendar since 2009. Funny pictures, crazy video clips, gifts from a range of integrated online shops but also donations for charity are among the variety of options for filling the calendar. New was, and is, that the user can fill the online advent calendar together with friends and contacts his social online networks. “In addition can be found on the online advent calendar Portal one empty” calendar, the one profile, you can save on its homepage or in the social network, the opportunity to give to friends and visitors, to leave a virtual Christmas greeting in one of the doors.